The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because the crazies come out in droves when they have a full moons staring at them, and blk2860 always has a full moon staring at him.Did the AG servers quit because no one ever tipped them?
No, its because they all had dates.What is 3 squared?
A far tougher game to play than 4 squared.
If kickstarter is so popular, then how many races have been won?
They had a debt to pay.
Why are Knights found at night?
Because they spend each day in a Daze.
What should we do with this drunken gamer?
We should throw him on a large pile of marshmallows.
Why are pumpkins orange?
They drink too much orange juice.
What does a duck do to duck down to dodge dead dogs?
Eat a mushroom.
Why does the above user remind me of Nicholas Cage?
He has the same drawl.
Why don't dem homiez not care no no?
Because they left you for a person with a job.
If I wish i wish i had a fish, would you fry it for me, please?
I cannot, because I would not have any raw fish to eat.
If my grass looks green, does that mean that it is sick?
No, it means they have too much dye. Also, posting like that ^ is not really how the game goes.
Why are my hands stiff and my expression stony?
Because you are the statue of Liberty.
Do I have to capitalize "statue"?
Not always, but you have to capitalize Of when you do not capitalize statue. Also, I guess I am just anxious to play.
Would all miners get more money if they change their name to majers?
unknown answer, you did not say witch part of their name to be changed to majers.
witch is better: bitcoin or dogecoin
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