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Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
1,482 posts

Which can be problematic when you live in countries where the month of ramadan falls in a time where the sun doesn't set for weeks^^ I guess they need special regualtion there.

This has always confused me, too. Switching to Mecca's time sounds probable, but the fast would then fail to correlate with prayer times. My guess is that what would happen instead is that the population there would time their fast with cities in much lower latitudes, find the sunset/sunrise timing for that, ... and yeah.

Witnessing or acknowledging? Or do you view those as the same thing?

I asked the same thing when I was a kid. Now in a way the wording doesn't mean as much to me, because if you believe in something, I just see it as an acknowledgement of its existence.

They fast each day from sunrise to sunset, during the time of Ramadan.

In like two years it'll be crossing into the July period. ._.
Fasting in December was so much easier the days were like half the freaking length, lol.

Wouldn't this mean you don't eat any meat at all, since it's kinda of hard to eat something still alive and have it still be so at the end of your meal...

By outlawing dead animals he meant not going vulture status -- IE: Roadkill.

Is this written somewhere or an arbitrary number? Not a very clean percentage.

Percentage wise, its pretty clean, its 2.5%.

I actually don't know. Nearly everyone I've asked / questioned has always told me that the required Zakat, AKA Nisab, is 2.5% of your income when you own an equivalent of 85g of gold or more as a yearly income of a lunar year. [Like 1700 bucks in today's world]

Like, litterally unclean, or spiritually unclean? Why does God care where you pray to him at all anyways?

He cares because many people who've taught Islam to me, even my dad I think, have told me that cleanliness is half of your religion. Islam does a good job of telling us to keep clean, I think. So of course requiring that the time and effort be put in to keeping your prayer area clean makes some sense. As to why he cares, I don't think I really know what he thinks? Whatever the case, it pretty much follows his rule of keeping clean to begin with, and the idea of standing up in front of a supreme lord surrounded by filth doesn't sound to comforting anyway.

What do you do at mosques, the general rituals?

Just wanted to add to this. Mosques, aside from the praying part and the prayer room, are pretty much community run places and community spots. Some a bit less than others. In the one I go to, there's always a few charity events, sunday schooling, people meeting, setups for events, etc. Its not really all that serious. You can really chose to spend 5 min. - an hour there, really.
879 posts

Death penalty is something different than cutting your hand off.

I was just stating the fact that it doesn't scare off people.

Because of adultary, less people marry

Do you have some solid proof for that statement?^^

I hope you understand now.

-->(8) An Atheist - ultimate kufur.

And, could we stop with this btw? I won't start a topic about 9/11 and won't talk about it here. If you want it so much, you could start a topic yourself titled, for example;"9/11 myth?" etc. etc.

That's why I said it would be going off-topic.

Anyway, new question: Why do (some) women in Islam wear a headscarf or in extreme cases a burqa/niqab? As far as I know the Quran doesn't clearly state to do that. Is it more something cultural?
232 posts

Why do you say this at the end of all of your posts?

Because it's a kind act

They fast each day from sunrise to sunset, during the time of Ramadan. Which can be problematic when you live in countries where the month of ramadan falls in a time where the sun doesn't set for weeks^^ I guess they need special regualtion there.

As the following verse says:

"You may eat and drink until the white thread of light becomes distinguishable from the dark thread of night at dawn. Then, you shall fast until sunset.(Qur'an 2:187)"

This results that fasting is a duty for the Muslims only when days and nights are producing otherwise fasting is not necessary(according to tafsir).

3,139 posts

Why do (some) women in Islam wear a headscarf or in extreme cases a burqa/niqab?

It's a cultural thing, more than a religious thing, which then in turn defines their religion. It's to be respectful, and usually at the husbands wish or command. I know many Muslims who don't (You tend to find that our generation don't bother, even in far out countries), however it all depends on your own views, that of your partner and that of your kids. A lot of kids have to wear them because their parents make them. Also in predominately Muslim countires, it is a required part of the uniform in every Muslim school.
8,257 posts

This results that fasting is a duty for the Muslims only when days and nights are producing otherwise fasting is not necessary(according to tafsir).

