The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Only nightmares.Is Earth flat?
No, it has lots of pointy mountains.Is karaoke bad for you?
If digested while operating machinery yes.Does Eminem like M&Ms? :P
Yes, he's not afraid to lose himself in them.Why is Dr Pepper brown?
Because poop is also brown.Why do lions eat meat?
Tofu isn't very filling.Why is the sky blue?
Because why would the sky be green.Why are we alive?
Cause we would not be alive if we are deadWhy do i hurt myself when i hear a recurring joke in my faveoute cartoons
Because it's painfully hilarious.Who is the king of the world?
Larry King.Where can I find a good phonograph these days?
Near meWhat is the average wingspread of a swallow? (Monty python reference)
0 mph, as it is weighed down by a coconutWhat is a coconut?
A nutty cocoa. What are friends?
That's on a need to know basis, and you don't need to knowWhat is a swallow?
A sound you make each time you push fat elephants.What's Newgrounds?
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