ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe "PERFECT INFECTED".

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It started 2+ years ago,in the land called "PERFECT INFECTED".its about the infected (not related off of hallo-halo reach)in a science lab,but the infected are traped in the science lab.trying to get out.but order to get out of there will be trecheris,painfull,and deadly traps,torrets and bosses that they have to defeat.

the next chapter will all of the people that want to help me in the comming new chapter that might unfold right under youre eyes!

  • 65 Replies
9,821 posts

Cen, you're awesome, but you're not Jesus/God/some sort of being with messianic/godly powers. I think this guy is unfixable.

810 posts

Cenere has the right to raise his voice.

1,813 posts

I'm surprised a banning has not yet been issued, or at least a lockdown. I for one find you to be quite a tolerant moderator Cen.
Now, I don't know how far an individual can push his luck before getting banned, but it is clear something's amiss here.

I don't want to get blamed for making discipline, which is the duty of mods, but if my memory's right you mentioned something about being a person with authority outside of Ag. My question is; in what manners does it - if it's even true - gives you the right to be conceited, cynical and impolite with the figures of authority here? To me it is clear you lacked proper respect when addressing the others, and especially Cen.

You're conduct is strange and aberrant. It's as if you made a bet with friends to see how fast you could get kicked out of an internet site; you're rash, you get angry for absolutely nothing, you're susceptible, what's with you!?
No one is against you here, that's what you must understand. We're not here to mock you, especially Cen, whose been more helpful to you than any other in its critics, I don't see why you keep treating him like a piece of shit.

If it is true you somehow have authority on a group outside of Ag, how would you feel if a Brat stumbled upon your territory and started questionning the very legitimateness of your position.

I'm stopping here because I'm no mod, and I fear I may already get some warnings for such a speech but oh well; I hate to sit and do nothing while such things are going on.

26,390 posts

Hmm...I have a few things to say about the last few pages of this thread.
1. Wtf?
2. Cen, as cool and moderatorish as you are, you are no god.
3. You did make valid points though.
4. Wtf?
5. But they're going in one ear and out the other with this guy.
6. Wtf?
7. As stinging as your replies may be, Darkwolf...I do not understand a word of what you've said.
8. Haha making lists is fun.
9. Capisce
10. Wtf?

13,657 posts

Anyway, I will lock this now, it has become too off-topic (that is partly my fault, I admit), along with the way Darkwolf has been acting.
If he wants it reopened, he can come talk to me about it, but in a whole other tone than he has been using.

2. Cen, as cool and moderatorish as you are, you are no god.

Cen, you're awesome, but you're not Jesus/God/some sort of being with messianic/godly powers.

I wonder...

Anyway, thanks. But better take it elsewhere now.
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