ForumsWEPR[necro] Ask a Muslim

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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
3,817 posts

We should be punished for something a bunch of idiots did? That this guy is a terrorist doesn't mean the whole Islamic Comunity is.

No. But all of Bin Laden's terrorist community is based around his religion, which would be hard to do if it was as peaceful as you would like to think.

People are not so stupid to believe a guy who says "THEY STARTED IT". In Islam, if a muslims country is attacked by another country, then it has the right to attack this country. Otherwise NOT.

So why do we have angry Muslims attacking our towers now? I don't recall any aggression, but I was like five at the time... And if they attacked first, then how did he bring up such a large base? It really was as easy as yelling "They started it" and start blowing things up in the name of your god.

Is he bad in English(1), or is the translator not good in translating(2)? Or are you just stupid(3)?

Both 1 and 2, your god is supposed to be inspiring the translators as well. And I would say that this book is extremely stupid, as would anyone with half a brain. Where does that leave you?

I'm sorry but someone who commits suicide will go directly yo Hell, for EVER. So, it's just BS.

Even if they do it in the name of Allah? With a double-edged blade they are attempting to use?

No, sex is not considered as bad. Sex without marriage is bad. And, these 72 virgins are just an EXAMPLE.

So you are not married to those virgins then? Why not choose an example that doesn't involve having sex with multiple partners who are not your wife if that is bad?

These woman are wearing these things because they want it themselfs. And, this is not a topic about my believe. This topic is a Q&A topic. If you don't have any question about Islam, then just be quiet.

How you believe is how you answer the Q&A topics, unless your communicating with your god threw a magic Dildo or something. Or are you answering something that you don't believe?

I really wonder who organized this The Government, or Al-Qaeda?

Really? Then you are stupider than I thought. I am going on the assumption that nobody could be so stupid to think that the government would destroy one of their own buildings, full of people, for no reason at all. What reason would they have?
232 posts

No. But all of Bin Laden's terrorist community is based around his religion, which would be hard to do if it was as peaceful as you would like to think.

With taking things out of context, every book can be shown bad.

So why do we have angry Muslims attacking our towers now? I don't recall any aggression, but I was like five at the time... And if they attacked first, then how did he bring up such a large base? It really was as easy as yelling "They started it" and start blowing things up in the name of your god.

Not all of these man were aware that they were commiting a kamikaze attack. It sounds stupid. Men in caves have attacked world's strongest country.

Both 1 and 2, your god is supposed to be inspiring the translators as well. And I would say that this book is extremely stupid, as would anyone with half a brain. Where does that leave you?

You're ignoring. God talked with us through Arabic, because it is easier to translate it in another language. It's not being bad in English, that's just a comment of a little ignoring kid. The translation you are using is just bad. What translation are you using? This Book is extremely stupid? Show me a verse that is "extremely stupid".

Even if they do it in the name of Allah? With a double-edged blade they are attempting to use?

Yes. It's a sin, even if it's in name of God. Doesn't it sound stupid? Commiting a sin in the name of God?

So you are not married to those virgins then? Why not choose an example that doesn't involve having sex with multiple partners who are not your wife if that is bad?

As I said. Everything is possible in Heaven. There's no sin in Heaven. That's why you don't need to marry these virgins.

How you believe is how you answer the Q&A topics, unless your communicating with your god threw a magic Dildo or something. Or are you answering something that you don't believe?

Very, very funny. Try to discuss a more serious, would ya? Try to be an adult. Or act as one. You're sounding very stupid.

Really? Then you are stupider than I thought. I am going on the assumption that nobody could be so stupid to think that the government would destroy one of their own buildings, full of people, for no reason at all. What reason would they have?

You don't know anything boy. You will understand it when you grow up. Watch it in this video between 5:01 and 5:32

What I mean is, all this are done for might, for more power. People will do everything for might and power. People even will kill their own parents for this, let stand his own people. Killing your own father and mother for just might and power!

3,817 posts

With taking things out of context, every book can be shown bad.

It seems that he showed the verses I gave in complete context, or is there a secret context that you are not telling me about?

Not all of these man were aware that they were commiting a kamikaze attack. It sounds stupid. Men in caves have attacked world's strongest country.

Vietnam wring a bell? Men in forests fighting "The world's strongest country". Actually, pretty much all of the wars America has fought against guerrillas they have lost. It seems we get board and leave after a while.

