ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMedieval Creation Contest

38 11697
165 posts

Hey guys, I'm back with ANOTHER contest! This one is, instead of Zombies and animals, I want you guyd to create a nation of your own. I've myself created quite a few. With some help, I guess.
Anyway, here's a list of requirements of which you must complete to be a part of this contest.

Faction Name:

Faction Type: Empire (military, strong military, makes enemies), tribal (primitive, poor, war-like, small yet versatile and elusive military), trading (rich, makes many allies, lots of resources, medium sized military), or producer (just sits, neutral, growing their resources).

Faction Culture: The people's attitudes.

Faction Military: Tell the size of the military and give an example of the faction's main soldier. (Infantry or cavalry)

Faction Riches: Is this faction rich or poor? (Trading would be very rich, and the producer would build resorces and get a second, with the military from plundering)

Faction Capital: Give the name and description of the nation's capitas(s) and its fortifications.

Faction Religion: (Optional) Maybe?

If you have an extra, then go. I'm all for it.

Alright, here's my go: (Honestly, lots of your guys' submissions make me think I'm pretty bad at this stuff)

Faction Name: Greth

Faction type: Trading

Faction Culture: Proud, but not too proud, strong willed, spiritual, witty, prefers planned action over impulsive action, easily annoyed.

Faction Military: VERY large defending army. Not to provoke, but to defend. It used to be to attack neighbouring nations T'Keth and Voraia, now it's made to defend only.
Leading unit: Irita Knight
A very slow yet very well defended steel warrior. Nearly invincible when being attacked with arrows, spears and sword blows aganist all besides the eyes and neck. Intimidating appearance. Charges on horseback, continues fighting on foot.

Faction Riches: Across seas, Greth is at trade with the nation of WestIron and Irithria. They get much tradable goods and weapons. They also have much riches from the many resources in their location.

EXTRA: Faction main animal: Hershbe (heh, creativity bonus)

K, I alone will judge this contest, no offense to my friends Brett and whashisface, but I think I'd do a bit more constructive editing.
Judging will include:
Crativity, Creator Description and how realistic you made it. Plus, a creator description depending on size made with extras and if you make it VERY vivid.

K, you can put it any way you want, but you'll lose points if it's messy.

Let's see whatcha got!

  • 38 Replies
165 posts

Yes, it was very mythical.

16,287 posts

extra2: Necromancers scares Populusaquae tribe because their pure water magic which can harm necromancers. civilization doesn't even use magic and why are you referencing the civilizations i created?
33 posts

necromancers scares pure water...

and is it problem??? i can delete this if you dont want it??

33 posts

oh.. i gave bad nation.. i think sorryy...

165 posts

K, one week to go before the contest is finished! Tell me if you have any ideas before I do.

1,467 posts

I want to try! I will probably lose again, but hey, it's the thought that counts. (Right?)

Faction Name: Stahl Reich, translated from German, Steel Empire.

Faction type: Although they are an empire, many other nations and factions have admired and sometimes allied the Stahl Reich. Reasons can range from fear of attack, to military protection, to just being friends.

Faction Culture: The Stahl Reich is supremely based on work and balance. Though the previous leaders of the Stahl Reich have called their nation as perfect and fair, most can disagree about that.

Faction Military: The Stahl Reich's military is quite mixed and does not have a specific greater unit. It is mainly based on cavalry and mixed weapon infantry. Their troops have been trained in the cold harsh environments of the Stahl Tundra Wastelands, surviving even the coldest of battles, which often gives an upper hand during warfare and skirmishes.

Leading Unit: Cavalry Musketman
Although the Stahl Reich has a healthy balance of cavalry, infantry and ranged units, its main troop is commonly thought as the Cavalry Musketman. With musket in hand and on horseback, they are a devestating force that can eliminate even the most elite of troops with the toughest of armor. Whenever these men are on the field, it is a guarenteed victory.

Faction Riches: The Stahl Reich normally does not trade due to caravan escorts usually perishing before arriving to cities. Because of this, they have resorted to gathering their own resources, however this is quite difficult due to the deadly weathers of their land. Their normal products are steel, iron, fur, and leather. They obtain their food from underground farms, where it is much more life sustainable.

