ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Legend of AG 2 Dark Times

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112 posts

Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.

  • 136 Replies
112 posts

there actually might be 3 stories. ask Jacob he is making the next story. This story is not done yet noob I'm going to 9 chapters. idk what the 3rd will be about. i guess only jacob knows

578 posts

Hehehehe Slayer will at the age of 26 the age of him in 2 will try to find his .... lost....... and the entire .. ....
with the .... of ..... and ..... . So try and figure out what the code is it reveals some of the story early on also i want to Start Jacob-Slayer stories the LEGEND series can be our main books how about it slayer.
Oh and that was a awesome chapter.

112 posts

thanks raz, and it will be a real movie before a real book. oh, and if you look at previous chapters and read them over you can see that it does give off some of the story line a bit later on. Every thing said has significance and once I get to chapter 9 jacob will continue the story. thn once jacob gets done i'll continue again. I'm sort of busy and don't have time to re-type everything. also if i don't write a chapter at least one a day I'm busy and will get to it as soon as possible. you guys know. oh and this might also make a good TV series.

578 posts

Good idea but i doubt we could do that and can you try to finish all chapters before saturday and can you read the code either one.

112 posts

Jacob i seriously will try but I get really busy I'll tell you how i will end the story and we can see if we can add it together cuz there is still quite a bit left to go

578 posts

I know i know but i can only have time on weekends and try to squeeze time in on weekdays.

112 posts

hey jacob read your profile there's a spoiler to the ending. Try to connect the two stories if you can. If you can't I will try to connect them. Write your first chapter if you can.

578 posts

I read it but people will see that and know everything..............They couldve just figured out the code but fine.So i will have to start from what happened after book 2 eneded ........ok it will be up in 20 minutes.

112 posts

Sorry jacob you didn't respond on my profile in a while and i didn't know how to tell you. I wasn't sure if you got my previous messages and if they just follow what's on your profile they'll miss alot of important things. There are alot of important things in the upcoming chapters to read and if you don't read them parts of the 4th story will make no sense. well i should go finish homework now so see ya.

578 posts

But im doing book 3 tomorrow..............(why did i even bother to make this series when i know i wouuld screw it up in the end......)

112 posts

Jacob just read your profile and you'll do fine and plus ppl will like the series even if you mess up i gave you the very end and you'll do fine just write what's going on in your head.

182 posts

good storys,keep it up slayershadow!!!!

112 posts

chapter 6.5

"Sunshine your incharge of my empire until I get back", Slayer says,"I'm trying to resurrect a few people from the underworld".

"Slayer no! You know the modo for the underworld. Don't you? Any the modo is Anyone can get in but no one will get out", Jacob says.

"Didn't stop me from escaping and it was easy last time while anyway I'll see you guys.", Slayer said.

Slayer teleported to the site where he first awoke from, the volcanoe. The volcanoe looked the same but The area around the volcanoe was a bit different. There was a bamboo forest. Slayer loooked around in amazement until two shuriken flew by his face one from his left and another one from his right. One voice came from his left and the second voice came from his right both speaking in syncronization, "Hey Slayer I want to beat you in a fight, wait who the hell are you?".
"I'm Malkoir the ninja assassin, and I'm the one who will beat Slayer in a fight and become the best warrior in the world", said one of the ninjas.

"I'm darkwolf and I will beat Slayer to become the best warrior in the world.", said the other ninja mage.

"Fine then I'll beat him first!" exclaimed both voices at the same time.

"Your both crazy and I bet you'll both loose this fight amatures", Slayer insulted.

"Damn your both stubborn and not too smart. This is a huge waste of time", Slayer insulted.

They both drew their swords and this was a fight Slayer knew he could win with his arm blades alone. Darkwolf used his invisability cloak waking him and is weapons totally invisable. Malkoir teleporting behind Slayer and trying to attack. "Predictable Malkoir", Slayer said while blocking his attack with his left arm blade then hitting him with his right arm blade. Slayer heard darkwolf approaching from his left. Slayer blocked him with his left arm blade then punching him in the face knocking him out and making him visable. Malkoir came back for a second attack on Slayer. Slayer blocked breaking Malkoirs sword. "Hahahaha... Sorry for laughing but man you need a better sword", Slayer laughed. "Darn it, this isn't over Slayer I'll be back", Malkoir said throwing a smoke bomb at his feet. After the smoke cleared Malkoir was gone. Slayer looked back down at darkwolf knocked unconsions and took his invisability cloak. 'Hmmm this may help in the underworld' Slayer thought to himself as he turned to continue his quest. Slayer climbed to the top of the volcanoe. The volcanoes was really steep and high. Slayer jumped in knowing what he was doing. Only feeling adrenaline as he fell into the volcanoe. As he hit the lava he passed into a cave. It was really hot in the cave and it was big inside. As Slayer moved on into the cave he could see the gates to the underworld guarded by the demon Razgriz. Razgriz was about 6.5 feet tall and had four horns and six wings. Raz was also known for his huge claws he used in combat sometimes. "Hahaha hey Slayer I thought Myspace would've killed you by now", Raz sassed. "Hey Raz I though you would've been fired from your post" Slayer joked back. "Not funny Slayer last time you kicked down the gate my leader almost took my soul", Raz stated. "Well next time I kick down the gate I'll leave a good bye note for your boss Sigma",Slayer sassed again. "Your not planning on leaving again because no one leaves the underworld", Raz said. "We'll I did and it should be no problem escaping again. By the way who's going to stop me you,. oh no the mighty Raz", slayer sassed,"see you when I get out again". "No you won't get out because I'm not letting you in", challenged Raz. "Fine then I'll make my own way in Raz", Slayer said while he walked up to the gate and ripped one gate down. "Thank you for the short cut Raz and see you when I get out", Slayer joked again. "Oh God Sigma is going to kill me Slayer", Raz said as Slayer walked into the cave further. The cave went on for a while and got hotter and hotter. Then finally the cave ended. Slayer seen the place he remembered when he died. Flame all ove rockway platforms, narrow bridges over lakes of lava, and the demons torchering poor souls. 'Now where's my parents and Epic' Slayer thought to himself. He noticed poor Epic trying to fight against a demon. "Hey"! Slayer yelled as he joined Epic's side with his sword drew."Slayer why'd you come back for me?" Epic question. "I help people and I got rid of my demons I killed them all" Slayer stated as he and Epic got prepared to kill a demon.

112 posts

Sorry darkwolf I can't load your profile to respond and this happens all the time.

112 posts

Sloth will be back just wait and see, Sloth isn't dying anytime soon or leaving the series for that matter you'll find out what happens to sloth in time. There are also alot of important characters that add comedy, suspense and action. This is [b][i]NOt the end of sloth.

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