Chapter 1 of The Enchanted world of Armonia The Beginning ~
A long time ago, a butcher named Strop, once went into the darkened woods of the Armonia forest, where he found a strange well, he has never seen before. He grabbed a big rock, and threw it into the well. But he never heard the crashing sound of the rock, instead, he saw a bright light, illuminating everything around Strop, the light was so strong, it stunned Strop for some seconds, as he was stunned, he quickly notices that he's falling into something, he screams yelling for help as he falls down, but, after a while of falling, a wind stops him from falling, and he lands on a grassy ground, without getting hurt. He looks around and just see's a forest with huge tree's, although he thought this didn't look like the Armonia forest. He started yelling "HELP!" "ANYBODY HERE?", something from far away shouted "WHO'S THERE?", Strop quickly replies "I'M A BUTCHER", the deep voice yells at him "WHATS A BUTCHER DOING IN THE ENCHANTED FOREST?", Strop stops yelling back at him, and quickly sprints toward the deep voice. He see's nothing but a dead end with a lot of bushes and tree's. He soon hears a voice telling "Welcome to the Enchanted World of Armonia, Strop" Strop get's his pocket-knife and says "Who's there? if someone out there is playing me a prank, you will pay for that!", a fairy rises from a bush and tells him "I'm just a fairy, please don't harm me!", Strop doesn't believe what he's seeing and soon faints, after a while of being unconscious, the fairy he saw before tells him "Hello Strop, my name is Carlie, and i'm a fairy of the world of Armonia! and you are first human to enter our world for the first time", Strop quickly tells Carlie "So where is the city of the enchanted world of Armonia?", Carlie soon tells him "Come with me, and ill show you the way to the great enchanted city of Armonia!"
Carlie takes Strop to the city, the journey of Strop, begins now...
Great story so far Zanto! Maybe something that would help you in your story would be to describe the area around Strop. What does Strop look like? What does Carlie look like? What was he doing in the forest? What was he doing before?
Providing a strong foundation whilst being immersed in the storyline will help make it as great and interesting as possible
I was hoping to see some good comments about this story, and if i did get those "good" comments, i would keep on making them, if they we're bad, i would quit.
But you have bumped me into making Chapter 2, and, more detailed of course, Thanks Freakenstein!
Chapter 2 of The enchanted world of Armonia The journey ~
As Strop and Carlie went throughout the Enchanted city of Armonia, a bandit crashed into them and took the Faerie's wand, with it, he summoned an enormous Troll and escaped from the scene, Strop was wielding his butcher axe, and quickly strikes the troll's leg with the axe. The troll got mad and he grabbed Strop and threw him to a wooden house(Of course, the house got destroyed when Strop was thrown at it), when Strop comes out from the destroyed house, he tells Carlie "Carlie! What do we do now?" Carlie takes out a bag of magical potions and starts throwing them at the Troll. As the troll took the damage of those potions he grabbed his huge club and rapidly strikes the Fairy. Carlie stays unable to battle, Strop enrages and strikes the Troll with his axe non-stopping, Strop saw a purple fairy(Carly is a pink fairy), And yelled at the fairy "Hey you! Can you cast a spell of strength on me?" The fairy soon replies "Okey.... but im not allowed to" The fairy casts a spell on Strop, and he gains so much Strength, that he jumps and punches the troll on the chest, making him fall to the ground and staying unconscious. Strop quickly goes to Carlie and says "Carlie, please, don't leave me alone, i can't stay here without you", Carlie regains consciousness and replies "Don't worry Strop, i'm still here", Strop breathes out. After beating the troll at the market, Carlie and Strop walk to the Armory Shop, but they don't notice that the Purple fairy is following them, but Carlie can sense any fairy at 5 feet from her, so she soon realizes a purple fairy has been following them this whole time. Carlie says "Say... Strop have you seen a Purple fairy?", Strop tells her "Yes, a purple fairy helped me defeat the troll, why?" Carlie soon tells him "Because i think we're being followed", Strop keeps walking, and so is Carlie. When Strop and Carlie enter the Armory Shop, Strop says he has no money, Carlie is shocked by him not having any money. But Carlie feels generous and gives him 1 gold coin "Here Strop, have this gold coin, waste it wisely" Strop says "Thanks Carlie, i will!" Strop enters the shop and stays amazed by all the good weaponry and armory he see's. The seller tells him "What are you looking for, lad?" Strop tells him "I'm looking for a sharp claymore" the seller tells him "We do have claymores, but the extra sharpening will cost you 1 more gold coin" Strop runs to Carlie and tells her "Carlie, i need one more gold coin to sharpen the claymore" Carlie sighs and says "Fine, here have another gold coin" Strop goes to the seller and tells him "here have this 2 gold coins, now i want the Claymore" The seller replies to Strop saying "Wait, it's almost finished, lad". The purple fairy appears and starts talking to Carlie "Hi Carlie!" Carlie soon replies to her "Hi purple faerie!" but the purple faerie tells her "My name is Zophia!" Carlie stays astonished a for a second and replies "Aren't you the Fairy Princess of the Fairy God?" Zophia says "Yeah, i'm that one, do you want to be friends?" Carlie nods.
And so the journey began, Strop got his sharpened claymore, and Carlie made a new friend today, who knows what awesome adventures they'll have next...
What do the Characters look like? This is the post where i tell you how everyone looks like so far.
Strop A 18 year old male with brown hair, he uses brown boots, and has a Grey tunic on him. a Worn brown belt, and a brown leather leggings.
Carlie A 16 year old female pink fairy with blond hair, she is very small, and fits in a bottle. She wears a pink dress(not too long, but it gets to her leg).
Zophia A 15 year old female purple fairy with black hair, she is equally as small as Carlie. She wears a purple dress too.
The Armory&Weaponry Seller A 42 year old male which is bold, he's been the seller of that shop for 14 years, he makes great weaponry for those adventurer's who go fight Dragon's, Troll's, and other creatures.
Just a quick post, so you can identify the characters more, Hope you like it!
How, cool is this! I sorry you had to drop by my profile to get me to read your story, but I'm glad you did. If you need a hippy with an herb garden, feel free to use my character.
How, cool is this! I sorry you had to drop by my profile to get me to read your story, but I'm glad you did. If you need a hippy with an herb garden, feel free to use my character.
I'm glad you liked the first 2 chapters! I put a lot of effort into all of my Chapters, for the viewers enjoyment, maybe I'll add you soon to my story
IDK if I'm considered a regular, but lots of people seem to know who I am <_<
You are a regular! Although i don't know if I'm going add myself to the Story :l
Plus it gives me one more great reason to read every AG story.
CHANGES.... Fine, the character that used to be you will now be called "Shea" Yeah, but some people don't really mind having they're name on a story. And when i add someone to my Story, its not like if it was that person of AG, but a character in my story with the name of the user.