Teams: In this competition we will start with 2 teams of 8. Everyone will write about a subject. I will then judge each entry. When your team loses you vote off 2 people from your team. Scoring: I judge on a scale from 1 to 10. After all scores are added up, the team with the lower score will lose. I will show all individual scores. The Literature Games: Once 8 people are left in the competition, you fight 1v1v1v1, in a huge arena. I will give you a basic description of the arena, and then you write about killing all the competitors in the arena. You get to choose 1 weapon to start with. This is called the Literature Games (Yes like the hunger games.) One person will survive, then you fight the winner of the other Games. The Finale: You fight 1v1 with special powers and again one weapon of choice. Both entries are mutated so that it takes very much to kill. You will have to write about that. You also have to write about training, which is 3 days long. Again you will fight in an arena, which will be given to you.
Note:[b] You will be given this information again when the round comes
[b]Note: The whole thing is writing. No pictures, and by fighting to the death I mean writing about fighting to the death. By training I mean writing about training, etc. I know pretty obvious, so don't ask about it.
Note: Each round can only be so long. I will wait for you to finish, but if you take too long you will automatically be eliminated. If you know you will take long, please notify me.
[i]Note: You will be given updates all throughout the competition by me, so please do not close your messenger.
I shall make my proposal more directly: Would it be okay for my character to use materials from his (crashed) starship? Because I want him to crash in a space ship, and it wouldn't make sense for him to abandon the wreckage. If not, I have a plan B.
Jdogg's plot was pretty open-ended...he never said how you got there. Presumably it is up to you to explain in your story how you got there.
My concern was that my character should attempt to make use of supplies and materials from his ship, even if it is merely scrap metal. This could be considered a violation of the "you have no supplies" ruling.
I chose to ask. I should have just done it anyway, of course...
1. Can I borrow some ideas from other authors (not AG authors, real authors) 2. Can the island be metaphorical? The only things really needed is to be cut off from civilization, to be alone, and that I'm doomed to die in an week more or less.
My concern was that my character should attempt to make use of supplies and materials from his ship, even if it is merely scrap metal. This could be considered a violation of the "you have no supplies" ruling.
if your character is falling from space wouldn't he die?
1500 words is too short as an upper limit. It's hugely limiting - 2,000 would be more reasonable, or maybe 3,000. 1,500 is very little space to detail an escape from an island.
I agree with Alt. It's not like any entry completed before the rule change would be affected. If the rules had been changed in a way that was more constricting (instead of less constricting, as the case is here), well, that would be different.
Though I can see why Jdogg wouldn't want to increase the limit further, seeing as there (should be) around 16 entries. Of course, I'm guessing as many as four won't enter anything, but still. Maybe in later rounds when there are less people the limit can be raised again?