The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because they're soft and cuddly â¤Why am I stoopid?
Because aliens created pizza.What is the most collest thing ever?
Internet Explorer 8.Does this make me look fat?
It depends on youre weight!What means awesome?
Orange dragon fruit with balls of steel.How is can be bee?
Apple trees.Why do humans speak words?
They only speak through sounds.What is a human?
A being yet to evolve into a Necromanchthon.
Why shouldn't I destroy the universe?
Because everybody loves apple trees.Why does everybody love apple trees?
I created them in the fourth dynasty my taking the pines away from oceanic pineapples.Why don't people use Xylitol? (sugar substitute, extracted from birch bark, good for your teeth!)
Because they don't know what it is.Why do I like cupcakes?
Because of frosting.Why do we ask questions?
Because we have to fint the meaning of life!!!Why people dont like appels?
Because they aliens....they come from another galaxy......Why dogs are bigger than cats?
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