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9,504 posts

Armorgames. A gaming and community website that is renowned as "the 225th best place to live", among millions of sites in the entire universe of the World Wide Web. Here, people can enjoy frolicking with hundreds of thousands of citizens. Most chat, have conversations, and play games, whichever game they can find that is. Armorgames has over a thousand species of games that are able to be played. The nature and the mannerisms of each game are for the player to find out.

The year is June 6, 2012. Today is a special day for Armorgames, for the founders have something special planned for his inhabitants:

"Iroot! You look happy today!"

"Well of course Daniel! Today is that special day you know.

"What special day?"

"Today! Didn't you read up above? There's a special event going on today!"

"Okaaay....Well, what's it about?"

"The other developers and I believe it is time to release our research and begin the upgrade. As team head, I myself am especially proud of this accomplishment. Improvements galore!"

"How incredible is it?"

"Many, many changes! The citizens are now able to express EXACTLY how they feel with a certain conversation, instead of pointing out how. Our new system allows citizens to be rewarded AP for taming certain species. The sky will be a different color as well(to impress the stoners)! More buildings, more forums, and best of all--you're not going to believe it-- Logo itself will change!"

"The moon is going to change??"

"Yes! See, here's a rough copy of what it will look like:"

*sweep sweep* *scribble scribble*


"That's...err, amazing! You sure Logo itself will change just like that? And....Why did you just paint on my breastplate?"

"I uhhh, ran out of characters. Anyway, it will be a big achievement, with no bugs foreseen."

"Don't lie to me Iroot, you know I don't like it when you lie "

*ignoring the possible last emoticon ever typed*

"Okay okay, so we need to test it to make sure! We don't want the citizens to revolt again.... took me a week to get the ban juice off my boots."

"So this is the 'special day' eh? When will the actual installing of the new system take?"

"The last time we made a new system, we had plenty of testers and we launched as soon as there were no mistakes reported. This one will take a while, as there is 3x more stuff than now."

"Alright! *rubs hands* I can't wait! Let's start the B--"

*FOOOM* *cchhh...*


"Uhh? And who might you be, son?"

"H...h...HI DANIIIELL..."

"Good grief, get ahold of yourself! Iroot detain this boy before he drools all over my newly-painted-on breastplate!"

"I'm I'm....*slurp* I'm Freakenstein..."
"D*** you're huge... what do you *mmph* want? And how did you get in here most importantly? There were 3 mods on duty!"

"I want to be the first beta tester! I heard you guys overhearing so I jumped the castle walls and opened the door without a handle."

"this is going to be fixed, right Iroot?"

"Most definitely sir."

"Alright, ermm..."


"Yeah! That one. Okay, let me just look you over. Iron lord... lots of forum posts.... little of everything merit...What else have you done?"

"I've written reviews on 20 species of games, and I got one checkmark from a biologist! I also logged in 300 hours of AG into Xfire! I'm ready! I'm ready!"

"okay okay, you're ready. You seem active enough. Iroot, where's the key for the new project?"

"We...erm..haven't made it, Sir. That's the only thing we haven't done yet."

"KONGREGATE! Well, sorry Son, it looks like you're going to have to wait until they make that beta key for you. But I promise, as founder, I'll let you go first! "

"YAAAAY! Okay, I'll see you later!"



"Okay he's gone. Quickly Iroot, prepare the portal and the keys so everyone else who wants to test the new project can get in."


"I now declare Beta OPEN!"

  • 124 Replies
909 posts

Frank, as usual you had me going with your preface. We serious folk are dangerous that way. Even when we make up a story people think it's true.
I like chapter 1, especially when the mom says she'll "be so proud" when Ivan writes his first forum post. I agree with possum; using the word Kongregate as a derogatory term. I also agree with Mrtim and urge caution in overusing it.

9,504 posts

********** is a world far away from Armorgames; they won't know

So is Pakistan, but I'll get to that inside joke later.

1,903 posts

I especially liked how the kids become more.. tangible(?) once they register. Are you going to do something similar with ghost accounts?

I'm also a interested as to how armatars might be depicted, if you're going to do anything with those.

So is Pakistan, but I'll get to that inside joke later.

I'm honestly quite surprised that nobody caught that, or at least bothered to say anything about it.

I'm even more surprised that you actually decided to use it, but that's a little beside the point.


^ made me lul.
9,504 posts

Are you going to do something similar with ghost accounts?

