ForumsArt, Music, and WritingLiterature Fight!

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Yay for literature!

Teams: In this competition we will start with 2 teams of 8. Everyone will write about a subject. I will then judge each entry. When your team loses you vote off 2 people from your team.
Scoring: I judge on a scale from 1 to 10. After all scores are added up, the team with the lower score will lose. I will show all individual scores.
The Literature Games: Once 8 people are left in the competition, you fight 1v1v1v1, in a huge arena. I will give you a basic description of the arena, and then you write about killing all the competitors in the arena. You get to choose 1 weapon to start with. This is called the Literature Games (Yes like the hunger games.) One person will survive, then you fight the winner of the other Games.
The Finale: You fight 1v1 with special powers and again one weapon of choice. Both entries are mutated so that it takes very much to kill. You will have to write about that. You also have to write about training, which is 3 days long. Again you will fight in an arena, which will be given to you.

Note:[b] You will be given this information again when the round comes

The whole thing is writing. No pictures, and by fighting to the death I mean writing about fighting to the death. By training I mean writing about training, etc.
I know pretty obvious, so don't ask about it.

Note: Each round can only be so long. I will wait for you to finish, but if you take too long you will automatically be eliminated. If you know you will take long, please notify me.

[i]Note: You will be given updates all throughout the competition by me, so please do not close your messenger.

Remember just 16 participants, 8 on each team.

  • 402 Replies
9,821 posts

I don't like it when the rules are bent to accommodate someone's mistake even if I'm the one screwing up.

It's not because you went over the limit, it's because most of the people in the competition who've posted since it started think 1500 is too low. I think you should stand by your original submission.
909 posts

Oh, great I was too busy writing to read every one else posts. The shorter version reads faster but seems too rushed. I like the original one with more detail.

5,860 posts

Ok, I will use that.

20,591 posts

I suggest next time a minimum of 1000 words and no maximum, why do we need a maximum?

20,591 posts

Well, so far there's an entry on page 13 and 15. Just going to take a note of that.

3,035 posts

So that the people who like to write all day don't win all the time..,Or just so they don't take up too much space. I like a maximum, it tells me a lot about how I should be writing.

20,591 posts

So that the people who like to write all day don't win all the time..,Or just so they don't take up too much space. I like a maximum, it tells me a lot about how I should be writing.

And yet it also holds back the creativity of those who want to express themselves using many words.
How about a limit of 5000?
3,035 posts

5000 seems a good limit...long enough for some creativity, but short enough so it's not taking up too much space.

3,137 posts


a good limit. i don't think i have ever written anything over 2,000 tho. I don't write for fun on a regular basis
20,591 posts

Just because the maximum is high doesn't mean you need that much for a decent story.

2,180 posts


I woke to the sting of salt water in my mouth. I opened my eyes and found myself lying not in my warm bed but under the covers of lapping waves that foamed coldly around me. Perhaps I could have slept longer in such a place, but I was sprawled out on my belly, face down. Slowly I pulled myself up. Where was I?

On all fours now, I crawled slowly up a sandy beach of fine yellow sand. Ahead was a deep jungle, thick with the growth of plants. This was no ordinary jungle, though, for not a sound was to be heard. Even the waves were totally silent. I could see them plunge violently against the rocks of this mysterious island, but they made no sound.

As soon as I made this realization my curiosity was piqued. I stood up, looking here and there for a sign of where I was, or who was here. This island I was standing on was a gigantic rock in the middle of the sea. Though the sky was clear, I could see no other islands in the distance.

What was the name of this sea? As soon as I had this thought, my toe bumped into a little shell that had just washed ashore. "The Sea of the World," I read aloud. As soon as I had read it, all of a sudden the sand beneath my feet started to was threatening to slide me right into the ocean! I ran quicker than I knew I ever could, running up and down what felt like a sea of dunes as the sand below poured into the Sea of the World behind me noiselessly. I ran until I finally reached the solid rock just adjoining the jungle that grew straight out of the island.

Turning around and panting, I watched as the last grains of sand fell into the ocean. Where there was once a vast array of dunes before me, there was now only the bedrock that had supported such a volume of sand. With the rate of erosion that was going on from the sea, I didn't expect this island would stand for much longer.

The jungle was behind me, and a path meandered through it. There was a wooden sign next to it, but it was extremely worn, and creepers had enveloped it. Brushing aside some of the plant life, I made out only two words: "The Mind."

I was intrigued now, and walked down the path into the jungle. Where it was once silent before, the jungle boomed with sound. As I walked on the path music that I had heard before seemed to emanate from the foliage. The strains of Beethoven's Pathetique emerged from the trunk of a large tree. Rhapsody in Blue blared from several thick vines. I could faintly hear Every Breath You Take from a patch of bamboos. A host of other songs seemed to mingle together in that jungle.

