The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
It wanted a balloon.What's a door?
A strange gun you use in the game "ortal"Whats a stereo?
A radio? I'm not really sure xDWhere do babies come from?
They come from guinea-pigs. What is a n00b here?
Something writen with two 00s. XDWhat is a dexterapitanorurosateranofos????
dexterapitanorurosateranofos be seagul pirate poop.What be a boat?
TEDDYBEARSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!What is the definition for a drunk dolphin?
The thing you poop on.Dislexia exactly what be supposed to is?
I just got ninjad...
A book on numb body parts.Do you like black pie?
I like the rainbow one!Why Russians created AK-47?
Because THIS IS RUSSIA! What is something shooting?
That's just your reflection.Can I lick baby powder?
Yes. It is very nutritious.Why can't I fly?
Because you didnt ate a magic-burger-nugget!Why people like trains?
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