Oh right, those! Wow..good question...maybe I'll personify them as standing in the middle of a field swaying back and forth or something...
9,504 posts

~*Chapter II: Modding the Ropes*~

Being "alive" was a very strange feeling for Ivan. All of the objects on the ground or anything built wouldn't interact with his body. He just now realized that he was gliding through a dream all his life and registering was just the start of his life. He could touch everything he could see, and would feel satisfaction in knowing how it felt. Rough, smooth, silky, bumpy, sharp, painful, all that was there.

But he hates rocks.

"Why is Kyle taking so long?" Ivan whined. "It didn't even take that long for me. How hard is it to choose a username?"

*Krankenstein is already taken*


*Switchfoot is already taken*


Ivan could not wait much longer, so he just went wherever his feet took him. Unfortunately for him, it took him flat on his face, which wasn't quite as far as Ivan has planned; it really only took him 2 feet away from the registration building. New to objects outside his home, Ivan unknowingly stuck his foot under a rock and, when lifted, tripped his entire body unto a hard pavement. There was a noticeable amount of blood on his face and nose and possibly a bruise or two on his knees. This was honestly the first time he has felt pain. Running into things, falling down the stairs, smacking himself with a pot only generated laughter for Ivan. So when he got up, he let out the loudest, hardest, most vile curse word he could create.

Even though that relieved his anger towards the rock, he looked around and saw many "O_O" faces staring at him. Citizens ranging from men, women, children, mazzelhs, Sonnies, and more all staring at him. His mother and father were quite into the world of AG and taught him all he knew. So he knew exactly what was going to happen:


"OHHH WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUUUT UUUUP!" Bellowed a voice out from the background of people snitching. "JEBUS I'M GETTING TO IT!"

The crowd of citizens moved (and got pushed) in order to create a middle pathway for the stranger to pass through.


"Yes yes, I'm a mod! Thank you Captain Obvious! Alright, now who's the pakistan that cussed?"

The crowd either turned around to face, or pointed, towards the lone figure with a expression. It didn't take a baby to know that he was in deep doo-doo. The mod drew ever closer to him, when his figure was made clear. He was a gruff, rough, tough man with whiskers around the middle-bottom of his face. Fur adorned his wardrobe; his boots, gloves, and part of his cuirass were all fur. Under the fur, he wore a soft-leather breastplate, for flexibility. Iron chains connected the fur on his pauldrons to keep it still. What was REALLY noticeable was the almost-whole wolf pelt that looked as if it "hung" from the back of the mod. The head and the mouth reached and wrapped over his face.

"Hey kid!" Lectured the mod, "Can't you read? It's practically everywhere you look! The 'terms and conditions'? It says right in there, not in fine print but it's there, that swearing and vulgar language is forbidden, unless you censor it! And no, we don't exactly have a lot of men with sound horns beeping you out every time you cuss, so we ask you yourself to do it! Hey! Are you even listening to me?! Why I even have half a mind to--"

The turned more into a :[ face this time and was about to turn into a :'[.

"Ah jeez..." said the mod surprised. "Uhh, hang on kid, lemme just look at your profile.." He poked the top of Ivan's sternum. A translucent, square image appeared beside Ivan revealing his information. He maintained his posture and expression, lest he fear he will invoke the wrath of the mod.

"What??" the mod exclaimed shocked, "0 AP? Is that why you didn't know the rules? Well why didn't you say so??"

"Because I was stricken with terrible, everlasting fear?" Ivan retorted.

"Err...sorry kid, I'm like that all the time. With so few officials and so many delinquents, I'm swamped with work. Sometimes, I don't even get to sleep!

"That sounds...rough" Ivan realized, " I don't think I wanna be a mod anytime soon..."

"You're telling me! Hmm, alright, tell ya what: I'll tell the boys I'm taking off work early and show you the ropes. Mod style!"

The mod squatted down on all-fours and signaled Ivan to jump on. His new expression is now a ^_^. He quickly jumped on his back, before he changed his mind. The fur was soft and bushy, yet the head at the top horrifying.

"By the way!" The mod called from infront, looking back at Ivan, "I'm NoNameC68! From now on, if you got anything to report, be sure to see me or some other mod. I tell it like it is, unlike some people... Okay, let's ride!"

NoName swept the ground with one leg and took off with great speed. "Oh yeah! You might wanna" NoName looked back and saw that Ivan was 10 feet from him, eyes dazed, and doing a headstand. He came back.

