The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Why does everyone try to be funny in forums?
Why do some people forget to insert their question?
Because people are forgetful.Why is a television called a television?
Because calling it the tely would be dumb.What does the scouter say about my power level?
It's under 1.Why did I not complete the meme?
Because you were supposed to say 1006. (Dbz abridged)What does the scouter say about that penguin's power level?
OVER 9000! (I've never watched the abridged version. Nor the actual version for that matter)Why are penguins so awesome?
Because Bezerk 16 makes anything awesome.Am I the only one who watches dbz abridged and rvb too much?
noIs your name Dixie Normous?
Probably not, considering how many people there are on earth. What is pie squared? (Can't press enter because this stupid tablet doesn't have an enter button)
Not pi cubed.How many namekians does it take to change a light bulb?
One, since they can illuminate a whole room when they go super saiyan.What makes large hole all across the world?
Mountains. That are made into molehills.Is Zelda a princess, pirate, or a ninja?
She is a person.Why is fire hot?
Because it feels like it.Why are glaciers hot?
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