Known For: The Stahl Reich is greatly known for their supreme military, productivity, and mostly: their terrorizing musketmen.

Civilization Region: The Stahl have explored far and wide, and have colonized much of their continent. Their land covers more than two continents, Europe and Asia. However, the majority of the cities are located in the tundra and forests of Eastern Europe.

Religion: Religion is not regulated in the Stahl Empire, however they do have some restrictions, such as not being able to practice their religion in public.

16,287 posts

necromancers scares pure water...

again they're affection for water isn't magic just worship
33 posts

ok they scare a water.. are you happy? especially salt water but rain and snow dont do nothing :/ necromancers usually live at swamps

16,287 posts

ok they scare a water.. are you happy? especially salt water but rain and snow dont do nothing :/ necromancers usually live at swamps

i'm just saying, you think they use water while they use weapons like any normal nation, they just worship water
165 posts

K, keep the submissions coming!

1,627 posts

Faction Name: Ghorzracha (gorz-ra-cha, the "cha" is like plegm sound)

Faction Type

Merchant, yet they have a strong military which can be used to invade other nations. They have dictated many of the trading laws used to date, and have powerful contacts among allied nations. They are especially close with other empire countries, and the Ghorzrachites have land overseas.

Faction Culture

The Ghorzrachites are known for producing many high-end products and luxury items such as intricate multi-level mazes, and pieces of pottery. Because of this, they have made enemies with many tribal countries due to the fact that they cannot afford the high prices of trading. They have supreme cognitive abilities and for that reason have been able to discern much about the world around them. Because of this, Ghorzracha is home to many of the finest universities in the world, and is a beacon of knowledge throughout the land.

Faction Military

The military is quite strong and can be used for offensive and defensive attacks. Because of the exorbitant prices on their goods, the Ghorzracha military has the latest technology, most of it developed in the country. They refuse to share their weaponry secrets and strategic ones, and because of that have one all but one of their wars. The one that they lost was to a huge empire, which nearly destroyed them. However, the attack that the Ghorzrachites put up was the one needed to allow a rival country to invade the offending empire, which subsequently destroyed it.

Leading Unit

The leading unit is kept a secret, due to enemy spies far and wide on this forum. Suffice to say that when this unit is deployed, most of the enemies drop dead from terror.

Faction Riches

The national treasury is huge, and they are the ones who dictate what currency is valid. Due to this, they are the chair-country of the council of the International Currency Council, and are envied throughout the land for their position. The position gives them huge amounts of power.

Known For

Defeating most of their enemies by either infiltration (their intelligence agency, the GSF, is feared throughout the land) or just pure force. They are also known for being a trading nation, yet having most of the characteristics of an empire.

Faction Religion

Due to the amount of bright minds in Ghorzracha, they have discerend the true God to be Arzhistel, who is usually laughed at throuough the land. However, Arzhistel usually smites those who are laughing at Him, so the silence you hear is a lot of countries cowering in fear that the god of the Ghorzrachites.


Ghorzracha is in a perpetual state of warfare with its neighbor Ar'halikia. The only reason that Ghorzracha has not completely captured the country is due to a high level of resistance from the military. However, when the new weapon rolls out next week, Ar'halikia is as good as dead >

1,824 posts

Faction name: Order Of The Hammer

Faction Type: Empire, but they are secluded and don't declare unnecessary wars

Faction Culture: The Order of the Hammer, or Hammerites as they're called, have a huge military, comprising of foot soldiers and siege machinery unlike any other. But their main profit comes from their abilities with metal forging, machinery and piousness. They make the majority of the tools and equipment for the lands, and store their keepings in The Central Congregation Fort, nicknamed the Vault of Lots.

Faction Military: The Hammerites keep a huge military, with their choice weapon being the sledgehammer, which they wield extremely well. Their siege machinery consists of early cannon, which they've perfected with a multi-shot mechanism, so their enemies' forts can be decimated in minutes.

