ForumsWEPR[necro] Ask a Muslim

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232 posts

Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
232 posts

Is that one of the reason for arranged marriage?

Yes and no. No because; arranged marriage is something different. It's something more traditional. What I mean is; a guy is 18, and his parents want their son to be married. The parents will be searching for a bridal, beginning with relatives. This is arranged marriage, it's something decided by parents, and not the choice of the children.

Engagement is the right word for it.

26,390 posts

1. shadah. Witnessing that there's no God but God. And that Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him) is his messanger and servant.
2. salat. Salat or known as prayer. Praying 5 times a day(morning-, noon-, afternoon-, evening- and night prayer)
3. fasting. Fasting in Ramadan. Not eating from sunrise till sunset.
4. charity. Giving charity to the poor. At least 1/40 of your money.
5. pilgrimage. Going to Mekka, to visit the Ka'ba. It must be done by someone who's;
- free, adult(atleast adolescent), healthy and smart
- someone with enough time to go and come back from Mekka
- not poor, and can pay all costs
1. Believe in the existance of One God
2. Believe in the Angels of God
3. Believe in all the Books of God
4. Believe in all the Prophets of God
5. Believe in the Hereafter
6. Believe that the Creator of Destiny;Good and Evil has been created by God

So, if you don't mind my asking further questions...
Do all Muslims speak Arabic, then?
What is Ka'ba?
What do you have to give to the church(a percentage of income, labor, etc.)?
Why do some Muslims wear turbans?
Is hafiz a requirement, or just something that people do voluntarily?
What is Islam's policy on conversion? Do you have to actively try and convert people, like going on missions and whatnot?
5,340 posts

i can answer the first. since it was already answered XP. a few page back it is said that someone here knows muslims who dont speak arabic

1,482 posts

Do all Muslims speak Arabic, then?

No, but I think the majority of them can read the Qur'an in Arabic [Which is not the same as reading regular arabic/speaking it].
But no.

What is Ka'ba?

It is a black, cube shaped building that is the most sacred historical site in Islam, believed to have been built by Abraham and his son, Ishmael. Furthermore, The Ka'aba is the location to which Muslims pray towards, no matter where they are on Earth. Lastly, it is the site of Hajj. Oh, and it has a Mosque built around it.

What do you have to give to the church(a percentage of income, labor, etc.)?

Nothing. Although we are required to pay Zakat, the Quran makes no specific mention of who it goes to and how it is distributed -- only that alms reach the poor. Many people do, though, contribute funds towards their mosque's to enrich their community and also give money to mosque's to carry out the act of giving Zakat to others.

But to the mosque itself, we owe nothing. A mosque is a community run establishment, so it doesn't really rule over anything.

Why do some Muslims wear turbans?

Some Muslims wear turbans because it is a confirmed Sunnah, or a thing that the Prophet did. It also has roots in many cultures in the regions, so that is also why many people wear it.
But it isn't only Muslims [just clearing that up] -- Many Indians, Hindu or Sikh, also wear Turbans they call Pagri, and many of them are quite commonly mistaken to be Arab or Muslim. In the USA, the majority of the Turban wearers you see are probably not actually Muslim.

Is hafiz a requirement, or just something that people do voluntarily?

It is no requirement. You need portions of the Qur'an memorized to do prayer, but there is no requirement to memorize the entire thing. It is more of a voluntary thing that brings a lot of respect and pride to those who do it.
I will say that some parents make their children Hafiz.

The tradition/idea behind becoming a Hafiz is that in the Arabia of 600AD, there were not many access to resources, nor were there many literate people. So to give the message of the Qur'an following the Prophet's death, the idea was to have the entire recitation memorized, as it was the best way to spread the message [Everyone spoke arabic, and it isn't costly to speak]. Aside from tradition, a Hafiz can make a really good Imam because he can recite any portion of the Quran with ease during a prayer, and tell others about his faith using the best source possible.

What is Islam's policy on conversion? Do you have to actively try and convert people, like going on missions and whatnot?