You're ignoring. God talked with us through Arabic, because it is easier to translate it in another language. It's not being bad in English, that's just a comment of a little ignoring kid. The translation you are using is just bad. What translation are you using? This Book is extremely stupid? Show me a verse that is "extremely stupid".

Why not Latin, the root of all languages? Half of modern language is based around it, it would be easily translated into several different languages. Or better yet, why not just make a book for all languages ever? He is omnipotent, its not like it would be hard.

I'm using a standard online Quaran that anyone can log onto. Its Skeptic's Annotated Quaran for easy sorting, it is however a standard version the guy doing it probably found on a Quran website.

Extremely stupid:

2:64 Then, even after that, ye turned away, and if it had not been for the grace of Allah and His mercy ye had been among the losers.
2:65 And ye know of those of you who broke the Sabbath, how We said unto them: Be ye apes, despised and hated!
2:66 And We made it an example to their own and to succeeding generations, and an admonition to the God-fearing.

Allah turned sabbath breakers into apes. Forever.

2:71 (Moses) answered: Lo! He saith: Verily she is a cow unyoked; she plougheth not the soil nor watereth the tilth; whole and without mark. They said: Now thou bringest the truth. So they sacrificed her, though almost they did not.
2:72 And (remember) when ye slew a man and disagreed concerning it and Allah brought forth that which ye were hiding.
2:73 And We said: Smite him with some of it. Thus Allah bringeth the dead to life and showeth you His portents so that ye may understand.

They stabbed a guy with a cow. To bring him back to life. To solve a now pointless murder.

24:4 And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes and never (afterward) accept their testimony - They indeed are evil-doers
24:5 Save those who afterward repent and make amends. (For such) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
24:6 As for those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses except themselves; let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies, (swearing) by Allah that he is of those who speak the truth;24:7 And yet a fifth, invoking the curse of Allah on him if he is of those who lie.
24:8 And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he saith is indeed false,
24:9 And a fifth (time) that the wrath of Allah be upon her if he speaketh truth.

You need five witnesses to beat your wife. But if you swear five times that she is an adulteress, its ok, since you now count as all five witnesses.

Need more?

Yes. It's a sin, even if it's in name of God. Doesn't it sound stupid? Commiting a sin in the name of God?

So when Allah tells you to kill someone (A sin?) it is stupid? I'm less familiar with this Allah than I am with the other abrahamic gods, but I'm sure I can find him telling people to kill people somewhere.

As I said. Everything is possible in Heaven. There's no sin in Heaven. That's why you don't need to marry these virgins.

So your saying you can do whatever you want, but it won't be considered a sin? Why not just call nothing on earth a sin and let everyone into heaven? Why would it be OK to cheat on your wife in heaven, but not on earth?

Very, very funny. Try to discuss a more serious, would ya? Try to be an adult. Or act as one. You're sounding very stupid.

You think the twin towers was a government setup. And you think that I am being stupid?

You don't know anything boy. You will understand it when you grow up. Watch it in this video between 5:01 and 5:32

I can smell BS threw the link. However my poor abused computer is doing its best to download a file while keeping this and several other pages up, I can't go on that video. Just give me the just of it.

What I mean is, all this are done for might, for more power. People will do everything for might and power. People even will kill their own parents for this, let stand his own people. Killing your own father and mother for just might and power!

What? The government has enough power to do whatever it needs already. A push of a few buttons and the world will end. Why would they need more, and why would they kill random innocents to get it?
879 posts


Okay, I looked it up and found some rules. Mainly the ones that arkaninerenegade wrote:
1- The thing should have been taken by stealth; if it was not taken by stealth, then the hand should not be cut off, such as when property has been seized by force in front of other people, because in this case the owner of the property could have asked for help to stop the thief.

2- The stolen property should be something of worth, because that which is of no worth has no sanctity, such as musical instruments, wine and pigs.

2- The value of the stolen property should be above a certain limit, which is three Islamic Dirhams or a quarter of an Islamic Dinar, or their equivalent in other currencies.

3- The stolen property should have been taken from a place where it had been put away, i.e., a place where people usually put their property, such as a cupboard, for example.

4- The theft itself has to be proven, either by the testimony of two qualified witnesses or by the confession of the thief twice.

5- The person from whom the property was stolen has to ask for it back; if he does not, then (the thief�s) hand does not have to be cut off.

