This was originall started by fluffybunny442 a while back. Lolz, I necro'd it :P
In this contest, I will give an image to you, and you alter/change the image as much as you can, and make it look super awesome. Then I will judge your image on a scale of 1-10. Also, it would be awesome if we could have 2 or 3 judges.
And, I really would like to participate in this, so if someone else could I would really appreciate it.
ok, I have now a challenge... to beat zophia. and seeing as most aren't as complex as I though and this is going good. I will contribute with something so awesome, so fantastic, so hard-to-acheive that the light of all the other entries will fade compared to the greatness of what I'll make!!
Blarg, I can't decide whether I really hate mine, or just kind of hate it. The background picture is one of mine own, and has previously been submitted to this site.
So anyway:
Flowerlime. Made using GIMP. I do like the concept of it, and might submit a less horrible version at a later date (tomorrow, for instance).