Teams: In this competition we will start with 2 teams of 8. Everyone will write about a subject. I will then judge each entry. When your team loses you vote off 2 people from your team. Scoring: I judge on a scale from 1 to 10. After all scores are added up, the team with the lower score will lose. I will show all individual scores. The Literature Games: Once 8 people are left in the competition, you fight 1v1v1v1, in a huge arena. I will give you a basic description of the arena, and then you write about killing all the competitors in the arena. You get to choose 1 weapon to start with. This is called the Literature Games (Yes like the hunger games.) One person will survive, then you fight the winner of the other Games. The Finale: You fight 1v1 with special powers and again one weapon of choice. Both entries are mutated so that it takes very much to kill. You will have to write about that. You also have to write about training, which is 3 days long. Again you will fight in an arena, which will be given to you.
Note:[b] You will be given this information again when the round comes
[b]Note: The whole thing is writing. No pictures, and by fighting to the death I mean writing about fighting to the death. By training I mean writing about training, etc. I know pretty obvious, so don't ask about it.
Note: Each round can only be so long. I will wait for you to finish, but if you take too long you will automatically be eliminated. If you know you will take long, please notify me.
[i]Note: You will be given updates all throughout the competition by me, so please do not close your messenger.
You have to re-write all the weird symbols. You don't just paste it into notepad. You have to manually delete and replace all the symbols in notepad. Unless notepad has a find/replace feature. In that case, I want half an hour of my life back.
I really like your story, Xverb! Take a break and try it again later, you can always ask a moderator to clean up the duplicates, like I did.
thank you wajor! and i did ask strop to delete one of them.
You have to re-write all the weird symbols. You don't just paste it into notepad. You have to manually delete and replace all the symbols in notepad. Unless notepad has a find/replace feature. In that case, I want half an hour of my life back.
I open my eyes and force myself to lift my head off the burning sand. I can't remember where I am or how I got here. I look to my right and see nothing but blue ocean water all the way to the horizon. When I look to my left I cringe and see my best friend face down in the sand. I stumble to my feet and roll him over, he is dead. His face was as white as a ghost's, and his lips were dark blue. I start to cry. I cried at his side for more than half an hour. This whole time I wanted to know desperately how we got here, but I was completely drawing a blank. I needed to get away from here. I couldn't stand to see the sight of my best friend's dead body. Disoriented I ran into the tropical forest that was running parallel with the ocean.
I stopped running as soon as the beach disappeared behind the trees and have been walking for about an hour now. I am now toward the highest point on the island but there are still too many trees to see much. I am still trying to remember why I am here, and the fact that I am wearing my boat shoes gives me a clue.
I finally reach the top of the island where there are less trees and I can see the whole island. I look around for something that might fill me in on how I washed up here. When I look back the way I came I can see where my friend is laying. When I look about half a mile down the beach I see a large flame. Oh great, right when I think it can't get any worse is the first thing to pop into my mind. Then I look a little closer. Under that flame is a boat, and that's when it all came back to me.
My friend and I had started out on a seven day fishing trip. It was just me, him, and the captain. For two days we stayed on the 35 foot boat and fished. On the third day a tropical storm was forecasted to be in our area. The captain was sure that it would miss us. Though I wasn't convinced and neither was my friend. Sure enough as soon as the sun came up on the fourth day the sky was black on the horizon. The captain turned on the twin 250 horsepower motors and we headed back as fast as we could. By noon that day the storm had caught us. The wind was howling at 50 knots out of the north east and the waves must have been eight feet. After an hour in the storm a huge wave broadsided us and we capsized. I don't know what happened to me, my friend, or the captain after that but I can assume the captain has been given the fate as my friend.
The irony of it all is that I am very thirsty, the only way I can get water is if it storms, and a storm is the reason I am in this whole mess. I look away from the fire and my friend to the far side of the island. I see a few coconut trees and a large beach. I guess that would be my best shot at survival. Another thing I see is what looks to be a light rain in the distance.
When I get to the far side of the island the first thing I do is get some of the coconuts that have fallen on the sand. I manage to get one open by dropping a large stone on it. The outside shell broke into a bowl shape and I will use it to catch rain when it comes. As for the inside it served as a well needed snack.
I stand in the forest during the rain to keep dry. The rain is not hard at all. It is very gentle, as if to say sorry for being so mean earlier. When the rain stops I go back up to the high point of the island and the rain had not doused the large flame. Now a quarter of the island is on fire. Luckily it is up wind of me. Otherwise I would be chocking on the smoke.
When I get back to the beach it is almost dark so I just go to sleep. At first I am afraid to sleep, I don't want to be devoured by crabs and mosquitoes. I guess I was more tired than I thought I was because I was out like a light.
I wake up to the sound of helicopter blades over the island. I think I'm saved so I jump up and wave my arms. Then I look back and see that it was just the sound of the fire not far off. It is clear to me that I have to leave as soon as possible. The only thing I can do is go into the water. I run into the forest and find 3 branches, and then I tie them together with a long, flexible, vine I found. The raft is terrible, but it floats. I grab a coconut and run into the water with the wooden raft and start to float away.