But you know what? It still doesn't make it better! It's still barbaric and cruel.

What do you mean?

You cannot choose what you believe. I can say I want to believe in Buddhism because I kinda like the concept, but that doesn't mean that I really believe in Buddhism.

to let a culture "live", it needs a fertility rate of at last 2.1, so the culture will be sustained for like 25 years. The fertility rate in Europe is below 2.1, it's 1.6(2008). So Europe as we know it now, will not be the same after 25 years.

And what is the correlation with adultery? (because we were clearly talking about adultery)

"Nothing against muslims, but something against Islam"

Actually it does make sense. That's the way I feel. I don't have problems with religious people but with (mainly the abrahamic) religions.

he Quran isn't compelling us to lash anybody, it is giving us an option to do so

I thought it's the word of god and you have to follow the word of god, or am I wrong?

Also, I think we're all confused about what 'Kafir' means. The word is used to define those people that have been given the opportunity to have a clear and full understanding of Islam, and those who openly reject it.

Weel, seems like I'm a Kafir then.

I don't think this parts ever been addressed.

Well, I've shown enough verses about disbelievers, so I'll quote one about Christians and Jews.

2:85 Yet ye it is who slay each other and drive out a party of your people from their homes, supporting one another against them by sin and transgression ? - and if they came to you as captives ye would ransom them, whereas their expulsion was itself unlawful for you - Believe ye in part of the Scripture and disbelieve ye in part thereof? And what is the reward of those who do so save ignominy in the life of the world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be consigned to the most grievous doom. For Allah is not unaware of what ye do.

5:72 They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah (himself) said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Lo! whoso ascribeth partners unto Allah, for him Allah hath forbidden paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evil-doers there will be no helpers.
5:73 They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allah is the third of three; when there is no God save the One God. If they desist not from so saying a painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve.

9:30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!

Watch it in this video between 5:01 and 5:32

LOL, Zeitgeist! You know that these movies are complete bull****?

btw, if you like Zeitgeist then watch the first movie and you will know what they think about your religion
232 posts

It seems that he showed the verses I gave in complete context, or is there a secret context that you are not telling me about?

What verses does he use, can you show it me again?

Vietnam wring a bell? Men in forests fighting "The world's strongest country". Actually, pretty much all of the wars America has fought against guerrillas they have lost. It seems we get board and leave after a while.

The United States pulled out of the Vietnam war. They did not lose it. Technically, they were not at war, they were advisors but the Congressional approval to fight in Vietnam was not given. If anyone lost it was the people of Laos and Cambodia who came under Communist rule after the war.

And failures by the US - 1) The US troops completely underestimated the VC, who were skilled jungle fighters, and also had mass peasant support. 2) The American tactic 'search and destroy' increased VC support. As one soldier said "If they weren't VC before we got there, they sure as hell were by the time we left." 3) The supply line (Ho Chi Minh Trail) was never shut down by the Americans thus allowing the VC to send and receive supplies. 4) American public support waned after the atrocities of 'My Lai' and disasters of the 'Tet offensive' came to light, and American body bags continued to arrive home. Protesting became rife and the public voice became hard for the government to ignore. 5) Guerrilla warfare was brutal, and morale became increasingly low from about 1969. 6) The VC's great defensive system the 'Cu Chi' tunnel was not shut down , allowing the VC to take cover during the 'Air War' which could potentially have been very successful for the Americans. 7) The Media played a massive role in the war, before media intervention many Americans had felt alienated from a war that was so far from home. The media changed this, changing at the same time the general public's view on war.

And, you said, "why would the Government kill his own citizens?". In VC, approximately 500.000 soldiers where send to death. Giving them drugs, so they would become warmachines killing everything in their path.

Why not Latin, the root of all languages? Half of modern language is based around it, it would be easily translated into several different languages. Or better yet, why not just make a book for all languages ever? He is omnipotent, its not like it would be hard.

This site explains it very well.

I'll quote a bit;
When looked at the history, every language developed after it is born and with the lapse of time it is transformed. And some of the languages has slide away by passage of time. That Arabic language doesnât have an âevolution periodâ is what differs it from the other languages. Arabic is the only language in the world that doesnât need an evolution with its stable and perfect rules. In this context, it is the only language worthy of being a means of the divine declaration.

