The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
U must read Dr. Seuss first.Who's Obama?
Obama is. Obviously.Why do people text each other?
Because George the Curious has cancer.Why do I type on this computer?
Because you can't type on a rock.Why do I keep posting on this forum game?
Because posting underneath it could prove to be rather difficult.How long will I live?
Indefinitely...How hard is CTCA?
*taps game* About as hard as a modern computer screen.What makes the number 100 so special?
2 0's and one 1Do I like the song True Love by pink?
You might like it.Why are elephants alive?
Because the dead ones are all dead.What is a merit?
A super awesome badge for super awesome people!What is a troller?
It's basically a stroller, but it's designed for small dolls with wacky hair. This product actually exists.Where is the rest of the world?
In your imagination... :3Who are the Rolling Stones?
I don't know, but they gather no moss.What does it mean to have a crush on someone?
When you mistake their head for a table and leave your orange soda on top of them.What dreams may come?
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