They also keep an odd garrison of half-bio calvary, horses which are mostly mechanical, with biological muscles for strength. The men who ride these horses use spears with a crackling electric force by the tip, for frying knights in their armor

The uniform consists of red cloth with grey armor where needed, with a stylized sledgehammer centre piece.

Leading Unit: Suffice it to say, you don't want to encounter this

Faction Riches: The Vault of Lots is filled to the brim with gold, manuscripts and something the Hammerites value above all- contraptions. From flying machines to deep-sea behemoths, the Hammerites have it all

Faction Religion: The Hammerites god is a entity called the Builder, said to have brought industrialism and progress to man. Their battle cries usually involve something like "For the Builder!"

Extra: The Hammerites' prime enemy is the Order of the Vine, a tribe who discarded progress and technology and seek to stop the Hammerites

3,437 posts

Once more I give you a creation of my novel.

[/b]Name: The Kaelitine Empire (Or Empire of Kaelite)


The Kaelitine Empire is an expansionist empire that uses various political tools to achieve its various ends. In times of peace the empire relies heavily on its extensive trade network to stock the Imperial Coffers. This accumulated wealth is then used to fund various skirmishes with its smaller neighbouring kingdoms and the outlying nomadic tribes. Lately the Empire has focused more and more upon military agression by plotting a continent spanning campaign.


Kaelitine culture is a difficult subject to discuss. Often viewed as a melting pot from its series of assimilations over its history the Kaelitine people are a myriad of diverse individuals. This individualism is particularly shown through the society's lust for material wealth. A man's station in life is determined by what he owns and what he has to show for his efforts. Needless to say such a society has a large underlying poverty stricken lower class. This lower class citizens are often to be found in the military because the military imposes its own place within the heirarchy of Kaelitine society. A soldier is a position of respect and honour despite wherever that individual had originally came from. This is because of Kaelitine's militaristic history and arrogance of its own supperiority.


The Kaelitine military is currently commanded by Lord Xius Caladoan. Xius is the General Commander of all military forces and not even the Emperor may supercede him in issues concerning the running of the military. That is not to say the Emperor cannot command his General Commander to relay certain orders, the Emperor simply cannot countermand the General Commander when an order has already been given.

The Kaelitine military is superbly trained to adapt to any situation presented. Behind this lies the main core of the military, the medium infantry. A Kaelitine medium infantryman is outfitted with a single steel longsword, a thick leather kerkin covered in chainmail, a leather skullcap topped with a chain coif, and a pair of lightweight plate gauntlets, greaves and thickened leather boots.

Another key to Kaelitine military success is its mage corps. Recognized as the largest and one of the strongest mage corps on the continent, the Kaelitine have little need for siege weapons. Being offensively minded much of the mage corps focus around offensive type magics. Namely elemental and the higher abstracts. This does not mean the mage corps lack mages who are highly skilled in warding and healing. Without the mage corps the Kaelitine military would not be able to move with its famed lightening advances during its campaigns.


As mentioned previously the Kaelitine Empire has extensive trade networks. This networks stretch beyond the continent of Eurwa to far off lands such as Dol Ni-Arr. Locally however Kaelitine is noted for its prestigious work with rare metals and fine wines produced in its sourthern vineyards.


Kaelitine worship focuses on the Eurwan Pantheon. Their patron god is Kallami, the God of Battle. Favour is also known to be given to Illium, the Goddess of Light.


It is key to note that in the death of an Emperor of Empress a steward is promptly elected by imperial council until such time that an heir can be coronated. While many have questioned this practice one must remember that the Imperial council allows for none of nobel blood to hold position.

165 posts

K, here's the ratings! (Even though the contest is over, you can still submit some nations if you're too late.
Alright- this is the closest contest I've ever had. All of the submissions were great, but I have chosen only 3 to win-

In 3rd place is Masterforger for his Order of the Hammer submission!

In 2nd is Wolf1991 for the Kaelitine Empire!

K in a close match, the winner is Quirinus1 (I hope I got that right) for winning the contest with his Fehara submission! Congratulations!

K, I'm sorry I haven nothing to offer for this win besides congrats and stuff.

1,824 posts

You can offer medals, you could have the Sirmed Medals, or something along those lines.

Showing 16-30 of 38