Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.
Your on but between me and you I crashed your first story with the amount of views this story got. I really want to see how many we can get overtime. It isn't all about competition. It's about making fans and pleasing them. Good luck on the 3rd book
Epic went to attack the demon first. The Demon blocking Epic then disarming her sword. Slayer went to attack. The demon blocking him while grabbing Epic's arm and throwing her off the rock platform into the lake of lava 20ft below. Epic ended up landing on a small ledge down below with a cave next to it. Out of the cave came a knight who was half demonic. "Don't hurt me I'm unarmed!", Epic exclaimed. "If you help me get out of here I'll return the favour by doing something for you in the future", the demon said, "Oh and my name is Metal by the way". "Hi I'm Epic and it's a deal.", Epic agreed,"but you got to fly me up there to help my friend Slayer ok". "Ok", said Metal. So Metal flew Epic up to help Slayer. Slayer seemed to be handling the battle pretty well. The Demon looked exausted. Slayer tired the demon out before he gave up and flew away. "Thank you for coming back Slayer", Epic thanked," oh and this is metal he's helping us now". "OK the Epic he's...", Slayer started. "Slayer!", darkwolf interrupted, " Slayer how'd you see me I was invisable! PLEASE TEACH ME SLAYER!". "Ok fine just stop yelling and you can tag along and learn a few things! I don't want the whole underworld knowing i'm here". "Who's that", Epic whispered to Slayer. "A bit of an annoyance", Slayer whispers back. "Hahaha", Epic layghs silently. "Ok where to next?", Darkwolf said as he caught up to Slayer. "First lets find my parents then we could leave. Oh and Darkwolf to tell the truth you shouldn't have followed me this place is dangerous," Slayer said,"Ok follow me I know where my parents are from the last time i was here". So Epic, Metal, and Darkwolf followed Slayer. Slayer stopped, and he noticed the ruler of the underworld. Sigma was the ruler. He had a living cape and chains. He had about 4 arms, 4 horns and 8 wings. All the souls he took were trying to escape his body. Slayer can see the faces of tormented souls trying to leave Sigma's face. Some souls were a bluish colour and orbiting around Sigma before re-entering his body and then leaving to orbit Sigma again. Slayer continued when Sigma left and went into a cave. Slayer found his parents. "Ok you 2 follow me and you will be fine", Slayer said. "Ok", his parents said back. Slayer lead everyone safely back to the entrance. "You guys Sigma left and he is mad he's planning on destroying the main land you guys live in", Raz warned. Raz seemed to be chained to the wall and couldn't move anywhere. "Slayer free me please", Raz asked. "Ok Raz"", Slayer said while freeing him from his chains.