Otherwise fasting is not necessary? Does that mean some muslims can be dispensed of fasting if the sun doesn't set for a few weeks?
I've heard already somewhere else that some muslim communities up in the north (the northernmost being in Hammerfest, Finnland) have decided to regulate fasting with the time in Mekka, though they will be getting visit from clerics who will give their opinion, as I've heard. We'll see. Anyways, the passage in the Qu'ran is extremely loose, because it bases fasting time on the sunrays and not on the 24h day rhythm. Muslims high up in a skyscraper begin earlier and end later to fast than muslims on the ground. Muslims in Hammerfest can't possibly orient themselves after the sunrays since it would be impossible, therefore they are looking for other means; you think they can be fully dispensed? What if they want to do it?
1,482 posts

Do you have some solid proof for that statement?^^

Does America's divorce rate work?

Why do (some) women in Islam wear a headscarf or in extreme cases a burqa/niqab? As far as I know the Quran doesn't clearly state to do that. Is it more something cultural?

The Quran asks modesty from women. Since that's left open to interpretation, its really up to the woman. Mix that in with age-old patriarchal culture and outfits like the burqa and nisab have been mandated in extreme cases.

What if they want to do it?

Then let them. Fasting isn't a bad thing. If they have a solid excuse to not fast and they do anyway, then its just more positiveness.
232 posts

I was just stating the fact that it doesn't scare off people.


Do you have some solid proof for that statement?^^

bettef if you search it up yourself. You could begin here.

-->(8) An Atheist - ultimate kufur.

Of course, there are different levels of Kufur (disbelief) so although a person may be correctly identified as a kafir, that person is not kafir in the strongest sense of the word.

Anyway, new question: Why do (some) women in Islam wear a headscarf or in extreme cases a burqa/niqab? As far as I know the Quran doesn't clearly state to do that. Is it more something cultural?

First of all, most of the muslima's wear the Headscarf/Hijab/Niqab/Burqa etc. because they want it themselfs.

Second, the thing is. The Qur'an says that our woman must lengthen their garments. The most important thing is, to cover the "mahram" or "sinfull" places. For a woman are these the places that are more "sexy". For example her belly. For some people hair is a sexy part of the body too, that's why they cover it too.

But the thing is, it actually doesn't matter so much to close your whole body. Why? Because for God, there are more important things than covering the body. The important thing is, that she's an human(behavior etc.), pray's and that she first does all the Islamic duties, things that are fard(must be done).

232 posts

Otherwise fasting is not necessary? Does that mean some muslims can be dispensed of fasting if the sun doesn't set for a few weeks?

There are two things, or you're gonna skip it, and do it another time. Or, you're gonna do it. And for the times; you will use the times of the nearest city/country, and not the time in Mekka. But I think that they need to choose for the next option. They're not doing the same for prayer right?

3,139 posts

Then let them. Fasting isn't a bad thing. If they have a solid excuse to not fast and they do anyway, then its just more positiveness.

What do you mean solid excuse not to fast?

What are the exceptions of fasting?
Children, women who are pregnant or breast feeding, women during their menstrual cycle, people who are ill.
Any more?
232 posts

What are the exceptions of fasting?
Children, women who are pregnant or breast feeding, women during their menstrual cycle, people who are ill.
Any more?
232 posts

What are the exceptions of fasting?
Children, women who are pregnant or breast feeding, women during their menstrual cycle, people who are ill.
Any more?

- children
- woman during menstrual cycle, woman who are pregnant or are breast feeding
- old people
- people who work at hard work
- people who are traveling
- people who are ill

And they have two choices. Fast later, or give charity.

btw: sorry for dubble post

2 posts

Are muslims allowed to have girlfriends?

232 posts

Are muslims allowed to have girlfriends?

There's always a risk, and if you have doubt, then you should not do that thing, according to the Qur'an. If there's any doubt, then don't do it. And there's always a doubt when you are with a boy or girlfriend, so, it's not allowed.

8,257 posts

There's always a risk, and if you have doubt, then you should not do that thing, according to the Qur'an. If there's any doubt, then don't do it. And there's always a doubt when you are with a boy or girlfriend, so, it's not allowed.

Is that one of the reason for arranged marriage?
19 posts

Hey I'm back and it seems this picked up!

Is that one of the reason for arranged marriage?

No not really. You can marry a woman (or a man) without going out with someone. Dating isn't necessarily a definite step for marriage. You can meet a nice beautiful woman, get to know her and if you both mutually start having feelings for one another, then you may ask her hand in marriage. Arranged marriage is from other cultures that are then associated with Islam.

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