ForumsGame Walkthroughs[Guide] Modifying Crush The Castle 2: PP castle codes.

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If you have been creating lots of custom castles like me and are running out of ideas check this out.

Joey Betz, the Creator of the Crush The Castle series has allowed us to play with the code.

This guide is for Crush The Castle 2 Players Pack. Note that most of the features are similar to the ones featured in Crush The Castle 2.

In the Castle Builder, there is a the tool box (Left of the editor) that comprise 3 main menus: Edit Castle, Edit Terrain, and Edit environment. At the bottom, you find an other box with 9 menus which are New, Save, Load, Share, Zoom, Help, Settle, Play, and Back.

01 - Left Tool Bar:

Menu 1 - Edit Castle:

Sub Menu 1 - Create/Select Tool:

This is where you will find all the material needed (beams, doors, arches, people,etc.).

Sub Menu 2 - Transform Tool:

Here you can change the width, length, and type of material as well as align the pieces.


Menu 2 - Edit Terrain:

Sub Menu 1 - Transform Terrain:

This is where you can Raise, Lower, Flatten, Smooth the terrain.

Sub menu 2 - Place Foundation:

Here you can choose between three kinds of foundations: Standard, Frozen and Volcanic.

These blocks will allow you to create fixed structures (that won't fall) to support your material.
You can also create nice rock formations or mountains to enhance your masterpiece.

02 - Bottom Bar:

1- New: Open an empty window so you can start creating.
2- Save: Here you can Save and Export your Castle.

Export: This allows you to Copy the code for the castle you have just created and Export it into a text editor in order to modify it.

3- Load: Here you can load a saved castle or Load a modified code from a text editor.
4- Share: This is where you can submit your creation to the People's Empire so that other players can destroy it.

After you submitted your castle, a new window will open with the option to share the link with your friends on Facebook, or Twitter. There is also an option to Copy link to Clipboard (this allow you to copy and paste your link to a forum such as http:/community/thread/5772085/crush-the-castle-2-custom-castles/page/1) where you can discuss, write a story, or simply share it with other Enthusiastic Castle Crushers.

5- ZOOM: Here you can increase or decrease the size of the window for when you need to place an object with precision.

6- Help: A tutorial.

7- Settle: This is an important feature that allow you to test the stability of your structure. You can zoom and play with your creation, and if you are happy with the results, click on save positions and then go back to get out of the Settle mode.

8- Play: Test your creation for stability and to decide which ammunition will work best to crush it.
9- Back: Leave the editor (Castle Builder) and go back to the menu.

In the Next topic we will discuss how to Hack the Code.

  • 105 Replies
13,055 posts

Here are the code names for the BEAMS:


bws = standard
bwd = weathered
bwj = bamboo
bwn = frozen
bwm = mossy
bwt = tribal
bwc = decorated
bwv = charred


bss = standard
bsd = sandstone
bsj = jungle
bsn = frozen
bsm = mossy
bst = tribal
bsc = decorated
bsv = volcanic


bis = standard
bid = rusted
bij = viny
bin = icy
bim = mossy
bit = rusted viny
bic = steel
biv = ashed

04 - ICE BEAM:

bc = Ice

13,055 posts

Edited by Reton8 so code will display properly.
Here's how a code looks like:

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Standard Wood Beam","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["bws,245,250,1,1,90"],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

tg = terrain grass
mg = foreground
bg = background
wc = weather clear
id = time of day

"I": - represents variable of non-essentials. In order in brackets: Foreground, Mid-ground, Background, Weather, Time of day.

"c": - Represents the place-able and interact-able objects. In the quotes, the commas separate the piece type, X axis, Y axis, width, length, and angle, respectively.

"n": - Is the name or title of the castle

"t": - Represents the level of the land on a certain point. The first number in the brackets is the point of land on the very left. The number has a limit of -20 to 230. Anything below or above respective ends will be reduced/increased to 230/-20.

"p" - Is the name of the castle creator

The following codes are examples showing how to modify the code:
Copy and paste one code at a time and paste it into your castle builder using the Import button. Make sure you copy the entire code starting with {"r": and ending with "]} . If you miss a part it'll show the default code with nothing in it.

Standard Wood Beam (check the letters and numbers between the brackets following the "c": ) ["bws,245,250,1,1,90"]

bws = beam wood standard, 245 is the X position on the axis, 250 the y position on the axis, 1 is the width of the beam, 1 is the lenght, and 90 is the angle.

