The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Unless an anomoly occurs, we will be giving rabbits to cows.
What made the Earth conical?
If you have a banana in your pocket, then yes, otherwise its not.
WHY because.
How can i go home?
Use the dragon in your armatar.
How do I become powerful?
Find a Chaos Emerald.
How can i enter a video game?
Go in.
How do I ask a question?
Type letters, press submit.
If Jetter changed his name to Cheaters, would he always lose?
Whatever I want it to be.
How long is a rope?
7 characters long.
How long is a rope a rope a rope a rope a rope?
A box of lies.
What brings all the toys to the yard?
My ice cream cone.
What is life?
Life is Darude - Sandstorm.
Who is Obama?
I am!
Who is the king of the United States?
USA, Do You Suck
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