This was originall started by fluffybunny442 a while back. Lolz, I necro'd it :P
In this contest, I will give an image to you, and you alter/change the image as much as you can, and make it look super awesome. Then I will judge your image on a scale of 1-10. Also, it would be awesome if we could have 2 or 3 judges.
And, I really would like to participate in this, so if someone else could I would really appreciate it.
KingLemon Jdogg: 5/10 It looks like you just made a random filter. It really didn't make the picture look better Slayguy:4/10 ehhh all you did was make it squiggly Explosive: 7/10 I like the fact it is like looking in a mirror, it seems pretty good. Average: 5.3
Cenere Jdogg: 6/10 It doesn't look like you did much, and I know you can do better Slayguy: 5.5/10 not much changed Explosive: 5/10 It looks nice with the water effects, but you could've done better. Average: 5.5 Aknerd Jdogg: 6.5/10 Nice effects, but they have no harmony. You want your effects to compliment each other, but this picture is just a buttload of random stuff. Slayguy:4/10 waht am i looking at? Explosive: 6/10 Nice stuff, but I just really didn't like the colours that you used. Average: 5.5
CommanderDude07 Jdogg: 5.5/10 Very funny, and the mouth has good perspective, but it isn't much. Slayguy: 6/10 cant fight the epic lime Explosive: 6.5/10 I like the facial features, but it isn't too great. Average: 6
The "I Almost Placed" Award iMogWai Jdogg: 7/10 The tile effect is a nice touch, and it really make the image look better since each tile has a different style in it Slayguy: 7/10 the bottom left corner needs something more Explosive: 8/10 I like the idea of the tile, considering if you moved it around you'd get the picture.. *I think* Average: 7.3
3rd Place Reton8 Jdogg: 7.5/10 This entry really made me laugh. I like the face, and the mirror effect is awesome. I suggest not bluring the head so much, that way the limes would look more like headphones. Slayguy: 8/10 haha i want a pair of lime head phones! Explosive: 8/10 This picture was definitely the one to lighten my mood, great picture! Average: 7.83
2nd Place Manny5674 Jdogg: 8/10 Good job tinting it, and I love the posterize, it really brings it all together. Slayguy: 9/10 personally my favorite one it looks like a soda lable Explosive: 7/10 I didn't really like the colours that you used, and for that reason, I scored it a 7. Average: 8
1st Place Champion Zophia! Jdogg: 9.5/10 Just amazing. The dolphin is flawless, and all the reflections of the dolphin are great Slayguy: 8.8/10 nice idea maybe change the water to a contrast Explosive: 9.5/10 This dolphin, fruit bat or whatever it is (Jdogg says: "Fat little lime dragon" was amazing, I really can't fault it and I love the shades. Average: 9.27
Wow this is is a really cool contest. I wasn't expecting a three judge rating system, which is really cool and must take some effort to coordinate. It also gives you lots of feedback on your work. On top of that all the entries were judged! This is really cool I hope it someday gets stickied.
Jdogg: 6/10 It doesn't look like you did much, and I know you can do better Slayguy: 5.5/10 not much changed Explosive: 5/10 It looks nice with the water effects, but you could've done better.
I am a little sad I went on extending the drawing both to the side and in height by drawing in droplets and water myself, and then getting told I did nothing... *shrug* Oh well, that's what you get for being too lazy to finish it.