3rd-party characters may not be represented as accurately as they are!
"Alright!" Ivan declared, "I'm all set! Time to meet Kyle out front!" He went downstairs and readied for the door, but was stopped by his mother. This time, she was in the middle of cleaning the dishes, rubber gloves in hand. She had her usual smile on her face; the face got bigger when Ivan appeared.
"Hey Ivan!" his mother squealed. "I haven't seen you since yesterday, how was your day?"
"Oh, it was...different."
"Yeah! I can see you much better now! This means I can keep track of you easier." She said with an evil grin. Ivan clearly did not like the idea of increased motherly love.
"So you're going to meet Kyle by the front yard, right?" She asked.
"Yeah, we were going to practice hunting games." He replied.
"Well, just don't get lost on your way!" She hinted.
"But it's just out the fro--"
"No, no, you may get lost. That's why you and Kyle should stay together, capice?" She fluffed her hair back and fixed her eyes back on the dishes.
"OIC what you did thar", Ivan sneered. "Look, he was just slow with his registration, no biggie. Besides, he got back together and now he's ranked. That's good, right?"
"I suppose..." she surrendered. "You know how I am. Don't get lost, stay together and be safe, all that jazz."
She paused for a second. She was clearly contemplating something, as the water in the sink wasn't moved by her fixing hands, and the soapy bubbles weren't floating.
"Well, I guess the only thing to do now is to give you this!" She presented Ivan with her combat knife, the same one used to tame the sonny in his backyard.
"You're giving me this?" He asked shocked. "Why do I need this for taming?"
"Oh trust me", she assured. "What you are doing requires combat. Nothing too fancy, but dangerous nonetheless. Those games don't like to be tamed and will defend themselves appropriately."
Ivan finally decided to take the gift. He pocketed it safely holstered next to his belt.
"Now," She added finally, "Go with Kyle, and have fun! You still have the matter of the party later on. You may need all the training you can get."
Ivan waved goodbye and went for the door. Outside, Kyle was waiting for him, arms crossed, and deep in thought. Noticing Ivan's presense, he reached from his back and pulled out what seemed to be a pair of gloves--black leather and with light iron to protect the front. Putting them on, they were revealed to contain claws with each finger. Gripping them, Kyle felt the tug and pull of each, knowing the strength that they can handle. He glanced at Ivan and grinned.
"Alright Ivan", he chuckled. "Time for you to learn the basics of combat in Armorgames." He reached for inside his left pocket. "Very soon, a sonny will appear, and when that happens, you are going to be ready to combat, eliminate the foe, and collect the AP."
"How is it that you already kn--"
"Some give more AP than others. They are categorized in difficulty, and defeating a difficult game will give you a substantial amount of AP. When you do so, it will respawn in a different location."
He motioned to Ivan to come to him. As he was walking down the porch and over to Kyle, he took what was in his pocket and showed it to him. A red liquid was swishing around a clear, glass container, no bigger than Kyle's thumb.
"This is a vial of human blood," Kyle pointed out, "donated from Yours Truly. Sonnies are attracted to human blood, as they are from Kingdom Rigamorta, or zombies."
"I seriously don't understand how you already kn--" Ivan spoke, but was interrupted by a grunt from Kyle. He threw the vial of blood at Ivan's chest. Impacted, the vial broke, and the blood inside splashed over him.
"Kyle!" Ivan yelled in confusion, " What was that for?"
"You'll see..."
Moments later, the two heard nearby grunts and growls from the woods from the backyard. Two figures, one wearing torn rags and the other a military outfit, appeared from the distance and were charging in awfully fast. They were clearly fixed on Ivan, their piercing eyes on the splashed blood covering his chest.
"Quickly Ivan!" Kyle raised his voice. "What is the objective of every sonny combat fight?"
"You fight until one loses their life?" Ivan was clearly nervous. His legs were wobbling, on the brink of collapsing. Kyle comforted him by clapping his back.
"Then do exactly that! I'll take the one on the right. Let's go!" As soon as Kyle charged at the right sonny, the two enemies materialized iron pipes into their hands and prepared to strike. They did not care about Kyle; their eyes were fixed on Ivan, who still didn't make a single move. Knowing the unequal fighting advantage for Ivan, Kyle grabbed his target by the arm and threw him south, leaving only one for Ivan to deal with. He proceeded to use his claws to take him out.
Ivan, on the other hand, braced himself in defense and waited for the sonny to come at him. Ever quick, the zombie took a step back and lunged at him. Ivan replied by dodging a quick step to the left far enough so that he couldn't be grabbed, and the sonny tumbled to the ground. He readied his combat knife, jumped on top of the sonny, and thrusted. Ever guileful, the zombie grabbed Ivan's thrusting hand, and with the other hand, clubbed him in the temple with the pipe. Wincing, he switched positions with the combat knife; instead of holding it upperhanded, he's now holding it underhanded. He drew back, with the knife secured inside the sonny's wrist. Yelping from the pain, the sonny threw Ivan down to the ground. Ivan was prepared for this, however, and quickly jumped back to his position. With a yell, Ivan charged at the sonny and succinctly thrust the combat knife straight into its chest.
The sonny that was defeated by Ivan burst into stringed code and shot back into the nearby satellite, spelling victory for Ivan. The genetic code for the zombie was clearly shown. Strings upon strings of how the sonny was created spun together so tight that it created a glow around. When all collected into the satellite, the code was beamed to another location.
"Hey Kyle!" Ivan yelled. "I won!" He looked over to see Kyle watching him, arms crossed. Kyle must have finished long before Ivan won.
"Oh crud!" Kyle winced. "We aren't done yet!"
They both spun back to see an entire group of sonnies looking straight at Ivan. Now they were both scared to fits of paralysis. There were at least 7 showing in the front, but who knew if there were more behind? They drew ever closer.
Kyle made ready to charge, but a piercing sound, similar to a scream but was created by something like an instrument, caused the sonnies (and the two) to drop their weapons and clamp their hands over their ears. Bursts of golden light shot out from random locations, instantly and succinctly eliminating every sonny that was in the bullet's way. Code streamed, fearing the light, and fled the scene and retreated to the satellite. One last sonny, unable to fight from the sound, was stunned, knees to the ground.
"What...was that?" Ivan asked, looking from all directions. Kyle was on his feet, looking as well.
"Golden bullets", muttered a sound, "coupled with bursts of fiery light. The ultimate folly for the evil who dares resist." The two looked in the direction of the voice. Smoke issuing from very flashy silver pistols, Auburn hair covered the face, but a grin was clearly showing. Crouching down, the figure stood back up. The hair was swept from the face, revealing to the two the identity of the assassinator of zombies.