I got bored so I decided to tell everyone how I got my username. This is a TRUE story this ACTUALLY happened. So sit back in you're chair and start reading.
Chapter 1. John is a typical guy in New York City. He is constantly bothered by people who want to tell him about Jesus Christ. One day John heard footsteps coming to his door. The footsteps stopped and along came a squeaky voice. This voice said "Hello sir can I tell you about Jesus Chri-" John washed out this guy's voice with "SHUT UP! I already know about Jesus! So give the church invitation and leave!" The squeaky voice retorted "Fine then! Don't take part in this opportunity!" The footsteps stormed off and John looked back at the door cannons catalog. "An air cannon? This sounds useful." John reached for the phone and dialed the number.
That's all for now. I'm thinking about the rest of the chapter.
John's speedy dialing resulted in 50 tries to get the number correct. When he finally got it the air cannon company secretary greeted "Hello sir. Thank you for choosing Air Cannon Inc. for all you're air cannon needs!" John retorted angrily "GIVE ME MY AIR CANNON!!!!!" The secretary hung up and an hour later John received his air cannon.
Chapter 2 coming soon...(the part about my username will be in this chapter)
What if I'm standing? I'm probably going to keep pushing my boundaries with that, so be prepared.
John seems kinda grumpy. And you can't really get an air cannon in an hour, by screaming at a secretary and not paying... But I figure that's just criticizing the content, rather than the story itself.
I still can't say much yet, because the next part hasn't come yet. But it's still good.
"WHEN IS THE NEXT GRAND THEFT AUTO GAME COMING OUT!!!!!!" hollered a demonic voice. "Satan you know that we can't make Rockstar studios make another game yet." replied a small squeaky voice. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE MORE ANNOYING THEN THAT JOHN GUY WHO YELLS EVERY DAY FOR STUPID REASONS!" retorted Satan. "Kind of like you master." A silence filled the air. Soon a blinding light appeared in Satan's courtroom. An angel appeared and said "Satan. We hereby demand you create a tenth circle of Oblivion that traps animal abusers." "Why should I?" Satan smartly replied. "Because you are under my control." the angel harshly retorted. "Fine." groaned Satan. Satan opened up a door that looked like a wolves mouth and called it "Wolftopia". "There you go. Now I just need to find a host for this circle and I can get back to arguing with my secretary." With that Satan flew up to the surface. Now I think we ALL know who Satan will pick...
"Hello sir can I tell you about Je-" The voice kept going while the man opened the door. "-sus CHRIIIIIIST!" The man was blasted away by a powerful force of air. Papers flew all over John's walkway. The man landed on John's yard. John laughed and slammed the door. John then walked over to his bar and drank his coffee. John clumsily dropped the cup while he was putting it down. "Man. Why do I have slippery fingers." John's phone rang. He reached for the phone and said "What is it?" "You owe us about 100,000$ sir for you're air cannon." a woman's voice replied. "WHAT!" John went into an outrage and slammed his chair onto the bar until it broke. He threw his laptop at the window. "Hey cool a laptop!" an outside voice said. Just then John heard knocking from his door.
"John! Open up! It's Satan!" John panicked so he crawled up under the bed. Satan opened the door only to receive a blast of air. "What the!" Satan's head hit John's tree and he fell to the ground. John unplugged the cannon and said "You okay?" Satan jumped up quickly and said "I JUST HIT MY HEAD ON YOU'RE TREE! DO YOU THINK I'M OKAY!?!?!?!" "Ummm sort of..." John said slowly. Satan gave John a menacing glare. Satan brushed himself off and stepped in John's home. "Let's talk...business shall we?" John followed him into the house. John started to sweat.
Very random and what makes it even better is that it's actually 100% true. It's a very good recreational read and it's pretty funny. I'll look forward to the rest of the chapters.
I'll finish my first story in about 2 weeks from now. But I would like to hear what all of you think of this story I came up with.
A Penny for You're Thoughts Mark is a street psychic. He gets paid to tell others what will happen to them. One day Mark goes to visit his friend Bob. Mark finds out that Bob built a portal to the 2nd dimension. Bob then goes into the portal and Mark stricken with grief jumps in after him. Mark finds the 2nd world to be a world of not only light and darkness but of sound. Mark finds this world is inhabited by an alien race know as the Kibaam. He finds that they want to eliminate the human race. Mark finds that he alone can stop the Kibaam.
When you put: 'Bob then goes into the portal and Mark stricken with grief jumps in after him.'
Why did they go in?
And when you put: 'Mark finds the 2nd world to be a world of not only light and darkness but of sound. Mark finds this world is inhabited by an alien race know as the Kibaam. He finds that they want to eliminate the human race. Mark finds that he alone can stop the Kibaam.'
How did he find out that it was a world of sound? How did he find out that it was a world inhabited by an alien race known as the Kibaam? How did he know that alone he could stop the Kibaam?
Is that what you ment by: I would like to hear what all of you think of this story I came up with. ???