ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMedieval Creation Contest

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165 posts

Hey guys, I'm back with ANOTHER contest! This one is, instead of Zombies and animals, I want you guyd to create a nation of your own. I've myself created quite a few. With some help, I guess.
Anyway, here's a list of requirements of which you must complete to be a part of this contest.

Faction Name:

Faction Type: Empire (military, strong military, makes enemies), tribal (primitive, poor, war-like, small yet versatile and elusive military), trading (rich, makes many allies, lots of resources, medium sized military), or producer (just sits, neutral, growing their resources).

Faction Culture: The people's attitudes.

Faction Military: Tell the size of the military and give an example of the faction's main soldier. (Infantry or cavalry)

Faction Riches: Is this faction rich or poor? (Trading would be very rich, and the producer would build resorces and get a second, with the military from plundering)

Faction Capital: Give the name and description of the nation's capitas(s) and its fortifications.

Faction Religion: (Optional) Maybe?

If you have an extra, then go. I'm all for it.

Alright, here's my go: (Honestly, lots of your guys' submissions make me think I'm pretty bad at this stuff)

Faction Name: Greth

Faction type: Trading

Faction Culture: Proud, but not too proud, strong willed, spiritual, witty, prefers planned action over impulsive action, easily annoyed.

Faction Military: VERY large defending army. Not to provoke, but to defend. It used to be to attack neighbouring nations T'Keth and Voraia, now it's made to defend only.
Leading unit: Irita Knight
A very slow yet very well defended steel warrior. Nearly invincible when being attacked with arrows, spears and sword blows aganist all besides the eyes and neck. Intimidating appearance. Charges on horseback, continues fighting on foot.

Faction Riches: Across seas, Greth is at trade with the nation of WestIron and Irithria. They get much tradable goods and weapons. They also have much riches from the many resources in their location.

EXTRA: Faction main animal: Hershbe (heh, creativity bonus)

K, I alone will judge this contest, no offense to my friends Brett and whashisface, but I think I'd do a bit more constructive editing.
Judging will include:
Crativity, Creator Description and how realistic you made it. Plus, a creator description depending on size made with extras and if you make it VERY vivid.

K, you can put it any way you want, but you'll lose points if it's messy.

Let's see whatcha got!

  • 38 Replies
56 posts

Faction Name: Bohron (Prounounced Bow- as in a bow and arrow, and then Ron- as in Ronald. Bow-Ron)

Faction type: Tribal

Faction Culture: The Bohron are completely dominated by their religion. Their leader is (supposedly) chosen by their two gods, and all aspects of their life are decided by complete luck, or destiny if you want. When they reach the age of six, they are given a stone with five sides, each with a certain image engraved. The child will throw the stone, and the image face-up will decide what the child does the rest of his/her life. However, three of these jobs concern the military, with armourer/weapon maker as one, warrior as one, and preist as another. Preists are expected to fight, to decide if the gods want their warriors to succeed, or die.

Faction religion: The Bohron religion is very complicated, but it revolves around two gods, one warlike, one peaceful. The warlike one, known as Konluk (prouncounced Con-Luck) will constantly attack the peaceful one, known as Gehrin (Prounounced Gay-Rin), who will try to subverse the fight through use of tricks, words and other fruits of the mind. Because of this, Gehrin is the champion of the defeated, the weak, and the pacifists. However, these people are rare, as Konluk demands that all defeated warriors die, and if you're weak, you are not likely to live long among the Bohron. Konluk is the driving force among the Bohrons, and all citizens are fanatical followers of the two, but primarily Bohron, and would sacrifice themselves without blinking for his cause. The two gods will also send messengers from time to time, but to prove they are the actual messenger, they have to defeat both the leader and the head priest in single combat (To prove Konluk is with him), and then defeat the tribes biggest intellectual in a match of wits (To prove that Gehrin is with him)

Faction Military: The Bohrons military is as large as their population allows, with over three thirs of the population in active (life-long) service. All warriors are brainwashed, indoctrinated and fanatical followers of their religion, and are taught that death for their gods is the most honourable thing you can do in life, and death. This makes the Bohrons a very deadly fighting force, but innfective against a well-trained and disciplined enemy.

