ForumsWEPR[necro] Ask a Muslim

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232 posts

Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
232 posts

Do you believe that Allah is loving?

Sure he is.

Then why is his holy book full of so much hatred, violence, discrimination, injustice, cruelty and intolerance?

Why don't you never ask why He gives all the good things? Why always choosing the bad things, instead of the good things?

And I don't see any verse full of hatred, violence, discrimination etc. Could you point some out for me?

Wait what? What about parts like this

An adulter should be punished, true. But, you need 4, reliable witnisses.

he told me that there are no gay muslims, and those who are arent real muslims. is this really how the islam works...?

As I said before. Being gay is not a sin. Practicing is a sin.

Do muslims look down upon Gays and Lesbians?

It doesn't matter if we look down upon homosexuals. It's about the judgment of God. And God doesn't look down upon anyone. But out of this, as Armed Blade said, most of us look down upon homosexuals.

1,482 posts

Then why is his holy book full of so much hatred, violence, discrimination, injustice, cruelty and intolerance?

Okay first, his book was written circa 600AD. Plus, it wasn't really in the heart of the Roman Empire or anything, so think of it like 100AD.
So any punishments regarding lashings or anything else will clearly be there, there isn't going to a line saying 'If he's bad, put him in that Jail and give him 3 meals a day'.

By injustice, I'm going to assume you're talking about women's rights. In this case, the passage that declares that a women's testimony is worth half that of a man's is regarding those when a woman is a witness of anything related to that family's finance. This is due to the fact that in Islam, a woman's job is to give first priority to her family.

As for discrimination/cruelty/intolerance, I'm going to guess that you're talking about gays. I don't see that as discrimination, though, since I don't really approve of the act itself, it being a sin.

I believe that he is loving. I mean, there are happy passages, too.
3,085 posts

Why don't you never ask why He gives all the good things? Why always choosing the bad things, instead of the good things?

Because no deity is worthy of worship if it knowingly commits evil unto it's creations - would you consider a father that lavished gifts upon his children but beat them viciously every night a man worthy of praise?
And I don't see any verse full of hatred, violence, discrimination etc. Could you point some out for me?

I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a rush - look here and also it appears that anyone who doesn't believe in the Quran (no matter how good a life they've led) will burn in fire/suffer a painful doom for all eternity which doesn't seem like something a loving deity would allow.
3,025 posts

Why don't you never ask why He gives all the good things? Why always choosing the bad things, instead of the good things?

The question is why are there bad things from a loving God?

And I don't see any verse full of hatred, violence, discrimination etc. Could you point some out for me?

How about this?
The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out God's law, if you truly believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty.

An adulter should be punished, true. But, you need 4, reliable witnisses.

How does having 4 witnesses justify it? The bottom line should be the punishment be carried out if you can prove it.

That, and whatever the punishment is, I can often say is absurdly terrible.

The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes.

I'd assume that he'd have to pick one or the other.

You could also pick the life or death situation after you, you know, already died, in some religious cases.

What does Islam believe happens after you die, then?

- H
1,531 posts

I almost lost my whole family. My whole lifestyle has changed. Can't find any food, no water, because the weather is bad and because I'm poor. It's too hot. My house has been burned down by some man in uniforms, I think they are soldiers of that god**** country. I see these soldiers everywhere. It's all because of them. It's all because of America. Are you American? Then you are a soldier.

This is the idea of almost everyone in Iraq, or Afghanistan. I suggest you to watch Buried. A good movie. When the one who's been buried, and the insurgent are talking.

So, because America has destroyed his country, it's normal for these people to think of America as the "Great Satan" right? You would do that too, I'm pretty sure of it.

This "Great Satan" thing goes back well before the current war. Keep in mind, it was you Muslims that started this war by attacking us on September 11. In the past, America has tried to help countries in the Middle East. We've sent food and relief supplies when natural disasters hit. We've tried to curb some of the violence there. We've made your people rich with oil money. We even kicked Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait because the rest of Arabia couldn't/wouldn't on its own. In the current war, our forces go out of their way and frequently get shot up trying to provide food and medical care to the locals. How can you say that we're the problem when it's the Arab leaders and their thugs trashing the Middle East and attacking the rest of the world?

Also, I noticed that you didn't address the part of my question about Israel. Do you have a legitimate gripe, or is it just unreasoning, unrelenting hatred of that people?
3,371 posts

Well it's not exactly like that. We started the whole osama thing, and it's not the muslims fault at all. It the extremeist's fault.

879 posts

If you read on, it addresses the fact that four witnesses should be presented by the accuser, otherwise the accuser gets hit. That's 24:4

An adulter should be punished, true. But, you need 4, reliable witnisses.

Does this make it any better? Do you (Reiki and Armed) really want to make such bad excuses? Is it fair to punish "adultery" (e.g. sex in the forest) with 100 lashes?! You must be kidding...
232 posts

Because no deity is worthy of worship if it knowingly commits evil unto it's creations - would you consider a father that lavished gifts upon his children but beat them viciously every night a man worthy of praise?

God doesn't love everyone. He loves:
⢠those who do good

⢠those who repent for their sins

⢠those who keep themselves clean

⢠those who fulfill their pledges and are conscious of Allah

⢠those who are steadfast on the right path

⢠those who trust in Allah

And He doesn't love:
⢠mischief makers

⢠treacherous ingrates

⢠proud people


⢠rejecters of Allah's message

So, for these people there's a punishment.

I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a rush - look here and also it appears that anyone who doesn't believe in the Quran (no matter how good a life they've led) will burn in fire/suffer a painful doom for all eternity which doesn't seem like something a loving deity would allow.