I float around on the raft for days. Day one is simple, it isn't too hot and I'm not too thirsty. When night comes I don't sleep at all, the possibility of a shark is too much to allow sleep. I sit awake all night, and in the morning I am greeted by a helicopter flying over my head. I franticly yell and wave my arms at it. As it gets closer it is really just a bird. I am now very thirsty and hungry, and I have taken in a lot of seawater. I dropped that coconut on my way out and could really use it now, I am desperate for food. I could be dead by tomorrow. All day I sit there and I don't see a thing other than that bird. No boats, no fish, no other birds, and night is going to fall soon.
Just before it gets too dark to see, a large boat pops up on the horizon. This time I am SURE I am saved, or maybe it is just another helicopter.
You have to re-write all the weird symbols. You don't just paste it into notepad. You have to manually delete and replace all the symbols in notepad. Unless notepad has a find/replace feature. In that case, I want half an hour of my life back.
Actually, you can copy and paste from notepad, but in order to do so, you must make sure that the encoding is in Unicode. To do that, save your text file, and in the drop-down menu that says "Encoding," change it from ANSI to Unicode. It should prevent the weird symbols from showing up.
This is the journal entry of Dr. Joseph Stone, Ph.D. in archaeology. I've been put on this small, private plane on assignment to investigate this island that supposedly has tons of oil deposits. Once found, the mining companies from around the world will have a hay-day with this (not to mention a considerable finder's reward), and pay me handsomely. My team and I are stationed in Arizona, while the federal government have sent us to an island in the pacific. The associates are here to help find hotspots and to dig the foundation so that we may be able to locate these said deposits. We were supposed to be informed of everything on this trip here and back, but we have no idea who the captain of the plane is. He hasn't spoken a word to any of us and he hides behind a locked steel door, probably for the remainder of this flight. Pick-axe (one of my muscular associates) says that he cannot wait until he opens that door so he can use some choice words and actions on him. Being left in the dark is both irritating and suspenseful.
Day 2:
The captain has finally talked to us, but by intercom. He says, with a deep, gruff voice, that we will be arriving in Parunka in less than 2 hours. Bookwoom, another associate, says that she was trying to read up on the pacific islands, but she has not heard of Parunka at all. The others shake their heads in agreement. I'm going to close today's entry and get a little shut eye before we land.
Day 4:
We were set up! I knew there was something wrong with the captain and the mission. We knew nothing of where we're going and we were drugged as we were sleeping. My head feels a different angle-- like a hangover instead. The private plane took a nosedive into the land that's supposedly the destination, and caught fire, tail and one wing missing. With groaning pain, I climb over to the safer parts of the plane and look inside the room with the seats. All my associates are still in their chairs, scorched and bleeding. They were burned to death. I could never find the captain's body. This makes me think more and more that we were sent to die.
Aside from the flamed trees and the smell of smoke, the sky was clear as day, with starry skies. I quickly eat the last remains of my rations and slept on the warm sands. Day 5:
It was only when I got up to the horrible smell of burnt pine that I realized what was wrong: this whole island could be flammable! Large, wide trees, at least 100 feet tall; dry, dry sands that covered the shoals; rough bushes. If these roots go deep enough, said deposits of oil could ignite the entire island and take me with it! I must act fast. I quickly checked my knapsack to see if my cellphone was inside. I must call the Navy in Pearl Harbor and see if anyone could rescue me. Blast! My signals dead. Nothing. It figures, with the luck I've had. Then there's only one thing I can do: I must swim over to Pearl Harbor-- It's not that far ahead, I'm sure of it!
Day 7:
The only thing that's been keeping me warm was the gradually-larger fires that blocked the cold away. No rain. No winds. No cold. Nothing that would reduce the fires, if but a smidgen. The trees are hard, but light. Preparations to make a durable boat and paddle began since yesterday. I sure do hope this works...
Day 8:
Not much further to go. I have to keep relocating my projects, assuring them that they wouldn't get burned up by the fire. It must have covered more than the majority of the island. I don't have much farther to go. These days that keep going by makes me wonder: Why did I get put into this mess? Was this whole thing just an accident? If deliberate, what did I do? I found everybody in that plane but the captain. Where is his body??
Day 9
It's complete! My unsinkable boat with a sturdy paddle is complete! My paddle was made in the shape of the head of a rake, but rounded, so that it would scoop more water, making the travel faster. The end was salvaged from one of the plane wings so that I can maintain a firm grip and the end would never break apart. It was one of the only sections that wasn't terribly burned. Now then, let's get out of this hell hole!
Day 10
I got away just in time. Occasionally stroking the soft waters, I keep looking back at the island in which I escaped. The fire covered the whole island, especially my project site. My poor colleagues. Poor...captain? Well, I never found him yet. Let's just hope he's also alive. Maybe he can tell me what's going on. I'm about 3 miles away from the shoals. The star that I keep looking at incrementally disappears, ever so slowly. Since I have no compass, I use the burning star as a South, it facing my back.
Day 12:
I don't see the star anymore. I do hope I can find that ship sooner than the native fish find me...