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Standard Wood Beam","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["bws,245,250,1,1,90"],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

Standard Wood Beam 2 (check the letters and numbers between the brackets following the "c": ) ["bws,245,250,1,6,90"]
in this example the lenght is 6:

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Standard Wood Beam 2","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["bws,430,250,1,6,90"],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

Standard Wood Beam 3 (check the letters and numbers between the brackets following the "c": ) ["bws,245,250,6,1,90"]
in this example the width is 6:

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Standard Wood Beam 3","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["bws,245,250,6,1,90"],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

Landscape 1 is the terrain (the numbers between the brackets following the "t": )


in this example the terrain is flat at zero level:

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Landscape 1","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":[],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

Landscape 2 is the terrain (the numbers between the brackets following the "t": )
the numbers are different so the terrain is uneven with spikes and small mountains.

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Landscape 1","t":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-20,230,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,0,65,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"o":-1,"p":"","c":[],"l":["tg","mg","bg","wc","id"]}

Night (i = time of day) in = night time (check last line between brackets)


Evening (i = time of day) ie = evening time (check last line between brackets)


Rain (w = weather) so weather rain would be wr (check last line between the brackets)


Snow (w = weather) so weather snow would be ws (check last line between the brackets)



That's it for now.

1,286 posts

timestables TIPS:

Save all your castles and their links as text files.

Don't wait until you have finished to save, you may encounter a problem and lose what you've done.

Save with different names eg with a,b,c or 1,2 or 3 after them as you build - you may want to go back to an earlier version.

If you change the background do this last, and save before you change it. Some castles with background changes will play but crash if you try to go back to the editor or if you settle before playing.

Do experiment, see what happens... (do this on something simple.

Do post here, you will get constructive criticizm or praise.

Do ask.

If you want to unfix ALL the foundation bricks in a map:
With the walls floors menu on screen use Ctrl + A to select all.
Duplicate (the foundation blocks will duplicate here only)The duplicated blocks will not be fixed and can be manipulated as ladders or windows etc..
Switch to the foundation menu and use the delete to remove the original blocks.

1,526 posts

Excellent thread SSTG: all is well explicated and clear.

13,055 posts

Excellent thread SSTG: all is well explicated and clear.

You're welcome to share your discoveries too.
107 posts

A fun one that I'm surprised nobody has figured out yet:

ph = Prop Headstone

This prop is not in the editor, but I think it can be added through code.

1,526 posts

A fun one that I'm surprised nobody has figured out yet:
ph = Prop Headstone
This prop is not in the editor, but I think it can be added through code.

What do you mean Joey? I don't understand...
107 posts


It's the headstone that the characters turn into when the get crushed. It's not in the editor but it can be added in game very easily if you put it in the castle code directly. Just replace whatever beam or prop name with &quoth" and voila.

1 posts

Just a question: i am a huge n00b and dont know how to upload my castlols pls halp?

13,055 posts

Just a question: i am a huge n00b and dont know how to upload my castlols pls halp?

Use the SHARE button situated on the bottom bar of the castle builder.

After you submitted your castle, a new window will open with the option to share the link with your friends on Facebook, or Twitter. There is also an option to Copy link to Clipboard (this allow you to copy and paste your link here.
13,055 posts

Oops, not her but in the http:/community/thread/5772085/crush-the-castle-2-custom-castles/page/1

13,055 posts

Edited by Reton8 so the code will display properly
Here's how to change the Foundation Blocks (code name fs) from unmovable to movable:

Foundation Block 1: The code name is fs. They have an extra number at the end ["fs,500,420,1,1,0,1"]. This number makes them unmovable.

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Foundation Block 1","t":[-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["fs,500,420,1,1,0,1"],"l":["td","md","bd","wc","id"]}

Foundation Block 2: If you change the last number from 1 to 0, the Block becomes movable!

{"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"],"n":"Foundation Block 1","t":[-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20],"o":-1,"p":"","c":["fs,500,420,1,1,0,0"],"l":["td","md","bd","wc","id"]}

1,286 posts

Foundation Block 2: If you change the last number from 1 to 0, the Block becomes movable!
I delete the ,1 it has the same affect.
13,055 posts

Timestables, it looks like we're the only ones interested in sharing the knowledge. I thought more people would be interested in sharing their ideas. There must be something left that we haven't discovered yet.

1,286 posts

The codes for cracked stone and wood?

Showing 1-15 of 105