First of all, this site( is full of BS. These verses which are "evil" and "cruel" are describing the Hell, and the Last Day. It's not evil or cruel. It's a punishment, and here it is written what the punishment is. And the translation of skeptic is inaccurate. This site is more accurate.

232 posts

also it appears that anyone who doesn't believe in the Quran (no matter how good a life they've led) will burn in fire/suffer a painful doom for all eternity which doesn't seem like something a loving deity would allow.

Forget to answer this. Nobody knows. Only God knows who will go to Hell or who will go to Heaven.

3,085 posts

Yes but it's made quite clear that 'disbelievers' will not be going to Heaven - I don't see anything about "...unless they're generally good people".

232 posts

The question is why are there bad things from a loving God?

As I said, God doesn't love everyone
How does having 4 witnesses justify it? The bottom line should be the punishment be carried out if you can prove it.

Still don't get it, do you? First, it's impossible to find 4 witnesses. Second, it's impossible to find 4 witnesses, who are reliable. Let's say you have found 4 witnesses. How do you know they are 100% reliable. Nobody on the world is 100% reliable. At last, I didn't see any.

What does Islam believe happens after you die, then?

Firstly, people enter the pangs of death.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "Every soul shall taste death". Meaning that we all have to go through this initial pain, death. However, that will vary upon each individual. Secondly, each soul will be in an interspace, called the Barzakh. This is an intemediary place before the Day of Judgement. This place can either be the best place someone can rest or the worst.

Two stern Angels will come to each person (called Mukar and Nakir) and they will ask you question. Like;

1.Who is your God?
2.Who is your Prophet ?
3.What is your religion?

Depending on how someone lived their life, they will bear some consequences in the grave. On the Day of Judgement, every one will be resurrected from their graves. It is reported that man will say "Woe to me, if only I had believed the messengers..."

People will stand behind those that they followed.
Muslims will stand behind Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Christians stand behind Jesus (pbuh)
Some people may stand behind Hitler etc. etc.

Everyone person will be judged on every action they did in their lives. Nothing will be left unturned and the whole of humanity will witness this. Finally, people will either be admitted to Heaven or Hellfire.

3,371 posts

So everything will be taken into consideration? If you're muslim and a bad person you go to hell? If you're not muslim and a good person you go to heaven? How important is being muslim in the judgement?

232 posts

This "Great Satan" thing goes back well before the current war. Keep in mind, it was you Muslims that started this war by attacking us on September 11. In the past, America has tried to help countries in the Middle East. We've sent food and relief supplies when natural disasters hit. We've tried to curb some of the violence there. We've made your people rich with oil money. We even kicked Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait because the rest of Arabia couldn't/wouldn't on its own. In the current war, our forces go out of their way and frequently get shot up trying to provide food and medical care to the locals. How can you say that we're the problem when it's the Arab leaders and their thugs trashing the Middle East and attacking the rest of the world?

9/11 is another topic. It's been said Al-Qaeda did it. Let's say they did it. Who created Al-Qaeda and financed it? Yes. America. The reason America went to Iraq is different then what you say. Or other Arab countries. America said that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But there wasn't. Why did they then stay in Iraq for so many years? Yes. For the oil. Why did America jump in to Libya? Why doesn't it do anything about other problems? For example, why doesn't it jump in Syria, like in Libya? The case in Syria is even worse than in Libya. What does the "helper and saviour" America do? Nothing? Why? Ever asked this question? Why don't they do anything in Chechnya? Why don't they do anything about Tibet? And go on. America only went to Iraq for oil, wen't to Afghanistan, to stop the Sovjets etc. etc. All for their own sake. All for the money. All for might.

Also, I noticed that you didn't address the part of my question about Israel. Do you have a legitimate gripe, or is it just unreasoning, unrelenting hatred of that people?

Didn't noticed that part of the question. But I'll answer it.

If you try to research the facts, you will find that 1956 war was initiated by (England, France, and Israel) after Nasser of Egypt took back the Sinai.

The 1967 war was started by Israel and the proof that their air force destroyed every single Egyptian and Syrian fighter without killing any pilots. Do you know why? (Because those fighter jets were in their barracks and not attacking anybody.

In 1973 Egypt did start the war against Israel only to try and take back a land lost in 1967 war and occupied by Israel.

In 1968 (The unmentioned war) Israel invaded Jordan in an attempt to destroy the Palestinian presence there only retreated after failing to advance.

In 1978 Israel invaded Lebanon pursuing the destruction of the Palestinian groups inside the Palestinian refugee camps.

If those were not good enough reasons for some nations to hate Israel, I don't really know what would be a good valid excuse.

Do you think people of the Middle East and muslims have nothing better to do than hating Israel for no good reason and out of pure racism?

232 posts

Does this make it any better? Do you (Reiki and Armed) really want to make such bad excuses? Is it fair to punish "adultery" (e.g. sex in the forest) with 100 lashes?! You must be kidding...

As I said. It's already impossible to find 4 reliable witnesses. But if you find 4 reliable witnesses, then, yes. 100 lashes for the adulter. No kidding.

232 posts

Yes but it's made quite clear that 'disbelievers' will not be going to Heaven - I don't see anything about "...unless they're generally good people".

Still don't know who will go to Hell or Heaven. Even if this person is a disbeliever. You can't be 100% sure he/she will go to Hell.

So everything will be taken into consideration? If you're muslim and a bad person you go to hell? If you're not muslim and a good person you go to heaven? How important is being muslim in the judgement?

Muslims and non-Muslims will be judged differently. Being Muslims makes it easier to go to Heaven. For a non-Muslims is it harder to get passed. But yes, it is all about the sins and blessings.

Showing 166-180 of 558