So, going on.

I'm using a standard online Quaran that anyone can log onto. Its Skeptic's Annotated Quaran for easy sorting, it is however a standard version the guy doing it probably found on a Quran website.

Skeptic's annoted quran is full of inaccurate translations. It's better if you use other Qur'an translations.

Extremely stupid:

What´s so stupid about these verses(2:64-73)?

You need five witnesses to beat your wife. But if you swear five times that she is an adulteress, its ok, since you now count as all five witnesses.

First of all, I already answered this question before. Second, you need 4 witnesses, not 5. Third, you need 4 reliable witnesses. Do you know anybody who's 100% reliable?

Need more?

Yes please.

So when Allah tells you to kill someone (A sin?) it is stupid? I'm less familiar with this Allah than I am with the other abrahamic gods, but I'm sure I can find him telling people to kill people somewhere.

Then you should first research Islam, and read more books, before you're gonnna comment here. Killing out of self-defense is allowed by God, otherwise not. If you're killing out of self-defense, then it's not a sin.

So your saying you can do whatever you want, but it won't be considered a sin? Why not just call nothing on earth a sin and let everyone into heaven? Why would it be OK to cheat on your wife in heaven, but not on earth?

In Heaven, yes. On world, no.

Why? The first question we should ask is, why did God create us? Simple answer; why did does a king rule a country? Why does a football player, play football? Why does a teacher teach at school? Questions with simple answers right? A king rules a country because he's a king. A football player plays football because he's a football player. A teacher teachs at school because s/he's a teacher. The Creater created us, because he's the Creater. Simple as that.

Next question, how did He made life for us? He made this world a test. A test for every individual. Let me ask you, isn't it stupid to ask, why do I have errors in this test? Yes it is. You have errors because you're open to make errors. You can choose to make errors or not. Sometimes you make errors, because a subject is very hard. Then, the Teacher gives you a chance. You can say you're sorry for this error, and the Teacher won't count this error.

I can smell BS threw the link. However my poor abused computer is doing its best to download a file while keeping this and several other pages up, I can't go on that video. Just give me the just of it.

What that guy is telling is sure no BS.

What? The government has enough power to do whatever it needs already. A push of a few buttons and the world will end. Why would they need more, and why would they kill random innocents to get it?

They don't want more, but they want to keep this power. For that, they need money, and for money, they need, for example, oil.

232 posts

But you know what? It still doesn't make it better! It's still barbaric and cruel.

"sacrifices are need to be done to get peace." There must be rules which look cruel, so people won't do it. And it's not like your whole hand is going to be cut of, there are rules for that too. Maybe a finger, maybe your whole hand. It's all about why, how and what you stole.

And what is the correlation with adultery? (because we were clearly talking about adultery)

That answer was a question too:
WFT are you talking about? The culture isn't dying.

Actually it does make sense. That's the way I feel. I don't have problems with religious people but with (mainly the abrahamic) religions.

No, it doesn't. It's like saying; "I have nothing against black people, but their black skin..."

Weel, seems like I'm a Kafir then.

I think you're not. A Qafir is not a human as we now it. It's someone who's behaving as an animal, and not as a human. Doing everything for them selfs. Their stingy, unkind and are always lying. So, still think you're a Qafir?

LOL, Zeitgeist! You know that these movies are complete bull****?

The guy talking at 5:00 - 5:30, not.

btw, I'm a muslim and not a christian. I don't believe in a Son of God and all things together with it

879 posts

There must be rules which look cruel, so people won't do it.

Some people say that this is an argument for the death penalty, but it's a fact that the death penalty doesn't have any positive effects on the murder rate.

That answer was a question too:
[quote]WFT are you talking about? The culture isn't dying.
Well but that was the answer to:
adultery is a crime. Its no good for the society. Why do you think the culture in Europe is dying?

So what's the correlation between adultery and the birth rate?^^

No, it doesn't. It's like saying; "I have nothing against black people, but their black skin..."

Religion is an idea, something that makes you think and act differently. It's like brainwashing in my opinion (okay, not all forms of religion, but you know what I mean). So should I be mad at the ones who are brainwashed or at the brainwashers (which is religion)?

I think you're not. A Qafir is not a human as we now it. It's someone who's behaving as an animal, and not as a human. Doing everything for them selfs. Their stingy, unkind and are always lying. So, still think you're a Qafir?

