The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because I want to answer your question.Why I need to go to school ?
To become one of the manliest beings on Earth.Why can't mankind learn from others?
Because learning is for people who don't know everything already.Hey Vegeta, what was the name of the person you came to earth with? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta?
KAKAROOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!How many yards, sir?
The answer is life.
What is the cream in the center of an oreo made of?
Pea. What is Darth Vader?
Continuing from Lowco1, ignoring lasha1777's advertHe is your motherShould I lick doornails and why
Yes, because they are licorice. What are turtles?
A type of armor you can wear.Why do ghouls eat flesh?
They are on a diet from souls.Why is Bowser evil?
Because Shrooms Why do penguins waddle?
Because they can't walk properly.What can I do with 99 Red Balloons?
Make an giant balloon animalWhy is Ridley evil?
Because he eats ponies.Why can't you stalk your shadow?
It is youWho is Mario?
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