One more death then Nirvana then death more one more death More death then Nirvana then death more one more death then Death then Nirvana then death more one more death then Nirvana Then Nirvana then death more one more death then Nirvana Nirvana then death more one more death then Nirvana
A picture, poem, thought, and dementor all in one!
Famed for a fault Shamed surely of shaken shafts Blamed by blasphemous boasts Damed dearly with dastardly deeds Smashed souls see in sight Silver slits solely promising Happy, healthy lives After an abrupt Loving life layed into lie Anewstart A newstart A new start Thisis This is This is a new start.
Pandemic as it may seem The night sky still gleams After the team Was rejected and deemed Hopeless
What are lights That go bright In the night Do they fight Wielding kites With only slight Being as they plight Or they bite At all in sight With great spite
Just what are Lights?
I just moved some old work here. I didn't like the name of my previous thread, so I made a new one. Please make suggestions, because I love others' input, unlike most people. If you have works that you'd like to share place them here.
I'm stalking the AMW section right now, so don't be alarmed at my immediate feedback. :P I really like this's like...professional design or something. Also: 4.5 hours?!? Wow. I usually spend twenty minutes on mine, which probably explains the messiness. XD
Hey, Paarfam, I really like your art! You should do more! Please! And no, your haikus aren't that bad. they are haikus aren't they? Or am I missing it?