This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
I have returned oncemore, leading yet another army and pissed off by your attempts to defeat me.
I show the documents proving that the hill was once rightfully mine and then prepare my assault.
I split my army into two flanks, one attacking Nietz's undead army (and it wins a decisive victory, what with weapons that can shoot plasma), and another to besiege Ryan's hill. With a lack of food, you starve to death and the shield goes down.
I then build fortresses on both hills, surrounded by a great wall manned by even more soldiers. THe hills are self-sufficient, with farming complexes built on the fertile valleys between them.
Coming back from the dead once more, I siphon all the remaining strength of my unalive army and of your men on the wall. Using my mastery of Necromancy I start to create an aura of death and aging so strong, even the walls and metal start corroding.
I convert the men I killed and strengthened the army with my dark arts. I start my attack and successfully owned MY UNDEAD HILLS
I think you guys might be overdoing it a little bit. Just calm down for a minute and breathe. We don't want The Hill to be destroyed again after all.
With that said, I magically remove the molecular bonds of everyone and everything within a 200 mile radius and then put The Hill back together again. I also turn Nietz into a goldfish, dan into a wrench, and ryan into a pearl necklace. My Hill
The effect of my transformation wears off, and I brush myself off and reassemble the molecules of one of the plasma guns my soldiers held. I then use it's internal heat to melt some lead into a plasma and then gun down Nietz.
A rip in time appears and I come 20 years older to tell you guys that aliens will be attacking us during the 20-year time gap and we'll lose, primarily due to danwar weakening me so much that it took me more than a decade to fully regenerate. I kindly asked all of you to stand down as I and a lot more futuristic people make an eco-friendly base at My Hill
I wake you two up from your dream where you convinced me to give you the hill. It turns out I knocked you out with the butt of my gun, but you didn't notice as your brain kept on going.
Nietz, You wake up to a futuristic gun barrel to your face.
"Heh, do you REALLY think I would fall for your bluff so easily? I would NEVER give up the hill because of some made-up story."
These are the last words you ever hear.
Ryan meets a similar fate.
With that over with, I use a powerful machine to reassemble the molecules of my army, and then I combine your powers with the machine to restore life to the soldiers - not as undead, but good as new. As the soldiers recover from the confusion of being alive again, I order them to rebuild the hill-fort.