I..... dafuq..... Black Company will hear of this.....
Perf(the wizard): "'The Guardian of the Temple
Always running, stays in place
Has a mouth but not a face
Has no tongue and yet can roar
Passageway without a door'"
Glorion: "Hm...a most perplexing riddle! I think the guardian is some kind of
The Cleric and the Wizard: "It's a river".
G: "A...a river?"
C, W: "Yes."
G: "N-not a dragon?"
W: "No."
G: "Hmm...wait...the guardian
IS the river!"
C: *facepalm*
G: "It will take all my strength to defeat it!"
W: "Yes...let's interpret that
literally, shall we?"
I'm actually looking forward to this.
-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Zaknraen Ken'rathel.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 20.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Drow.
Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Deity: Selune.
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.
Str: 16(+3)
Dex: 24(+7)
Con: 13(+1)
Int: 15(+2)
Wis: 19(+4)
Cha: 12(+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +14
Will Save: +5
Hit Points: 45/45.
Darkvision: 90 ft.
AC: 21.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4, Bracers of Armor +2.
Weapon: Longbow +2.
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening, 200 ft. rope, 1 month trail rations, bullseye lantern, 10 foot pole, flint/tinder, bedroll, foldable 10 ft pole.
GP: 5k
Damage: 1d8+9, 1d6+9.
Attack: +16.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot.
Class Feats: Endurance, Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Rapid Shot, Manyshot), Animal Companion(Hawk), Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.
Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).
Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.
Ta-da! Just in case we keep the ranger.
Paladn simply doesnt embody my character accurately.
I would be happy to play a paladin or LG fighter as long as I am allowed to play him/her like Glorion.
Oh and I do enjoy Glorion.
Yeah, he's awesome.