We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
You sure your sibs don't respect your drawing skills and therefore think you're pretty awesome?
My sister asks me once a year or so to draw her a new picture, that is pretty much it. She also generally hate her own drawing skills, which means she tend to get annoyed when I sit down and draw with her. My brother doesn't care much.
Dude!! I didn't say they're horrid! I said there's something a bit wrong with it!
Didn't we deal with this in the other thread? And I exaggerate when I feel that I am crap at something, or somewhat depressed with a piece of work. So, if you wish to comment on some of the other works here, then do so, or at least leave the matter of the shading, as I have concluded that I should not actually try and draw.
My sister asks me once a year or so to draw her a new picture, that is pretty much it. She also generally hate her own drawing skills, which means she tend to get annoyed when I sit down and draw with her. My brother doesn't care much.
Not even secretly? That is terrible. Just wait until you become famous.
cool birds. I have never learnt to draw decent beaks, I only make disney-like ones, like this I don't post the image cus is your thread done in 5 minutes in GIMP with mouse, my drawings aren't so crap lol
I just go by the general idea of a beak, really. It's not very easy to me, and I should most likely practice more. I pretty much do like you do, but with a bit of... I don't really know.
Either way, more sketchies. "Steve" and his friends. Zoph-Iguana and Yazz-Ham(p)ster is (C) Zophia.