This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
I disabled your teleportation ability which caused me to somehow get teleported back to the hill. I throw a sword at you which explodes! The explosion sent you flying 1,000 miles from the hill!
But this time I was prepared and wore weighted clothing so I didn't go very far. I also installed a spring-propelled panel that would toss you skyward when you hit me.
My Hill while I watch you flying from a different perspective
But I was prepared. I wore heavyweight clothing so I didn't go very far. Also, I installed the propelling system to toss the mug to you. You died again due to your injuries from the mug.
After being revived by your friendly neighborhood necromancer, I flip the rug out from under where you were standing thereby knocking you out when you hit the ground.
My Hill
However, it wasn't me you flipped, but my life-like body pillow duplicate! I then play really loud music which disturbs your bladder and makes you wet yourself.