So November is coming around rather soon...anyone thinking of participating in this crazy excuse for becoming a social recluse?
If you haven't heard of it before, NaNoWriMo involves writing a fifty thousand word novel in November. It's simple really, just type 1667 words per day for thirty days, and you'll have finished your first novel.
I've done it the past three years (completed past two) and recommend it to anyone who enjoys writing. It is a really good way to force yourself to write and greatly improve your writing skills.
So how's everyone doing so far? I'm a bit behind, but my catch-up schedule is solid. My book's a little boring, though. It'll pick up. I'm definitely gonna be one of the many who has to cut the first five chapters to get anywhere close to publishable.
I have 30 792, I did an all night write (nothing but writing for 3 days straight), and now I have to take eye drops, he he. I burned out my tear ducts. If I hadn't had the sense to call my doctor, I may have gone blind. But I can see again. And now I can do like 1500 words a day, and still be good.
Well at 30,792 words, you're sort of ahead of sechdule. My suggestion would be to cut it down a bit. Maybe like 1,000 words a day. Oh course if you have insperation, then go for it. Just keep your eyes rested. It gets harder to write when you can't see.
I have 30 792, I did an all night write (nothing but writing for 3 days straight), and now I have to take eye drops, he he. I burned out my tear ducts. If I hadn't had the sense to call my doctor, I may have gone blind. But I can see again. And now I can do like 1500 words a day, and still be good.
Heck, if I had that many words than...well, I don't know what I would do!
I suggest taking a day off spent away from any electronic source to let your eyes heal. If you have an inspiration, write the basics down on paper.
Acmed your tenses seem to randomly shift halfway through the first chapter, past to present, also I suggest you spread the description out over a few pages, rather than one large block, it makes for a somewhat drab introduction which doesn't act as an effective hook, leading to a bored reader.
I think you need a little bit of help editing... and I hate editing... so I'll leave some other good person to help you. Meanwhile I'll start on my story.