We need more art, so another remake of my art thread. Nope, nothing more to say.
You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint. Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.
I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.
Also, as seen in Strop's thread: For whatever reason. Like... The background.
C-C-C-C-COMBO BREA- *shot* Shiny so-ho looks pretty **** awesome. I always enjoy looking at the pokemanz you draw~
Oh snap, merchandise of all the characters and stuff and it would be so... commercial xD
I'm surprised AG doesn't pop into this shiny little AMW section and be like: "My god... they're fanfictioning our stuff, basically! And it's good! Why, WE SHOULD PUT THEM ONTO A DEAL, COMMERCIALIZE THIS WORLD IN ORDER TO PROMOTE OUR SITE TO OTHER PEOPLE. YES, THE PERFECT PLAN!1!!!!" and make huge amounts of money off of this awesome world we (I use this term lightly) have brought to life.
Gwah, I needa learn how to paint feathers and metallic shine like that. ;_;
Isn't it just colourinstinct? > >;
As for offtopic, I feel better about offtopic I actually care about and can be included in, unlike what happened last time, which I am still rather unamused about.
Sooo: As for me, I could probably be counted with the regular colouring for the mon as well, especially in the cases of "OMGWTF!!MYEYESAREDYING!" and the like. Oh, and Lugia. I don't like pink Lugia. I wouldn't mind a shiny Ho-Oh either, it is really neat looking with the gold and silver colours, but Christmas turkey is not that much an issue either. I grew up loving those guys, and they are probably my two favourite legendaries of all the generations, though Mew counts high too, mainly because of the first movie.
Enough of me ranting, though, I should probably get those images scanned and stuff. Or, perhaps write that paper...........
I like Omastar. Perhaps my second favourite fossil type, because... Well, Kabutops is pretty darn neat.
Do you happen to have drawn every single Pokemon in, say, one image?
I have admired people who have, but I generally have way too little patience to actually do it myself. I do have aspirations of doing adoptables of them all at one point, but as it goes at the moment, that will probably not happen in the near future. Especially not with the new generation and all.
The original 151, or the newfangled 649? Black and white added a ton of new pokemon O_O
151 without the legendaries, I have heard? And some of them are pretty neat. And some of them are trash. Literally trash.
idk favorite pokemon is probably sandshrew...wasn't Ho-oh in the very first episode?
Your ability to only vaguely relate to the topic baffles me, dear HecticHermit.
And yes, Ho-Oh was in the very first episode. It was supposed to be a Moltres, I have heard, but ended up a design they had actually not ... made yet, or something. So they added in the rainbow pokemon. More so, because it actually looks quite shiny in the episode, as it is more golden and ... sparkly than the usual design.
So, two hours till the library closes. Anyone having a suggestion of what I should draw, given I actually end up finishing this exam paper in time, and thus have time to spare? Think of it as a freebie, as my current commissions are between $10 and $20 (given I actually get commissioned, and not just have a bunch of people fave the images and leave without much more than that).