The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because they read a lot.Why is my tea liquid?
Because you were playing golf on Venus.Why am I tired?
Since your tire is flat.Why is Mercury so near the sun?
Because the sun is near Mercury.Why did the worm die when I stepped on it?
Because you didn't ask nicely.Do you know the rules of the game?
The rules don't say anything.Why do cats bring misfortune?
Because they eat your future.Why don't the stars come off?
Because they teleport away.Why ponies are cute ?
because DUCKS.Why food tastes good?
Due to a special chemical which forces our brain to accept the fact that it tastes good.Why do gems hold so much power?
Because they were crafted by wizardsWhy did R2D2 bring back so many threads?
He's a necrobotWhy is r2d2 a necrobot?
To overload the forums to point of breakdown.What does a necrobot do?
exists as a necrobot.
How can one exist as a necrobot?
not possible in the world of refrigeratorsWhy does everyone try to be funny in forums?
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