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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
9,462 posts

ok i am a musli and i respect quran but come on dont you think the words in the quran (some of them) are for arabs in the age that muslims rised ... cause in those days arabs were like savages and god needed to put somethings in quran so muslims could controll them but now the cutting hands the throwing from mountain ... arnt for this time we should punnish bad ppl with this time and generation punnishmants ...

Not that I don't agree with you to a point, but does this mean you think the definitive work on spiritual guidance isn't one for all times?
879 posts

Why is it cruel and injust?

Why could 100 lashes for SEX be cruel and injust?! Hm.... I don't know... It's a really hard crime...

Those who make a decision to reject God are helped in that direction; they are prevented by God from seeing any proof or guidance for as long as they maintain such a decision.

I am open to find God, I just want some proof.

Cutting a hand off is not a easy thing as you think. There are many rules for it.

Because cutting off the hand is a serious matter, it should not be done for just any case of theft.

Where did you find them? (Quran, Hadith?)

There's a possibility for you to believe.

they cannot believe.

i am a muslim and i say that some words in quran are for 1000 years ago arabs and now we should update them

I thought Gods word was eternal because he was perfect?
3,139 posts

I see as always a Q&A has turned into the usual religious debate.
Yet people complain about threads going off topic... >.>

So to get back on topic.
(If it hasn't already been asked)

I once heard that a lot of Muslims find translated Qu'rans very disrespectful. For instance - i have on in Arabic, one in Indonesian, and one in English. I use the latter two to help me learn off passages to read the Arabic - yet this is viewed as only "a little more respectful."
What is the reason for this?

9,439 posts

i am a muslim and i say that some words in quran are for 1000 years ago arabs and now we should update them

Why alter the original words? You can look up what the word meant back then. When people interpret things differently from what was intended, problems arise.

What is the reason for this?

It might be the same reason as what I listed above.
9,462 posts

Why alter the original words? You can look up what the word meant back then. When people interpret things differently from what was intended, problems arise.

We run into problems when it's interpreted the way it's intended as well.

What is the reason for this?

Linguistic elitists...
232 posts

That seems entirely counter productive. If Allah wants people to believe in him than how does preventing those that don't from seeing any reason to help further that goal? This also still leaves the problem of why those that don't believe should be punished, seeing as according to this they are actively being prevented from getting what is necessary for them to believe.

Can you convert to Islam, right now, if you want to? Yes or no?

232 posts

So where exactly do you get this rule?


Or at least I think that is what it says. Your Allah isn't very good at English, for being omnipotent and all.

At last be a bit respectful. And why do you think Allah isn't good at English?

So where does it say that? Remember, if you try making stuff up by yourself you are going into some strange furnace apparently powered by carbon based humans and rocks, maybe coal.

As I said, the tafsir. And you should think yourself about verses, what it could mean, what the message in it is etc.

3,085 posts

Can you convert to Islam, right now, if you want to? Yes or no?


Anyway, it's a good point, considering that English is a much more widespread and widely-used language than Arabic - you'd think that Allah would either have seen that coming and had the Quran written in English or had the good grace to make Arabic more widely used.
232 posts

Are there any islamic stories that you like or think are intresting?

Abu Hanifa, was the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school. The story is about his father, Sabit. The storie is like this:

One day, Sabit, was cleaning himself near a river. Then, he saw an apple in the river. He took the apple and ate a bit of it. Then he remembered that this apple wasn't his. So he spit it out. unfortunately, he swallowed the juice of this apple. He was too late. So he needed to find the owner of the apple, so he could say he's sorry*. So he follow the river, till he found a apple tree. The apple's in this tree were the same as the apple he ate of. So he was sure it was this apple tree. He went in to the garden, and searched for the owner. After he found the owner, he told the whole story to him. The owner of the tree was a muslim too. He was known as a good man. He(the owner), then thought it actually isn't bad that Sabit ate of the apple, because this apple fall of the tree. He said to himself: is this guy a rightfull believer, or a hypocrite who tries to look good in peoples eyes? So he tested this stranger.

- I won't forgive you so easily. I will forgive you only with one condition!
Sabit then answered a bit frightened;
- What's your condition?
- you will work 3 years for me, without getting paid. After that, I wil forgive you.

