Story:It was A massive war against the races there were The Elves,The Orcs and Dwarfs villages pillaged citys burnd to ground people slaughterd war started when Orcs get new leader some powerful wizard who was exiled from Human empire because involvin in Dark and Blood magick after 7 years of war Orcs capture capital city of Elves and take book of one of most powerful wizard in history orc shamans use that book to open some kind of portal in Elves capital and relise one inprisoned race Demons and their leader Baal orcs try to make aliance with them but Demons betrey them and kill every orc and elf in city soon after that they form small Country and their streinght grow every day,elves race is brought almost to extinction most of Eves are killed and they make their last stand in Brecilian forest and they are under nonstop attack of Orcs and Deamons in masiv race war Dwarfs had big success and they started wining but when demons was relised they invaded Dwarven underground Empire and destored most of Dwarfen citys and former empire is in ruins Human empire didnt involved in War when Emeror of Human empire wend misin civil war started in The Human empire emeror was last saw in in capital city where great plague is killed many people humans send many expeditions nad helers to capital but nobody returned and there are rumors that at night you could hear screams and strange voices from city some people say that Emeror of Human empire always wanted to beacome immortal and that he was involved in many experiments and Black magick and that he formed packt with some powerful Spirit that give him immortalty.
Name: Age:18-... Gender:Male or Female Weapon:I decide Armor:I decide Condition:Fine Inventory:I decide Bio:Make it a longer Perk:I get from bio Race:Chose any Race Description: Class:I decide
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
You take a look on map one more and start heding toward main gate after some time of walking you come to main gate but its look like gate is hevily guarded by demon forces there is no way you can get throu you could try with cracks in the wall or with sewers what are you going to do?
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger Armor: Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: [Empty] Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class: Mage Army: 5 men
Before you get up some human in armor aproach you "Evrything will be alright we found you at some ruins of castle you where surounded by 3 elf soldiers and tons of dead orcs" What are you going to do?
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
Sewers, always go with the sewers, but their stench is horrid. So, we look for cracks in the wall and, if we don't find any, we go into the sewers.
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger Armor: Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: [Empty] Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class: Mage Army: 5 men
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
City was just under sige so there is many crack in wall you and your team passs esaly throu demon light defences on walls but then one of Mercenaries fall in some hiden hole you look into hole it look like its leding to some underground cave you can chose go and save your friend or finaly escape form demon city What are you going to do?
Name: Neolvin Age: 33 Gender: Male Weapon: Magic Staff, Spell Book, Dagger Armor: Cloth armor Condition: Fine Inventory: [Empty] Bio: I grew up in a small Elven village, where from an early age the powers of Elven magic were taught to me. Over time, I have become a powerful Elven sorcerer, and am a key player in the resistance against the Orcish and Demonic onslaughts. Perk: Experienced - Very powerful mage with huge experience Race: Elven Description: Thin, but muscular, and about 5'11". Tan-ish skin with distinct Elvin features (pointed ears, angled facial features, etc.). Class: Mage
"Your whole team is dead its look like they defended you to the last man" then a man bring you your weapons and armor "right now we are deep into demon teritory our mission is to scout area of Elf capital and bring news of the sige do you want to join us?"
Name: Desi Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon: One-Handed Axe Armor: Old Leather Armor Condition: Fine Inventory: Bio: I grew up in a western, coastal, cliffside town, where I was trained in combat, specializing with the axe. I also learned to fish and have fought on boats multiple times to escape pirates. There have only been a few orc raids in our region, but we are prepared. Perk: Axeman-Very good with axe-like weapons Race: Human Description: 5'8", Tan skin, extremely dark brown hair and eyes of the same color, fit, but not muscular. Class: Axeman
You tell your plan to city gurds and then one of them come to you and tell "We will never retret or escape and i iam declaring that you are the traitor of your country and this city" then he hit you and you fell unconscious,after some time you wake up tied on pirate ship and you see leader of pirates is aproching you with knife in his hand Whar are you going to do?
Name: Age:38 Gender:Male Weapon:I decide Armor:I decide Condition:Fine Inventory:I decide Bio:Make it a longer Perk:I get from bio Race:Chose any Race Description: Class:I decide
before i fully finish the sheet i have a question can i pick any race or just the ones mentioned in the story
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
"We leave no man behind," I tell my Team as I follow my fallen friend into the underground cave.
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
You and your team take out their weapons and jump in underground cave you checked evry corner of that part of cave and it seems evryrhing clear no your friend or demons you continued with explorin cave after sometime you get to the some room decorated with dozens diamonds,gems and golden demon statues and in the middle of room you saw demon with one masive iron glove he put his hand above you friend and start speking on some strange langulage and then some white shadow begins to emerge from your friend what are you going to to?
Name: Kig' Sul "Kig" (nickname) Age:38 Gender:Male Weapon:I decide Armor:I decide Condition:Fine Inventory:I decide Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals. Perk:I get from bio Race:Sahuagin Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah Class:I decide
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
Whatever I see I don't think it's a good idea for it to continue. I ready my crossbow and launch a bolt at the demon's head.
Name: Rikeer Age: 20 Gender: Male Weapon:Crossbow,Bow,Small shield,One handed sword Armor:Light Iron Armor Condition: Fine Inventory:130 gold Bio: As sharp as a hawk, he is well trained with a bow, crossbow, and other ranged weapons. Although he mainly works with weapons that he can hold in his hands he can mount heavy artillery fairly well. His main goal is to and train arm himself with the most powerful range weapons, so he starts himself a life as a mercenary, slowly increasing his wealth and fame. Perk:Ranged Expert-Very experienced ranged soldier he is very good with every type of ranged weapon from throwing knifes to heaviest artillery Race: Human Description: Slim 5'8" with frizzled black hair Class:Mercenary Team:5 Mercenaries
You aim at demon head and you just wanted to shoot but one of you friends grab you for hand and tell you i "heard about this things this is one demonic order which prefere to catch enemy alive so their leader can take his soule so we need to be carefule for evry soule leader get he got more powerfule and more likely to survive wounds that killed most of the demons" What are you going to do?
Name: Kig' Sul "Kig" Age:38 Gender:Male Weapon:I decide Armor:I decide Condition:Fine Inventory: Bio:Lived in a small lake off off the edge of orcish lands his family and whole tribe lived there and stole the occasional human warrior or traveler for sacrifices. It gave them a bit of notoriety though, so much so that eventually there was an expedition to find what was at the lake, all were killed except for a few who ran off and tell the local lord. he personally came out to ensure the destruction of his tribe and the few who survived the attack scattered amongst the lands to wander as travelers like the ones they once picked off for rituals. Perk:I get from bio Race:Sahuagin Description:5'11", dull green skin, large yellow eyes, sharp teeth (like a shark, dulled to make him less scary to others), a large gold pendant of the fish god, Sekolah Class:I decide
After destroying your village you could live only in caves,in some far swampes or under some forest bridges but you didnt stay in one place for to long one day you where traveling in serch of new shelter and you found perfect spot huge cave near one human village you could go adn kidnap villagers in village but that would be very risky so you need to find some way to attract humans to your cave What are you going to do? Can you att weapon and armor?