Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.
Slayer left the underworld with Raz, Epic, Metal, Darkwolf, and Slayer's parents. Slayer got outside of the volcanoe and the area around it still looked the same. Slayer stopped to look around when a huge heavy thing hit him in the back of the head. Epic and darkwolf looked over and Metals arm was a huge iron hammer. Epic and drakwolf drew their swords. Slayer's parents ran, while raz flew into hiding. Metal swung his hammer arm around knocking both Epic and Darkwolf to the ground. Darkwolf was thrown back a bit by the hammer hit so metal decide to hit Epic again hitting her in the head and knocking her out. Darkwolf Got up and swung at Metal hitting him. Metal turned around. 'No way i'm winning this I'm outta here" Darkwolf thought to himself well throwing down a smoke grenade and disappearing.
"Oww I got a splitting headache", Slayer said to himself while getting off the ground. Slayer noticed everyone was gone, but Epic who was laying on the ground with a few vultures picking at her. "Epic?", Slayer said. "Slayer please help me", Epic said. "Can you walk Epic?" Slayer asked. "Barely", Epic responded as Slayer helped her up and helped her start walking. "What happened Epic?" Slayer asked again . "Metal turned evil and turned on us". Epic responded. "Ok hold on this may hurt a bit", Slayer warned Epic. Slayer then teleported staight to Sunshine. "Sunshine, Epic is hurt can you heal her?" Slayer questioned. "No, Sunshine responded but Jacob could.", Sunshine said as she called a guard over to take Epic to Jacob. "Slayer we got a problem..." Sunshine started. "What?" Slayer interrupted. "Well Slayer, Myspace came back form the underworld and took some of his empire back. Carnage was not really dead he was an illusion when we thought he was dead and he took part of the empire. Third the leader of the underworld Sigma came back to our world with his whole army of demons. So in other words it's a four way war.", Sunshine informed Slayer. "Darn, well is Skyla ok?" Slayer asked. "Yes", Sunshine responded. "Sunshine I know you've been hiding abilities from me, but can you talk to angels?", Slayer questioned. "Yes, but sometime and i'll see if they will help us", Sunshine responded. "SLAYER I'M BACk AND READY FOR A REMATCH!!!", A voice came from the window. Slayer looked out the window and Myspace was standing outside with his whole army behind him.
............... To be continued
Oh and Big Jacob make sure to bring Malkoir the ninja back.
Oh for anyone who likes my story writing i will be creating another series of my own called legend of the shadow slayer. it has nothing to do with this stroy series at all