The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
If you're a lollipop, then no thanks.
What is phase 2?
When the clock stops.
What is teriyaki?
In the starts ofc.
What is Doge?
An American car company of course.
How do you play the guitar?
Ask it nicely and plan a meeting time.
Does chocolate milk come from chocolate cows?
Duh, no it comes plainly from chocolate chickens.
How can I fix my Xbox?
Microwave it. It will become an Xbox one.
Why do Xbox ones look a lot like melted xboxes?
Because you're seeing your own head through the glossy black plastic of the Xbox.
Why is Kingdom Rush so hard?
Because it's not.
Influx of new users today? Why?
They saw me and wanted be praise me.
Why do houses only have four walls?
Because if they had eight, they would look like stop signs from above, and planes would see them and fall right out of the sky.
Why doesn't Full House make new episodes anymore?
Because the house got to full and bursted.
Why are smurfs blue?
Because if they were yellow, it'd be racist.
Why is money worth something?
Because you can use it as a tissue when you're in a crowd.
Why can't I think of anything?
Because you're wasting your mind and time here.
Why do I have so much school?
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