You aren't forced to actively try to convert people, but you can't live in a box either. What I mean to say, it isn't your job to convert people, but you can't be very pious and have nobody know that you are a Muslim. For anyone that meets you, if they show interest or ask a question, it is better to give them the best understanding of Islam that you can without violating them in any way.
232 posts

note that, there will be no big difference between my answer and the answer of armed.

Do all Muslims speak Arabic, then?

Major part of the Islamic world is in the Arabic world, so a major group will speak Arabic, but not all muslims. And almost all muslims can read Arabic(Qur'an), with directions.

What is Ka'ba?

A cube-shaped building in Mecca, and is the most sacred site in Islam. The Qur'an states that it has been constructed by Abraham and Ishmael. The story of Ka'ba goes far back to Adam and Eve. It was the first Temple, the First House, to praise God(build by Adam). It's also in the region where Adam and Eve found each other. And it was rebuilt by Noah after the Deluge.

Why do some Muslims wear turbans?

Different reasons. I'll give 2 reasons; 1. it's Sunnah and 2. to be protected from the sun.

Is hafiz a requirement, or just something that people do voluntarily?

It's something done voluntarily. Hafiz(meaning; Guardian), is a protector of the Qur'an, because you memorize it, so it will not be forgotten, as Armed said.

What is Islam's policy on conversion? Do you have to actively try and convert people, like going on missions and whatnot?

First, there's no forcing. So we can't force anyone to become muslim.

Second, we must spread the word of God with kind enlightenment and wisdom.

"You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.(Qur'an 16:125)"

And last, no we must not actively try to convert people. But we must not hide it too. God says to act as a good muslim. In this way non-muslims will ask you questions about your religion(because they get interested in it). You must answer these questions as good as possible. And so on, spread the word of God.

232 posts

It is a black, cube shaped building...

It's not a black, cube shaped building. At last, the building itself is not black. The Kaaba is covered by a black silk and gold curtain known as the kiswah, which is replaced annually during the hajj.

879 posts

Are men and women unequal in Islam?

4:34 Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.

232 posts

Are men and women unequal in Islam?

physical yes, spiritual no.

159 posts

Partydevil has a point. The Al-Quida was pretty strong in the belief that if you are not Muslim you should die. Bin Ladin swore that before he dies the Muslim flag will fly over the Whitehouse.

1,482 posts

Are men and women unequal in Islam?

Also, to specifically refer to that passage -- your thing is a little summarized.
A more thorough translation:
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property). As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it use useful); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is ever most high, most great.

The parenthesis are just for some clarification -- It asks that women stay obedient to their husbands and God, not just men in general. Also, only because the husband does so much in return.
1,482 posts

Partydevil has a point. The Al-Quida was pretty strong in the belief that if you are not Muslim you should die. Bin Ladin swore that before he dies the Muslim flag will fly over the Whitehouse.

Al-Qaeda simply pulls out whatever it can find from the Qur'an to power its propaganda, and the rest is unused.
232 posts

Partydevil has a point. The Al-Quida was pretty strong in the belief that if you are not Muslim you should die. Bin Ladin swore that before he dies the Muslim flag will fly over the Whitehouse.

Yes but what he said was just BS. There's no forcing in Islam. God says:

"There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.(Qur'an 2:256)"

So it's 100% BS.

159 posts

I know there is no forcing in Islam, its just that Al-Quida (sorry if that is mispelled) is a group of extremists who believe that all should praise the god they do, or die.

1,826 posts

turning of a muslim from islam,homosexuality,certain cases of adultery and some cases of robbery are punishable by death in sharaiya so is mockery of any prophet of allah not just muhammad SAW

1,826 posts

Nothing. Although we are required to pay Zakat, the Quran makes no specific mention of who it goes to and how it is distributed -- only that alms reach the poor. Many people do, though, contribute funds towards their mosque's to enrich their community and also give money to mosque's to carry out the act of giving Zakat to others.

u r wrong bro zakats uses r stated in sharaia it can b used for
freeing slaves
repaying someones debt(who cant pay it)
for missionarry purposes
can b given for jihaad
to poor people
furthermore zakat is not compulsory unless u have seven and a half tola gold or its eqvilent which u r not in personal or business use and an year has passed
rate is 2.5%
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