It started 2+ years ago,in the land called "PERFECT INFECTED".its about the infected (not related off of hallo-halo reach)in a science lab,but the infected are traped in the science lab.trying to get out.but order to get out of there will be trecheris,painfull,and deadly traps,torrets and bosses that they have to defeat.
the next chapter will all of the people that want to help me in the comming new chapter that might unfold right under youre eyes!
who ever deleted all my coments on my file will be a dead man for rest of there lives,and thats no lie.I am realy ticked right now.And I will not give up at all.nomater how many times he pushes me down,I alwas try to get up.if he trys to breake,I will not give up at all.Hera!!!!
Okay, not getting that at all, so: Please try to keep from making more than one post at the time. Doubleposting can and should be avoided, at least when done like this.
Also: How can someone be a dead man for the rest of their life?... No mockery, I just think you need to cool down a bit, and try again.
you think that I am "need to cool down",but guess what....I already am Moderator me if you are in similashins that are related to the army,marines and all.then you will know why I recover so fast....sir....
Says you. And no. It's wat. Or what. A flat what meaning not as a question (which you obviously didn't take it as anyway), but simply a statement showing the confusion and and general blank state of the person saying it. So please, do not correct me if you can't correct yourself first.
The rest of my post still stands. No one have any idea of what you are trying to communicate half the time. Comments being deleted on your file? And all that unnecessary aggression.
In other news, I assume "deleted comments on file" means "someone deleted all the comments on my about", which seems to be a glitch. I can see them, so they will probably be back soon. Until then, sorry for the convenience this might give you, but it should be done shortly.
Also, please do take my advice on at least the double posting. It can actually cost you a ban, if it continues, and no one wants that.
Thats nice to here from you, for now anyways.Any more "questions" that you want to ask because I thing some of youre post offencive and dont say the same thing to me,ok.capish.
this does not involve you at the time being.leave now!!!!
You posted your work on the internet, on a public forum. It involves whoever has an account, if they want it to involve them. Get your temper under control, stop taking everything personal, and listen to advice. I don't care in which order, just that you do it. This might be the internet, but it is not right to go off on someone for helping you, for pointing out where you could improve, or for posting on your thread. If you don't want the comments, then I will ask you to not post anything. If you can't take a comment, I will ask you to not reply. If you can't take the internet, gtfo.