Leading unit: Bohron Warrior
The Bohron warrior is equipped with only weak leather armor (Dyed red) and a thick spear. They also carry a bone knife on their belt, which is also made of leather.

Faction Riches: The Bohrons follow a government not unlike the communists, except because of the religious factor, the leaders are unable to take advantage, and take riches from the populace. The result is a large, prosperous economy that also follows state property, so every person has the same amount of riches. Anyone found to have more riches is then enscripted into the military and sent on a suicidal mission with other offenders.

Extra: Bohrons are also exceedingly good cloth makers, and make very rich clothing. It is heresy to sell this cloth to outsiders, and therefore only followers of their religions have this superior clothing.

Extra2: Bohrons also love birds, and activly train falcons to hunt small pests. Birds such as the Mortalitas are used commonly.

33 posts

I will make a new faction in this week give some time only..

165 posts

Here's my submission, why not? (Note, it's not part of the contest...)

Name: T'Keth

Type: Producer (neutral)

Culture: The T'Keths are subject to The Code. It is keeping your honor. A few rules are:
1: Do NOT kill an unarmed man with your weapon.
2: Do not speak back to a commanding Officer.
3: Respect. Respect all people that deserve respect, whether it be an enemy, or a friend.
The T'Keths are very mysterious, and unpredictable. They usually plan their action, but since they don't talk much, they don't usually speak of them. They are proud of their skill with horsemen and swords. They are known for their SKILL in horsemen, not their military strength. Against well-disciplined, well armed, well classed horsemen, their riders may be able to easily outmanuever them with their hardleather armor, but overall, they wouldn't be able to stand up to heavy cavalrymen.

Religion: The T'Keths worship the [i]Stagblad, [b]a man with the tail of a lizard and the body of a wolf, but every Full Moon he turns into a man, and looks through all the lands of men in one night, and as long as there are ten good people in the world, he would spare Humanity.
Although it is very complicated, the T'Keths aren' very celebrated worshippers.

Military: Very large. It is rarely used for attacking, for their soldiers are made for the steppes of T'Keth. Only some mercinary armies they hire plus a few other soldier types are made to operate in forests as well as the steppes.
The T'Keth's strongest soldier is one that, although outnumbered and not as well disiplined as the Irita, puts it to shame.
The Shingan: Armored in a rare stone that is both light and provides good (or modest) resistance that is a closed door for attacks aimed for the platebody. If it gets through, chainmail guards below. A good thrust to the chain mailed elbow, knee, underarm or neck shot will take them down- if you can. The Shingan are very versatile and are vertually invincible in a one-on-one swordfight. Grey armor and helmet (with a T shaped visor), yet shines gold in the sunlight.

Riches: The T'Keths live in Mans Telwar, which rains often, and has good crops. They have trade with their old enemies turned ally Voraia, the tribal/military faction of the north, and Greth, the civilized men of the east. They are also at trade with the Heiamonds, a small (not Human) faction that leeches beside them for their resources.

Extra1: The T'Keths are celebrated party animals. They have a celebration on September 4th, the day of the uniting of the three kingdoms and the banishing from the Hates back to the Lands of Black.

Extra2: The T'Keths are VERY well known for their swords. They craft it from the finest steel.

Extra3: The T'Keths are known for being one with their enviroment, physically and spiritually. They can hide well in the long plains (and trees). They are also known for their love for animals, particularily dogs, horses and wolves.

16,287 posts

Faction Name: Hojule

Faction Type: Imperialistic (warlike, but only to those considered lesser to them, wants to "cleanse" the world of barbarism)

Faction Culture: -People are generally uptight, turn their nose up to outsiders.
-The poorest are still richer than your general peasant.
-Enjoy and fully support war against barbarians
-Hate showing mercy to those considered barbarians
-Will go to war against anyone who helps barbarians

Faction Military: Uses only troops from their lands, puts a lot emphasis on their pikes. Also enjoys using the newfangled invention called thunder sticks and will outfit entire regiments with them. When attacked they will use their favored tactic of feign and attack, but when all else fails they will create a war of attrition. when attacking they attempt to surround the enemy with battalions of thunderstick wielders and fire on them from all sides

Faction Riches: extremely wealthy, but generally from exporting their fine pikes and thunder sticks to their allies.