From the Islamic dictionary:
Generally the word kafir means 'unbeliever' and it is not meant as a derogatory label (unless it is used against Muslims by another Muslim). Of course, there are different levels of Kufur (disbelief) so although a person may be correctly identified as a kafir, that person is not kafir in the strongest sense of the word. Absolute kufur is the denial of God. Here are some examples of kufur:

(1) A person is known as a Kafir if they are disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and in His final Messenger, Muhammad (SAW). (E.g. An apostate from Islam)
(2) A 'Muslim' who disbelieves in a necessary tenant of Islam like the 5 pillars or some other things is known as a disbeliever.
(3) An originally non-Muslim person who denies the religion of Islam while knowing in his heart that it is true.
(4) A disbeliever in Islam only because they originally follow another (monotheistic) faith.
(5) A person who follows another (monotheistic) faith and knows nothing about Islam.
(6) A person who believes in many gods (polytheist).
(7) An agnostic who is a monotheist is a lesser kafir than a polytheist.
(8) An Atheist - ultimate kufur.

Generally a Christian or Jew is not identified as a kafir but they are known respectfully as Ahlul kitab - People of the Book(s), and Islam considers their religions valid but once they find Islam they are expected to follow the updated covenant sent by God.

btw, I'm a muslim and not a christian. I don't believe in a Son of God and all things together with it

The Zeitgeist movement is against all religions
Oh ant btw: If you want to say that 9/11 was an inside job then please show a peer-reviewed paper that confirms your views. But that's going off-topic, so you should make a new thread.
5,340 posts

meh ill just respond to 2 things.

about islam to be related to terorism. i dont know much about the % of terorist who are muslim but i think its just a stereotype like any other normal stereotype.

and you can have a problem with a religion and have nothing against those who believe in it. i have my problems with the islam and christianity yet i have nothing against those people (if i would i wouldnt be typing this from my christian grandparent )

comparing to black people is nonsence since he was talking about someone thought while you talked about someones physicall appearence. a nice comapre would be having something against metal music but having nothing against those who listens to it and that doesnt sound that imposible

232 posts

Some people say that this is an argument for the death penalty, but it's a fact that the death penalty doesn't have any positive effects on the murder rate.

Death penalty is something different than cutting your hand off. Let's see, someone gets death penalty, and is been killed. He can't do it anymore because he's already dead. And no one to tell the horrible pain he felt. Someones a thief, and his hand is going to be cut off. After it's cut off, he will still live with one hand. Going to his friend telling them how he felt, how horrible it was. I'm sure out of 10, 6 would be scared and would stop robbing, or would do it a few times. The difference between death penalty and cutting hand off.

So what's the correlation between adultery and the birth rate?

Didn't notice that, sorry for it. Because of adultary, less people marry, and there are many people(especially woman) who are using medicines for birth control. So less children, less families. So, the fertility goes down, and the culture dies.

From the Islamic dictionary:

I will take the same site and let you see what I meant.

Generally the word kafir means 'unbeliever' and it is not meant as a derogatory label (unless it is used against Muslims by another Muslim). Of course, there are different levels of Kufur (disbelief) so although a person may be correctly identified as a kafir, that person is not kafir in the strongest sense of the word. Absolute kufur is the denial of God. Here are some examples of kufur:

(1) A person is known as a Kafir if they are disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and in His final Messenger, Muhammad (SAW). (E.g. An apostate from Islam)
(2) A 'Muslim' who disbelieves in a necessary tenant of Islam like the 5 pillars or some other things is known as a disbeliever.
(3) An originally non-Muslim person who denies the religion of Islam while knowing in his heart that it is true.
(4) A disbeliever in Islam only because they originally follow another (monotheistic) faith.
(5) A person who follows another (monotheistic) faith and knows nothing about Islam.
(6) A person who believes in many gods (polytheist).
(7) An agnostic who is a monotheist is a lesser kafir than a polytheist.
(8) An Atheist - ultimate kufur.

Generally a Christian or Jew is not identified as a kafir but they are known respectfully as Ahlul kitab - People of the Book(s), and Islam considers their religions valid but once they find Islam they are expected to follow the updated covenant sent by God.

I hope you understand now.

The Zeitgeist movement is against all religions
Oh ant btw: If you want to say that 9/11 was an inside job then please show a peer-reviewed paper that confirms your views. But that's going off-topic, so you should make a new thread.

