The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Ground that is new.Why do I like to drink Coca-Cola?
Because Cola-Coca tastes bad.naC uoy daer siht?
oN, I nac ton daer siht!can i talk with you about chtullu?
No. Coz I'm a narwhal and I stop Cthulhu eating ye.What's England?
My buttWhat is the size of my butt?
You have no butt.Do I have a rare disease?
Did i suck my finger?
Do I have a rare disease?
Moo probably. =PWhy am I sitting in a chair right now?
because chairs are better than the floorwhy do we sleep?
Because of nightmares.Why is the world round?
Because if it was square, you'd fall off the edge. Why is the sky blue?
because the sky is a do you survive the next twilight season?
Become a vampire.Why is candy bad for you?
Because of SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR. And goats with AIDS.Why is me me?
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