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Story:It was A massive war against the races there were The Elves,The Orcs and Dwarfs villages pillaged citys burnd to ground people slaughterd war started when Orcs get new leader some powerful wizard who was exiled from Human empire because involvin in Dark and Blood magick after 7 years of war Orcs capture capital city of Elves and take book of one of most powerful wizard in history orc shamans use that book to open some kind of portal in Elves capital and relise one inprisoned race Demons and their leader Baal orcs try to make aliance with them but Demons betrey them and kill every orc and elf in city soon after that they form small Country and their streinght grow every day,elves race is brought almost to extinction most of Eves are killed and they make their last stand in Brecilian forest and they are under nonstop attack of Orcs and Deamons in masiv race war Dwarfs had big success and they started wining but when demons was relised they invaded Dwarven underground Empire and destored most of Dwarfen citys and former empire is in ruins Human empire didnt involved in War when Emeror of Human empire wend misin civil war started in The Human empire emeror was last saw in in capital city where great plague is killed many people humans send many expeditions nad helers to capital but nobody returned and there are rumors that at night you could hear screams and strange voices from city some people say that Emeror of Human empire always wanted to beacome immortal and that he was involved in many experiments and Black magick and that he formed packt with some powerful Spirit that give him immortalty.


Gender:Male or Female
Weapon:I decide
Armor:I decide
Inventory:I decide
Bio:Make it a longer
Perk:I get from bio
Race:Chose any Race
Class:I decide

  • 122 Replies
2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

[Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been gone on vacation.]

Go for it! I rally the troops and we barge in and round up the survivors. "Let's go men! It's now or never!"

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair

I aim and launch arrows at its wings. Then I take out my sword and shield to cut him down.

2,188 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

You and 2 of you soldier run to survivors and free them they thank you and tell you that they heard from orcs that huge army is going to come here and you should hurry you just wanted to leave when you remember 3 soldier that are left behind to distract ors what are you going to do?

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair

You raise your bow and start firing at them you manage to kill 2 of them but third land on the ground and start attacking you what are you going to do?

4,049 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Weapon:I decide
Armor:I decide
Inventory:I decide
Bio:Raised in the Orc town of Gerton.It was a peaceful village with happy villagers until some monsters which we called "Demons" came and destroyed our village.My Family luckily survived the attack.
They then died from a demon curse that laid on them.I did not die as I had a heart of an angel.I then came to a bigger village with a barracks.So I went in and train with a varaity of weapons.I trained most with the sword,axe,war-hammer and the bow.I then swore that I will take revenge on the Demons.
Perk:I get from bio
Description:Green(Duh),Tall,Black Eyes,Black Hair,Wounds from the attack.
Class:I decide

Hey Ubica.Room for me?

2,188 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Weapon:One handed Sword,Big Shield,,War-Hammer
Armor:Leather Armor
Bio:Raised in the Orc town of Gerton.It was a peaceful village with happy villagers until some monsters which we called "Demons" came and destroyed our village.My Family luckily survived the attack.
They then died from a demon curse that laid on them.I did not die as I had a heart of an angel.I then came to a bigger village with a barracks.So I went in and train with a varaity of weapons.I trained most with the sword,axe,war-hammer and the bow.I then swore that I will take revenge on the Demons.
Perk:Hate-Can join Human armys when fighting against demons and have bonus when fighting with Demons
Description:Green,Tall,Black Eyes,Black Hair,Wounds from the attack.

Angel Hart orc lol
I need to go now i will post your story later

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair

I hurry down near him to chop off his head in a charge with my shield in front to block any counters. Then, I look back at the battle of the Mercenaries, seeing if I need to continue aiding them from the shadows.

2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

I hide the survivors and put the two soldiers that stayed with me to guard them, then rush in alone to save the men. I put protective magic up around me to repel orcish attacks.

2,157 posts

Are you still here?

2,188 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair

You menage to kill creature and when you turn around saw they are finishing remening demons but only 5 Mercenarys survived and now are resting from battle but then you saw not so far from them hundreds and hundreds more demons what are you going to do?

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

You just wanted to go when one of your solders grab youo for hand and tell you not to go you are to tired for casting spells and solders are probably dead what are you going to do?

Name:Tom Razer
Weapon:One handed Sword,Big Shield,,War-Hammer
Armor:Leather Armor
Bio:Raised in the Orc town of Gerton.It was a peaceful village with happy villagers until some monsters which we called "Demons" came and destroyed our village.My Family luckily survived the attack.
They then died from a demon curse that laid on them.I did not die as I had a heart of an angel.I then came to a bigger village with a barracks.So I went in and train with a varaity of weapons.I trained most with the sword,axe,war-hammer and the bow.I then swore that I will take revenge on the Demons.
Perk:Hate-Can join Human armys when fighting against demons and have bonus when fighting with Demons
Description:Green,Tall,Black Eyes,Black Hair,Wounds from the attack.

Since you come to village only thing you do was practicing choping woods anything that could raise you strength and one day you where practicing at barack when chief of thr village come to you and tell you that one small demon army are coming thro our forest and he need you to lead warriors and make ambush fot them what are you going to do?

2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

I try to use magic to sense whether the soldiers are alive or not.

7 posts

I died...

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair

I run toward the mercenaries," Hello! Other than those already dead, who needs help because I spy many demons incoming from the distance? Those that wish to survive should abandon this stand, else they be slaughtered."

2,188 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

You use your last strength for that spell and you saw 2 warriors making their last stand and killing as muchs orcs they can befor get killed and then you passed out after sevral hours you wake up in middle of some camp what are yo going to do?

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:5 Mercenarys

"Ok we will join you where are you going do you have some plan our our whole company was destroyed in battle and demons are finishing off survivors this is 4 attack of demons we repel but we will not survive one more"

1,126 posts

Name: Rikeer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword
Armor:Light Iron Armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory:130 gold
Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame.
Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery
Race: Human
Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair
Team:5 Mercenaries

(Could you use some punctuation?)

"All I know is that we're going to have to get out of here," I look around for a route.

2,157 posts

Name: Neolvin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger
Armor: Cloth armor
Condition: Fine
Inventory: [Empty]
Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts.
Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience
Race: Elven
Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.).
Class: Mage
Army: 5 men

I ready my wealth of magic, and stealthily get up to try to find where I am, and what happened to my team.

Showing 31-45 of 122