Faction Capital: A large bustling city, which looks like if you mushed together 12 different cities with clear boundaries. short walls with braziers for crossbows and pots of oil, though in disrepair as they believe their land to be impenetrable.

Faction Religion:Not really worship. but they revere their greatest warriors and have special medals and ceremonial weapons for them

-Hjuleians enjoy bloodsports involving their nobles pitted against the barbarians, which are utterly fixed, but they are oblivious of it

-They will pelt any outsider with rocks if they don't look as rich or as up to date with the world as them

-Hujulians are known as a powerful ally, but an even more powerful enemy

-the one true weakness of the Hujule nation is their lack of effective cavalry

3,386 posts

First off, medieval. At least spell the name right

And I'm super bored, there fore I shall create on of these... things.

Faction Name: Aeolia (Like the Aeolian harp? Aye-oh-lian)

Faction Type: Trading

Faction Culture: Well, culture is like the customs, so instead of attitude (which would be friendly to foreigners as well as little opposition from political leadership), I will say they since they are a trading faction (with multiple ports) They are extremely diverse in their customs and cultures, and extremely tolerant for these cultures. Most middle class Aeolians have adopted one or more customs from some of the cultures, especially the Teali (Tea-ah-li) who are constant trading contacts, given that their land borders our own.

Faction Military: 1 soldier (infantry type) for every 1000 people. There are about 2 billion people that inhabit Aeolia. You do the math 8|

Faction Riches: Poverty is almost unheard of, there are multiple places someone in need of money can go to in order to find money. Spend a year in the army, leading officer reccomends how much money a soldier should recieve (aside from the basic wage) based on duties and such, along with a log of why the soldier should/shouldn't have a bit extra. Poor houses are in tight connections with the ports for trade, so many poor people will have passage paid to a different land along with a contract with their employer to return to Aeolia when they have their passage paid in full along with slight intrest and enough money to buy a standard house. Plenty of other options to choose from if one is in need of money as well.

Faction Capital: The name is simply the Capital, Aeo is the west side of the capital, and Lia is the east side of the capital. The capital is split in two because Aeo and Lia, the founders of Aeolia, wanted to be fair in their government, so they chose to appoint and have the people agree with the appointed king and queen to live on different sides of Aeolia, because one side had to take care of the port trading and such, while the other took care of the trade routes to Teali, the land west of Aeolia. And during the month of Yui (You-ee, also known as June to you people) the king and queen would meet in the Capital and unite the east and west in whichever fashion they chose (most commonly used is a month long festival during Chara [Cha-rah, aka September] along the east and west middle border)

Faction Religion: No set religion, but a set of rules are enforced to guide the population as smoothly as possible.
1- No life is to be taken by your hand
2- No theivery is to be done by your hand
3- No harm is to be come from your hand
Those three rules are the basis of everything in Aeolia, where the worst punishment you can have is to be banished from the land, reserved for those who kill. Those who steal spend a year in trade service for those they stole from, or at least until the debt is paid with intrest. Those who harm other people using violent actions spend varying times in jail, determined by the magnitude of the harm they caused.

Faction Animal: Facrishi. (Fa [like in FAction] cree [ like deCREE] shi [like SHIp]) A small bird-like animal that can swim and walk on land, as well as fly. It represents the adaptibility of Aeloians and their tolerant if not hospitable attitude to foreigners, and their ability to inhabit most every inch of land, even at the base of Volcano Oli and in the freezing parts of northern Aeolia, not to mention the extreme hot weather in southern Aeolia.

Faction Plant: Facrisha. (like Facrishi, but with and uh at the end) The Facrisha is a medium sized, multi-colored flower, that is found at the top of Mt. Iae, (ee-i) In Spring it is blue, Summer it is red, and Fall, it is yellow. In Winter, it closes and turns white.

Extra: Aeo and Lia were the first King and Queen of Aeolia, thought to be god and goddess of prosperity. They had 9 children in their 10 year reign before Aeo died. Their children were named Leo, Aria (ah-ree-uh), Ian, Mina (mee-na), Vite (vit-aye), Rya (ree-uh), Tyi (tie-e), Ela (ee-la), and Ela's twin, Eoa (ee-o-ah). There are 9 'reigons' of Aeolia, named after each child.

Extra 2: Aeolia has never been in a war, but along the northern border of Teali, they have a mock war training camp for new soldiers.


