The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because you are what you eat.What is a pre-whovian?~~~Darth Caedus
What Freepants2 apparently is.Why does rain come from the sky?
Rain comes from the sky when somebody falcon-punches a old woman through a wall.Why does fire hurt you?
Because they're jerks and bullies that just don't know when to stop.What's the different between emotional and physical pain?
The emotional pain starts with E and physical pain starts with PWhy am I writing this ?
You're not. You're pressing random buttons on a keyboard.What time is it?
It's time to wash JB (creepy mess up sheit) Why did my tiny duck visited the bank ?
Because he had to pay his bill.What's the difference between a joke and a pun?
One is spelled j-o-k-e and the other is spelled p-u-n.What is a question?
Some that gets a dumb answer to go along with itWhat is a smart answer?
narfwhat is the meaning of the answer 42?
Life, the universe, and everything.Why does that kid with the gas mask keep asking if I am his mummy?~~~Darth Caedus
Because the crypt keeper is out for lunch, therefore, elephants.Why didn't the sentence I wrote above this question make any sense?
Because you're actually worried about your homework and the teacher who'll ask to speak with your mom. Why I'm so obsessed with Rip's homework?
Because you're a stalker who sits outside his window.Why is Waldorf so obsessed with Rip's homework?
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