Sabit had no other choice than doing what this man said. So he accepted his condition. He worked for the owner for 3 years without getting paid. After the 3 years passed, Sabit said:
- As you know, I worked for you 3 years like you wanted. I hope you will forgive me now.
The garden owner didn't want to let this man leave. He knew that there was nobody else like him, and so, didn't want to let him leave.

- Listen my Son, he said to Sabit, to forgive you I have a last condition. If you fulfill this condition, I'll forgive you.
Sabit asked the man:
- What's your condition?
- I have a daugther. She is a good believer. She prays 5 times a day etc. But, she can't use her hands, can't use her feets, she's blind and deaf. If you marry my daughter, I will forgive you.

It was hard for Sabit to make decision. But he had no other choice.
- Alright, I'll marry her. The only thing I want is, that you'll forgive me.
A couple of days later Sabit was going to marry. After the wedding he went to the room for the "first night". When he went into the room, he saw a beautiful girl sitting on the bed, smiling to him. He was shocked and went out of the room. He thought that he went into the wrong room. He saw his father before the door. His father said;
- That's not the wrong room. That's my daughter.
- But this isn't the girl you were talking about.

His father answered smiling;
- What I said to you was not literally, but figurative. With "she can't use her hands", I meant that she doesn't touch anything that's sinful. With "she can't use her feets, I meant that she doesn't go to places which are forbidden for her". She doesn't look to other guys, and ignores them, that's what I meant with "she's blind". And with "she's deaf", I meant that she doesn't listen to rumors, and actually hates it.

So Sabit was sure that this woman was her wife. And married her. And so, Abu Hanifa was born. THE END.

*note that in Islam, the right of someone(inc. animals) is very important in Islam. If you harm someone, you should say you're sorry so s/he will forgive you. Otherwise, you will go to Hell. Why? Because this person will take all your blessings. If all your blessings aren't enough for him, to go to Heaven, you will get all his sins, till s/he can go to Heaven. And if this person is an unbeliever, s/he can take your Imaan(belief) and go to Heaven. The bad thing is, without the Imaan it's almost impossible to go to Heaven.

My favourite story.

232 posts

Why could 100 lashes for SEX be cruel and injust?! Hm.... I don't know... It's a really hard crime...

adultery is a crime. Its no good for the society. Why do you think the culture in Europe is dying?

I am open to find God, I just want some proof.

What kind of proof?

Where did you find them? (Quran, Hadith?)


they cannot believe.

can you believe if you want?

232 posts

I once heard that a lot of Muslims find translated Qu'rans very disrespectful. For instance - i have on in Arabic, one in Indonesian, and one in English. I use the latter two to help me learn off passages to read the Arabic - yet this is viewed as only "a little more respectful."
What is the reason for this?

It's actually not disrespectful. It's just inaccurate. And because it becomes inaccurate, there are problems comming with it. But, as far as I know, no muslim thinks it's disrespectful. Actually, as you do, it's better have many translations, so you can understand it easily.

232 posts



879 posts

Why do you think the culture in Europe is dying?

WFT are you talking about? The culture isn't dying.

What kind of proof?

Objective proof.


K, thx. I'll look it up tomorrow, I'm too tired right now.

can you believe if you want?

Nope. You can't chose what you believe.
232 posts

WFT are you talking about? The culture isn't dying.

to let a culture "live", it needs a fertility rate of at last 2.1, so the culture will be sustained for like 25 years. The fertility rate in Europe is below 2.1, it's 1.6(2008). So Europe as we know it now, will not be the same after 25 years.

Objective proof.

Then I can't help you whit it.

Nope. You can't chose what you believe.

What do you mean?

3,139 posts

Can you convert to Islam, right now, if you want to? Yes or no?


I don't know if i'm missing the point or not.
Do you mean can anyone convert to Islam?
If so - they of course a person can.

How to convert to Islam.

Conversion happens quite a lot considering in predominately Muslim countries, cross-belief marriages see the minority religion in the country convert to Islam.

If there was whole different point i skipped, then apologies.

It's actually not disrespectful. It's just inaccurate. And because it becomes inaccurate, there are problems comming with it. But, as far as I know, no muslim thinks it's disrespectful. Actually, as you do, it's better have many translations, so you can understand it easily.

I know many Muslims who don't know any Arabic, and read English Qu'ran. So i think the majority of Modern Islam is kind of inaccurate. Just my two cents.
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