The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because cats have gnome hormones which make them gnomy.When was why long this?
Puppies.Why people like YouTube?
to watch stupid videosWhat the hell are we doing here?
To take a poop.Why do we eat?
Because food.Is water drinkable?
nope , try that green one out of your willy.why is the earth round?
Because it was once god's bouncy ball.Why is the internet called the internet?
Because they got it from " Catch the net Co. "Why do we clap?
Becuase our hands hate eachother.Where does rain come from?
Angels peeing.What is 3+5-1?
27What is a bird?
A bird is the cousin to a kitten.Why is water wet?
Because of electricity.Why is the world round?
'Cause he was straight, 'till he saw yo mama.He never wanted to be straight again.Aren't you meant to delete System32?
The pie would rather bathe.Do you like watching little children?
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