Year 4014. The world is now full of zombies. Aliengirl was a alien and she and her marsian soldiars ran back to there ship. It was a successful attack destroying basic zombie infantry. They succesfully reached her ship "Old Glory". It had got that name because it was always on the front lines of the battles. Now one little zombie boarded the ship. That would start the diease of all the aliens turning into zombies. There rear gunman started turning to zombies. "Get the escape pods ready!" aliengirl said. "Yes mam" said the co-pilot. "The zombies are messing with the engine!" A gunman said. "Well fix it!" "We cant we will die in the heat" The gunman said. "Okay theres a planet below, ready the escape pods!" aliengirl said. They got into a escape pod and went down to the planet below. They felt a big shake. The escape pod landed at the planet...
Work on your description and transition, it feels like you typed it on the spot, with no background information or brainstorming. Looks like you're rushing the story.