This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
You, clearly not sound of mind, promised me the hill forever if I let you have it until the end of three posts. That was your "bribe".
Seeing as you haven't given it back yet, i use this as a claim that I am legitimate owner of the hill, and I fight you for it, in the end killing both you and the bear and any other pretenders claiming the hill is theirs.
I then reestablish myself on the hill, fortress and all, cut off any access to the outside world (I have a farm and a well in here, so...), and plant my flag here oncemore.
I spread the word to everyone in the world that The Hill is my hill. (which they believe because I also changed its Wikipedia article.)
Ramit, you're in jail for "stealing" and "falsifying" ownership of "My Hill".
A voice echoes throughout the land
"If I am denied of what should be mine, then I shall show you the true power which is worthy to possess such a grand hill"
I arise from the ground where my blood was once spilled- bones that were broken showed no signs of fracture, skin which should've shown signs of being ravaged by claws slowly regenerated until it was no longer determinable that I was recently mauled, and the blood that once painted the sides of the hill were no longer seen.
I take control of Ramit12 and the army of zombies with him using a form of Necromancy and proceeded to take over ACIS' hill while editing all the info of The Hill in all internet websites to show that I am the one and future owner of My Hill