I'm not talking about the movement. I'm talking about their film. In the film, the major religion they use to debunk it is Christianity. Things about the similarity between Egyptian beliefs and Christianity.

And, could we stop with this btw? I won't start a topic about 9/11 and won't talk about it here. If you want it so much, you could start a topic yourself titled, for example;"9/11 myth?" etc. etc.

232 posts

and you can have a problem with a religion and have nothing against those who believe in it. i have my problems with the islam and christianity yet i have nothing against those people (if i would i wouldnt be typing this from my christian grandparent )

comparing to black people is nonsence since he was talking about someone thought while you talked about someones physicall appearence. a nice comapre would be having something against metal music but having nothing against those who listens to it and that doesnt sound that imposible

Maybe you're right.

26,390 posts

What are the 5 pillars of Islam and primary articles of faith?
On the subject of prayer, what are your prayers? Do you recite something in Arabic, go to a mosque, speak to Allah in your first language, etc.? As in, what is the ritual?
Is there anything specifically taboo, such as a certain food, swearing, etc.?
What do you do at mosques, the general rituals?

232 posts

What are the 5 pillars of Islam...

1. shadah. Witnessing that there's no God but God. And that Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him) is his messanger and servant.
2. salat. Salat or known as prayer. Praying 5 times a day(morning-, noon-, afternoon-, evening- and night prayer)
3. fasting. Fasting in Ramadan. Not eating from sunrise till sunset.
4. charity. Giving charity to the poor. At least 1/40 of your money.
5. pilgrimage. Going to Mekka, to visit the Ka'ba. It must be done by someone who's;
- free, adult(atleast adolescent), healthy and smart
- someone with enough time to go and come back from Mekka
- not poor, and can pay all costs

... and primary articles of faith?

1. Believe in the existance of One God
2. Believe in the Angels of God
3. Believe in all the Books of God
4. Believe in all the Prophets of God
5. Believe in the Hereafter
6. Believe that the Creator of Destiny;Good and Evil has been created by God

On the subject of prayer, what are your prayers?

Praying 5 times a day. The general reason to pray is to pay everything back to God, and try to get his consent. It's been believed that this is one of the best ways to pay God back.

You can pray everywhere, except unclean places. Praying at a mosque grants you only more blessings.

What is the ritual?

Everything, except asking things of God or praise him and speaking to Him etc., is in Arabic. Prayers etc. The exceptions could be done in Arabic too.

Is there anything specifically taboo, such as a certain food, swearing, etc.?

Eating flesh of: carnivores(inc. insects and omnivores), dead animales, not halal flesh.
Drinking: any drank with alcohol, blood

It's forbidden to swear, if you are lying. Keep every promise etc. insulting people etc. are taboo too.

There are 2 things God doesn't forgive; 1. Blasphemy, 2. infringe someones(inc. animals) rights.

What do you do at mosques, the general rituals?

At mosques, we pray the Friday praying, prayings special for celebrations, praying at/for a funeral.

Mosques are for muslims not just buildings to pray. Mosques are more like community centers for us, where we do social activities etc..

5,552 posts

1. shadah. Witnessing that there's no God but God. And that Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him) is his messanger and servant.

Witnessing or acknowledging? Or do you view those as the same thing?

3. fasting. Fasting in Ramadan. Not eating from sunrise till sunset.

I might have this wrong but I thought it was the month of Ramadan, or do you only fast for one day in that month?

At least 1/40 of your money.

Is this written somewhere or an arbitrary number? Not a very clean percentage.

except unclean places.

Like, litterally unclean, or spiritually unclean? Why does God care where you pray to him at all anyways?

dead animales,

Wouldn't this mean you don't eat any meat at all, since it's kinda of hard to eat something still alive and have it still be so at the end of your meal...


Why do you say this at the end of all of your posts?
8,257 posts

I might have this wrong but I thought it was the month of Ramadan, or do you only fast for one day in that month?

They fast each day from sunrise to sunset, during the time of Ramadan. Which can be problematic when you live in countries where the month of ramadan falls in a time where the sun doesn't set for weeks^^ I guess they need special regualtion there.
3,139 posts

I guess they need special regualtion there.

If there's virtually no sunrise or sunset i'm pretty sure they go by the time zone of Mecca, but i might be wrong.
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