I kinda want to write a story using this now.... I might. Who knows.

165 posts

Man, WHOAH. Just, just WOAH. I had pretty high expectations, but these submissions are just AMAZING. I'm so proud of you guys! :,)

Anyway, I'm just giving a little tip. The faction doesn't need a strong military or anything to win. I'd put a lot of emphasise around their culture, and maybe architecture, maybe? I guess that would put a very nice part.

Anyway, I might, just MIGHT, if given the permission, to use the people in one of my books. I'm not desperate, or anything, so don't get any ideas.

157 posts

Faction Name: Feahra

Faction Type: Tribal, yet civilized, none of the sort like savage steppe raiders.

Faction Culture: The Feahra culture is focused on everyone's own responsibility, and therefore corruption is small, and people are trying to be professional.

Faction Military: The Feahra use their mountainous landscape to their advantage with great numbers of skirmishers. They are really though, and have a strong discipline. Because of this, they have managed to defend their country for a very long time. Their faction shall fall into disarray and technological backdrop in the near future, and shall have a hard time defending itself.

Faction Riches: Fairly poor, but they do not need to be rich compared to the other countries since they are completely autarkic (producing everything they need themselves).

Faction Capital: There is no great capital, just regional cities who all rule in their own region, and have a military alliance which they call the Feahra

Faction Religion: A believe in the heathen gods of old still exists in this agrarian society. Especially Baldr, the god of rejuvenation is worshipped in woodland shrines.

Faction Unit: The Skirmisher, a light soldier with both bow and throwing-spear so he can maximize the effect of his hit-and-run attacks in the forest-mountains of his country.

Faction Homeland: It is mountainous, and has woods on those mountains, to find a single tribe, an army, let alone a person is nearly impossible if you are not familiar with the terrain. It is very cold though in the winters with temperatures dropping so low ones are freezes upon breathing out (-40 degrees Celsius). If one had to compare it to a country in "our world" one should say "Finland".

56 posts

I noticed a lot of people are doing are creating large, strong/rich nations that would dominate. These factions are all similar to the Romans... let's have some diversity! Create a nation surrounded by enemies, a nation that has no sizable army and has no resources in which to build one, but refuses to give up. Create Rome in its early, desperate stages, not Rome in its dominating, take-no-mercy stage.

6,257 posts

Faction Name: Wilderon

Faction type: Tribal

Faction Culture: The people here believe in fate, although they are still atheists. They believe solely on destiny, fate, and believe that the entity behind this is our spirits. People here also like to engage in physical combat for sports, which helps heighten its athletic and combat ability. The elders are the ones who make important decisions for them like war and trade with other countries, but other than that, they mostly roam free with almost no laws except for the few 3;
Law 1: Never kill for greed. This law applies to men and animals. If you kill animals solely for the enjoyment, you are banished. If you kill a man out of envy, you are banished. For war, this is an exception.

Law 2: Never cause war. This is a very important law and only if the faction is provoked, then war will be carried out.

Law 3: In war, always listen to your elders. This law is pretty simple.

Faction religion: Wilderonians are atheists, but they believe in something similar to karma. They believe that the purer your spirit is, the more "fate" and "destiny" will give you a better life. They also believe in reincarnation.

Faction Military: Their military is quite strong, although there is no official leader to guide them into the right paths. Most of the time they are uncoordinated and reckless, but if they really want to try, they can be an unstoppable military.

Faction Capital: The capital is dead in the center of the whole nation. Not really special besides that's where the elders reside.

Faction Riches: They are quite poor and the elders usually only use money for buying supplies. Every person in the faction knows how to do three things ,whether it can be cloth maker or blacksmith. Everyone is quite versatile in more than one thing. The food they must get must be obtained out from the forests which reside near their faction.

Faction Soldiers:
Wilderon Grunt- These are basic soldiers who can wield swords and shields.

Wilderon Marksman- These are soldiers who can use any range weapon, from arrows to cannons to almost anything.

Wilderon Captain- They are similar to Wilderon Grunts except they have special unbreakable armor and ride on mounts like horses and elephants. They can command a squad of soldiers to a certain degree.

Wilderon Mystic- These are soldiers who can command animals to do their bidding and are one with nature. They are special units and are quite rare yet powerful.