"Okay, this time, hold on to me! Grab the shoulders or something!" Ivan nodded.

NoName swept the ground with one leg and took off with great speed (again). They flew through all the nameless buildings that the citizens of Armorgames took residence in. The further they rode, the closer one particular building came into the distance. Ivan was in a state of pure bliss, except for the part about riding on a mod. He was quite happy, until that turned into an expression of fear, when a nearby citizen was in the way. He wanted to draw back his hands to block the view, but that would just send him 50 feet backward. He instead squinted his eyes and braced for impact. Any minute now, they would collide, and both of them would have to cuss the frustration out...Yet, there wasn't one.

"That's one of the beauties of being a mod, kid!" NoName called. "People can see you, yet you can faze right through them as is necessary!" Ivan looked back at the citizen, who stood there, eyes blinking, but continued on his merry way. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's where we're going to kid. The Newcomer's Forum, where you can introduce yourself and be one......"


"Fufufufufufufu....Excellent. Nemo's in sight." >:]

A shadowy figure with binoculars was spying on the two off in the distance towards the Newcomer's Forum. He jumped down from one end of the building to the next, this time landing on a lower level. He took refuge in the darkness, lest someone catch him in the act. Like a spider, he crawled around the side of the building and into a small space where little light shown in.

"No one can see me..this is perfect!"

"Hey, what are you do--AAGGH!" *ploop*

Smoke issuing from the hand, the mysterious figure has shot the bystander with a "+30 inactivity" dart. The unfortunate witness to the near-future crime is now imitating a ghost account and is swaying back and and forth.

"Now then.. prepare to be the victim of the best prank ever, Nemo...fufufufufuFUUFUUUFUU!"

"Hey! Quit shouting, I can hear you fro--AAGGH!" *ploop*


"..with the masses! Here, people get to know you, and you may even make a new friend or two! So let's get you inside.."

"Uhh NoName?" Ivan shuddered. There's a dot in the midst of the backlight..."

"Oh it's just a piece of Logo floating or something," NoName assured, "It'll burn up sooner or later."

"It's getting bigger..." said Ivan with increased paranoia.

" Hmm... It seems to be bigger than I thought, yes... Maybe it's just going to turn into a Logotite, someone'll put it back where it belongs..."

"Now it's just...floating there.."

"Oooh really? Lemme see!"

The figure lay suspended in the backlight light, where everyone can see. For a moment, it lay still, but suddenly, it thrusts forward a leg, and shoots down, the target being NoName.

"OH SH" *CROOM* *crack*

Just attacked by the mysterious figure, NoName jumps up and lets out a painful cry, holding his face. Ivan , being on top of NoName when attacked, gets thrown into a nearby house, where his back suffered a slight bend.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The figure standing before the two is exploding in laughter, slapping his knees. His garb, dressed in ebony black all over, covered his entire body. The material was a rubbery content, for those close quarters where he must squeeze out an area. Wide, blue eyes shown through the mask worn, where only the ears poked out. The mask also fit the muzzle, with nose holes the size of dimes for the figure to breathe. The tail was dyed black for stealthy purposes.

"GRAAAGH! STROP!" NoName bellowed, still holding his face.



Strop, still laughing, replies, "How do you like my prank, Nemo? Took me 5 months to learn that trick!"

"That wasn't a prank! That was EVIL!" NoName wipes the rubbery smudges off his face "Oh I WILL get you for this, Strop. One of these days," promised NoName, shaking his fist. "I was just dropping off one of the newcomers out the kindness of my heart, and I get repaid with THIS??"

"Woah woah, take it easy Nemo!" replied Strop, taking a couple steps back, "Okay, I promise you, no more pranks on you until you prank me back! So wait, where is the new guy anyway?"

NoName motions over to Ivan, who removed himself from the slight crater in the wall, ignoring the badgering from the citizen who owned it.

"Wait just a minute... A minute... I know this guy!" Strop runs over to Ivan.

"You do?" said NoName and Ivan.

"Yeah! You're FireTrent's kid, aren't you? I haven't seen you since I was still in College!"

Ivan, with a shocked expression, shakes Strop's hand with uncertainty.

"Man, that guy needs to get up on his AP. 5 years, and still only Wood Squire. At least your mom has something going."