As I walked, I noticed that the music started to fade, and now I heard voices. Some voices read lines from books I had read. Others were those that I recognized: the voices of teachers, friends, foes, family. Only one person's voice was missing in that forest, and it was the voice I longed to hear the most.

The path stopped at a little spring guarded by a large boulder. Instantly I remembered the taste of seawater in my mouth, and cupping my hands I drank thirstily from that cool, sweet spring. When I was quenched I felt my mind soar. It was not so much an emotion, but there was a sense of awe and knowledge and power at having drunk from the spring of reason that sustained this vast forest.

Though the path did not continue on, I was invigorated enough to venture into the unknown forest ahead. Brushing aside the dense growth, I noticed as I continued that the sounds of the forest turned into mere vocalizations. There was laughter, crying, shouts of pain and despair, cheers...facets of a life that I seemed to faintly recall. The path that lead to the spring of reason, I thought, could not have cut through this.

As I ventured still further, I smelled the pungent odor of smoke. I stopped, fearing for the worst. Sure enough, a rumble hit the earth, and I was knocked off my feet. Where was I? The knowledge inside of me could not tell. There was a boulder next to me, though, that was neatly rounded and seemed to act as a waystone. I crawled over to it as the vibrations continued, and read the inscribed words: "The Fire of Sin."

The earth in front of me cracked, and from that crack oozed a hissing stream of sticky, molten lava. It flowed sluggishly, igniting the foliage it came into contact into a blue flame hotter than I had ever felt. Whatever it touched it consumed into ash, and whenever the foliage collapsed and the flames hit the ground, it would turn the ground into hot tar.

By this time I had gotten on my feet and ran. I ran back through the foliage, past the spring and back onto the path, not knowing where I was running but hoping that I could find a safe refuge from the fire. Just as the end was in sight, I smelled smoke again and I could see that the fire, instead of burning straight down for me, had instead burnt around the whole circumference of the island. In an instant I realized that whatever devil had set this fire would roast me slowly, letting the fire slowly spiral its way around the island until it had caught me up in the very center.

I could not let this happen. Walking off the path and searching around the foliage, I found a tree with broad, scoop-like leaves. With all the strength I could muster, I tore it off, bearing the gigantic leaf to the spring. If I could stem the fire for even a moment, perhaps it could get me an escape route and buy me some time to figure out a way to get off of the island.

At the spring, I filled the leaf up to its brim with the water, then walked down the path, careful not to spill any of the precious water. The odor of smoke was near once more, and once I could see the flames, I dashed the spring water with all my strength at that blue fire. To my shock the water simply evaporated and turned into steam the moment it found itself above the flame. The fire itself was quite unaffected.

What then? Perhaps an attempt to smother the flames would work. There was no sand to speak of, though, for the beach had been destroyed. The earth was densely packed, and too hard for my bare hands to loosen. Surely there was something that could help me smother the flames. Nothing. I climbed a tree to look from the top, but the flames were already licking around and into the center.

For what seemed like days and nights the fire raged on. I had taken rocks in an attempt to loosen the earth to gather enough soil to hopefully open a way out through the flames, and branches to make a raft to escape when I did. Every day it seemed hotter and hotter, and the noise of the jungle quieter and quieter that I was certain my doom was approaching.

On perhaps the fifth day since I woke up on the island, the fire had now imprisoned me in a 500 meter radius of forest. The end was nigh. I was tempted sorely to end it all and jump into the flames, but something held me back. What it was, I do not know, for the island had little else to give. Whatever forest remained was yellowed, killed by the heat, and the spring had evaporated away. I lay there on my back in the middle of the forest, and decided that it would be best if I simply suffocated in my sleep when the flame had finally used up all the oxygen around me.

No sooner had I closed my eyes that I felt a drop of something wet on my forehead. I looked up. The sky was dark all of a sudden, where it had been a ragingly hot noon day. Another drip, and another drop, and soon there was the steady pitter-patter of rain and the hiss of flames extinguishing. I wanted to get up, but the rain was so cool and so delightful that I did nothing but stay on the ground and open my mouth to that sweet rainwater. I closed my eyes in relief. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light and a--



I opened my eyes suddenly. The island was gone, and I was but back in my bed. My wife's face was before me. She was nudging me.

"Dear...are you okay?"

Her eyes were wide, and she looked at me with some fright. "I'm all right," I reassured her. "I just had a dream, that's all."

She collapsed back onto her side of the bed. "You were doing some strange things...humming and talking and shouting...are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

Turning around, I held her in my arms, closing my eyes, and then there was nothing but the sounds of silence and the warmth of love in the darkness.

718 posts

wow now im all tinglee all over after i read it

5,860 posts

Yay, 3 entries. Only 15 left!

5,860 posts

Copy it into notepad, then post it here. It has these weird symbols.

3,137 posts

humm. i wounder why that didn't work...

Showing 151-165 of 402