Wilderon Commander- These are like Wilderon Captains except their fighting skills are exceptional, even for Wilderonians. They can command the army to a certain degree.

16,287 posts

Faction Name: Populusaquae

Faction type: Transition, from Tribal

Faction Culture: These people have everything to do with water, multitudes of fountains and they build atop water. With their prized possessions being small pots that are really small versions of fountains as they spout water into smaller pots, the more intricate it is shows the richness of the family. they enjoy any sport involving water and many politicians are chosen for their abilities in water.

Faction religion: They worship a few different gods, a 30 ft. Thrasher shark of war, a rather large group of sardines that act as one entity for commerce/friendship/brotherly bonds, two small yet powerful kissing fish whom can change ocean currents for love, and a 30 foot salmon for food/crops/famine

Faction Military: they have a rather small but effective for whatever conflict they get in (not many) military which also acts as a police force in times of peace (most of the time)

Faction Capital: they're faction capitol is a moving city which will follow the will of the tides as a symbol of how water is an all powerful entity. they have no defenses and will lay temporary bridges to any neighboring nation for trade, this has proven against them a few times but the royal guards never let anything happen to the city

Faction Riches: they haven no "money" but they will trade what little valuables they have which others consider highly prized and offer extraordinary prices for, but usually they don't accept it because they're reverence for they're own culture, those who do sell off the pot fountains and items alike are considered criminals of the highest degree and have their eyes taken out as they are not considered worthy to lay them on another holy object

Tridentman: they wield aqua blue leather armor and a large trident

Royal guard: they have intricate segmented armor with they're patron deity (depending on the city the defend) on the armor and wield smaller tridents with bucklers

Thrower: they throw nasty barbed spears and have no armor and only a small sword to defend themselves

-The army is rarely used but they keep it going year around as they know their open nature can come at a cost

-They love outsiders and don't have any inns/hotels as families will accept them into their homes as part of the family

i was in a rather creative mood and made a new faction, this doesn't have to be put into the contest i just wanted to post it :P

165 posts

K, just a little head's up, the judging is coming up somewhere around the 26th, so if you have any ideas but can't make it out in time, tell me, and I'll postpone it, but since I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks at the beginning of October, I won't have time to judge them, but you'll get them, when I'm back at least.

Kay, thanks again for the submissions so far!

33 posts

Faction name: Necromancers ( you know who is it)

Faction type: mercenary and searching lost magic books and artifacts.

Culture: They like magic. Other faction scares them because at battlefield they can summon death, golems, skeletons, nightmare and other. They like silver crafting. Faction color is black, grey, green, brown and red. Necromancers don´t fight with each other, so if at battlefield 2 bringers meet they kill soldiers but not each other. Necromancers don´t have a lot feelings because learning and training make them like a zombie. If necromancer dies (it is very rare) other necromancers make him an elder by a specific ceremony.

Religion: Necromancers believes the first bringer Akamat. If the world starts grumble all necromancers comes back to their and start a ritual which brings back Akamat. Necromancers believe if they die (killing of them is not so easy at all) their skills and spirit attach to the Akamat.

Military: Magic and bringing death and nightmare. Most of necromancer tribes lives in peace. But they also need practise their skills.

City: The capitol city is Akam. Population in Akam is 20k-50 thousand people. It is near to Lands of Black. Minor city is Grishnakh, its near to the blood-lusted barbarians and Feahra from Blizzard mountains which location is north. Grishnakh city (population 30 thousand peoples) hold peace of Feahra and barbarian capitol Axen king Axebeard.

Riches: Their skills and golems what they sell it very high price. Golem is almost eternal and it will sold it when the necromancer is very broke or hired. Golem figures is a lot: fire-, earth-, skeleton- based. But rare ones the necromancer keep it.

Enemies/allies: They have no enemies but a lot of allies. City of Grishnakh has a 1 enemie and it is Hojule because they defend barbarians.