"Uhh yeah..she likes hunting Sonnies, alright.." Ivan groaned, remembering the incident at his house.

"Well hey! 2 mods showing you around is better than one right? Let's go!" Motioned Strop with spirit, ignoring the slight growling from NoName.

Together, with Strop on the left, Ivan in the middle, and NoName on the faaar right side for obvious reasons, walked down towards the Newcomer's Forum and awaited Ivan's first thread.

3,035 posts

LOL. This story is both funny and interesting. BUT NO FAIR! The mods didn't show me around when I was a newb...And LOL his dad is teh squire! LOLOLOL

*Says crap about everyone*

9,504 posts


"ATTENSHUN EVERYONE!" Bellowed Zophia as she held her sooper-dooper-suplex-megaphone in front of her voice. Everyone in sight turned around and saw the circle of mods and and admins around the great portal of Beta.

"Hey look! The mods!" Someone in the distance pointed.

"Great, it's deja vu all over again", groaned Cenere. The circle gathered around Beta as they turned and faced away from each other, looking in all directions. Carlie walked up to the podium this time.

"We are now ready to launch Beta!", she announced. "Anyone with Wood Knight rank and above, with at least one merit badge attached, can be handed a beta key and test out the new dimension. But remember! Keys are limited, so anyone who is brave enough to try--"


A giant shadow appeared above the portal, but only for a few seconds as Freakenstein jumped above a building and landed face-first into the ground. Everyone in shock, he brushed his garb of dirt, debris, and people, and lunged into Beta.

"Wait!" Carlie shouted. "Frank! You forgot your key!"

But it was too late, as Freakenstein's body already materialized into Beta and disappeared into the nether.

3,035 posts

LOL Frank forgot teh key. You gots to pay more attention. And what's this about a merit?! *Crosses fingers to win a poetry contest even though he knows it's fake*

1,148 posts

Guys, look at the bright side, at least it's before the End of the world.

1,903 posts

But I really think that Dan should make the announcement not Zoph, since Dan is the head of AG (sorry Zoph).

I believe he did that to set up for this joke:
"Great, it's deja vu all over again", groaned Cenere.

Sounds a little redundant, but I had a few lols.

Merit is required? Well, some of the better poets here are bound to take a break sooner or later in the next two years... One can only hope. :\\


Heh.. It's fun to see you acting like a child, Gramps.

I'll volunteer to help you with whatever might happen in there, regardless, Frank.
9,504 posts

But I really think that Dan should make the announcement not Zoph, since Dan is the head of AG (sorry Zoph).

Carlie walked up to the podium this time.

You don't know if Danny's there or not...It's only a teaser chapter: The teaser for the rising action of the story

Due to Literature Fight, I'm probably going to finish Chapter III Monday.
10,816 posts

Hey, um, guize, I have a question.

How come the first I knew of my being written into this was when somebody told me about it... on formspring? Do the other mods even know about this yet? xD

Not to ruin the party, but I ask because standard procedure of all writing (internet or not) is to ask permission of a person before including their likeness or character in a work, because if that person doesn't give permission and objects to it later, you'll be obligated to take it down or some other measure etc. etc. and that's just a big hassle and whatnot.

Now I'm pretty easygoing and tend to let things slide (the depiction of Strop here contains a number of significant differences to my own version), with a disclaimer, but I can't speak for the other mods, and I know that the admins have objected in the past, though of course that was primarily because the story itself contained graphic violence. Just something to be careful about!

Carry on for now, we'll let you know if anything needs changing/doing.

5,043 posts

I'm flattered to have been included, though my character doesn't represent me all that well.

I'd like to see some sort of disclaimer stating that, "Characters based off real members are the author's own representation of said members. Actions, opinions, and character traits may not represent these members accurately. " or something along those lines.

I'm very picky about how I am represented in stories. Just ask Strop how picky I get when it comes to my part in WoM! So yeah, I don't mind being used in this story, but people need to know that how I am in this story isn't how I would like to be portrayed and doesn't necessarily reflect my behavior.

9,504 posts

Message received! I'll be mighty careful from now on. Funny story actually-- we were talking about this in the chat half a week ago and I was like "OH THAT'S RIGHT..permission!"

So I'll be sure to mark everyone down before writing, just for you guys!

909 posts

Thank you for including this information here, so I and other newish writers know to ask permission first. I only thought permission would be necessary if we wanted to go off site with our stories. So now I also know to ask first, write later.

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