So November is coming around rather soon...anyone thinking of participating in this crazy excuse for becoming a social recluse?
If you haven't heard of it before, NaNoWriMo involves writing a fifty thousand word novel in November. It's simple really, just type 1667 words per day for thirty days, and you'll have finished your first novel.
I've done it the past three years (completed past two) and recommend it to anyone who enjoys writing. It is a really good way to force yourself to write and greatly improve your writing skills.
I'm definitely game for it, but I'm wondering if I'll have enough time... with school and such. I'll probably jump on and randomly make up a bunch of everything
Planning goes like this: Manage to make 2 weeks of assignment in a few days and turn it in before November. Write like hell, get to 50k, do the other assignment, turn it in before December.
I assume we are going to brag with our word count like usual here.
That said, anyone found/created some awesome calenders/wallpapers for this? They seem to make everything better, or at least guilt me into writing a bit more, when I look at the word count of the day.
And no sympathy or motivation. We need all we got to finish our own challenge.
Uh that depends on how much you want to cheat yourself? The challenge is to write 50k words during November. If you make it, you make it, if you don't then you don't. You don't win anything, so the only one you cheat is yourself, and you probably get laughed at by any friends that might be making it without starting early.
NaNoWriMo is not intended to be a contest, just a challenge, anyone who's actually attempted to write a novel knows how easy it is to get distracted, this just provides a focus of sorts.
Basically, you do what you can get yourself to do. If you want to do a plotline before November, then do so. If you want to start off blank, then do so. It's a challenge of you, and there is no gain besides fatigue and mental illness involved.
As for making a contest. If you really want to do so, then you can do so. I doubt many people will join both due to having to expose their story to outsiders at a point where editing and proofreading is banned from your mind, not to mention simply not wanting to share as it is a private challenge, but up to you.
I'm up for it, same as usual. Will I do it? Probably, for the first time ever. Rather than saying I will, I might actually do it. Oh how rare...
Anyone got any ideas for what they're going to write about? (only post what you feel comfortable with ) I'm thinking about practicing some dynamic character work by writing about a sociopathic killer who, over time, gains empathy and compassion for his fellow man, and possibly love. It'll probably be in a fantasy setting, because everything is better with goblins.
Mine will be based around the classic story of a destined child, found and adopted, except the child is actually found by one of the more... unscrupulous members of society.