Units: Apprentice ( greenie who starts using dark arts) ( easy to kill)

Minor necromancer ( necromancer who knows more magic than apprentice) ( bit harder to kill)

Medium necromancer ( necromancer who choose a way of magic:fire, earth, death, water, nature and other) (Hard to kill)

Great necromancer ( necromancer who is obtained his way)

Nightmare necromancer ( necromancer who started a learning other dark arts)

Forgotton necromancer ( necromancer who is so powerful and uses it for self-defense and started learning burial ceremonies)

Elder necromancer ( necromancer who trains other necromancers or is king of the city or is the who choose the apprentice who should start learning dark arts)

extra1: Necromancer live 10x-1000x longer than normal human. Necromancer can be eternal like Akamat.

extra2: Necromancers scares Populusaquae tribe because their pure water magic which can harm necromancers.

extra3: do not ever treason necromancer it will find you and even kill next to the family.

extra4: necromancer 1 weakness is silver.

extra5: trading to the necromancers is very hard job but you might get a very good weapons or other.

I got necromancer inspiration by reading dark arts and Diablo II.
Take note.. necromancers don´t eat a lot, they eat because they need preserve their body. Hunger doesn´t exist almost.

Thank you for reading and i hope you get some inspiration if it. Also hail Varg and metal!

16,287 posts

Faction name: Necromancers ( you know who is it)

Faction type: mercenary and searching lost magic books and artifacts.

Culture: They like magic. Other faction scares them because at battlefield they can summon death, golems, skeletons, nightmare and other. They like silver crafting. Faction color is black, grey, green, brown and red. Necromancers donôt fight with each other, so if at battlefield 2 bringers meet they kill soldiers but not each other. Necromancers donôt have a lot feelings because learning and training make them like a zombie. If necromancer dies (it is very rare) other necromancers make him an elder by a specific ceremony.

Religion: Necromancers believes the first bringer Akamat. If the world starts grumble all necromancers comes back to their and start a ritual which brings back Akamat. Necromancers believe if they die (killing of them is not so easy at all) their skills and spirit attach to the Akamat.

Military: Magic and bringing death and nightmare. Most of necromancer tribes lives in peace. But they also need practise their skills.

City: The capitol city is Akam. Population in Akam is 20k-50 thousand people. It is near to Lands of Black. Minor city is Grishnakh, its near to the blood-lusted barbarians and Feahra from Blizzard mountains which location is north. Grishnakh city (population 30 thousand peoples) hold peace of Feahra and barbarian capitol Axen king Axebeard.

Riches: Their skills and golems what they sell it very high price. Golem is almost eternal and it will sold it when the necromancer is very broke or hired. Golem figures is a lot: fire-, earth-, skeleton- based. But rare ones the necromancer keep it.

Enemies/allies: They have no enemies but a lot of allies. City of Grishnakh has a 1 enemie and it is Hojule because they defend barbarians.

Units: Apprentice ( greenie who starts using dark arts) ( easy to kill)

Minor necromancer ( necromancer who knows more magic than apprentice) ( bit harder to kill)

Medium necromancer ( necromancer who choose a way of magic:fire, earth, death, water, nature and other) (Hard to kill)

Great necromancer ( necromancer who is obtained his way)

Nightmare necromancer ( necromancer who started a learning other dark arts)

Forgotton necromancer ( necromancer who is so powerful and uses it for self-defense and started learning burial ceremonies)

Elder necromancer ( necromancer who trains other necromancers or is king of the city or is the who choose the apprentice who should start learning dark arts)

extra1: Necromancer live 10x-1000x longer than normal human. Necromancer can be eternal like Akamat.

extra2: Necromancers scares Populusaquae tribe because their pure water magic which can harm necromancers.

extra3: do not ever treason necromancer it will find you and even kill next to the family.

extra4: necromancer 1 weakness is silver.

extra5: trading to the necromancers is very hard job but you might get a very good weapons or other.

I got necromancer inspiration by reading dark arts and Diablo II.
Take note.. necromancers donôt eat a lot, they eat because they need preserve their body. Hunger doesnôt exist almost.

Thank you for reading and i hope you get some inspiration if it. Also hail Varg and metal!

question, how mythical can this contest get cause if it is mythical then i wanna redo my submission
165 posts

Alright, you can't make it VERY mythical. I mean, a little magician kind of thing that pleases a crowd or something, but nothing like "Oh, I am MIGHTY KING THOR WITH MY MAGICAL HAMMER!

K thanks. P:

33 posts

it is called mjölner Thors hammer.. and sign of asatru religion..

Was my nation very mythical?? I like magic and stuff

Showing 1-15 of 38