ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
5,129 posts

there is different in what was okay for thousand years ago, and what is okay now.

there is also a difference in 20 year ago and now. what does that matter?

as i said, every1 refers to that part of the world as israel now. a entire generations don't know beter then it is israel.
only a all out war can change that now. these small actions all the time wont do it.
1,143 posts

why didn't you stop tibet? or do you only stop those that you can beat?

Well I didn't do anything, firstly because I wasn't born, and secondly because, me, a child, taking on the military might of China wouldn't do anyone any good.

i think those people who are still against it and say it should be returned are just hopeless helpless and useless.

I've never seen anyone seriously suggest that the entire population of Israel need to be deported to their country of origin.

if we are going to give back the land to it's original owners then only 2 or 3 countrys in the world will be left over. all the rest would be countrys we have never heared of or only in the books.

True. But there is a huge difference between what happened in Israel, and what happened to destroy most countries that do not exist today. Looking at most ethnic groups,you'll see that most of them are in a very similar place (geographically) to where they have always been. I think it is more that countries evolve, borders might shift, names might change, but the same groups of people are in the same places.

That didn't happen in Palestine, it is the only place I can think of where a massive totally foreign population has entered into a country and taken it over, displacing much of the native population.

Israel needs to accept the Palestinian point of view, if it wants to stop violence against them, they need to recognise a Palestinian state, concede some land, destroy the segregation wall, pay some reparations, and stop expansion. Stopping expansion needs to be done urgently, it is making the problem so, so much worse.
1,773 posts

Well, my dear DSm, you are almost comepltyl wrong.

firstly, i didt spoke about Thousands of years ago' i spoke about 60 or 70 years ago.

and secondely, i am a left-winger "in real life". i dont say the arabs are bad peoples, and i dont say that we, the israelis, dont do mistakes too.
afcours that ther are peoples that dont want peace. all teh settelers, who belive that if they will build in the entire Israel, beliving that they have the right to build wherever they want because its ther country, and the semi-fascist gruops who say "the arabs only understand power". but we, Israel, have a strong group who say the opposite. we say that not all the time Israel is looking for peace. we say that Israel should. we are against racsism, and not only by Israelis to arab, but by white to black, by religius to womens.
and yes, i was angry too when i heard about the way some soliders shoot the lachrymator, hitting hard peoples.
but its harder and harder to explaine to my more right-winger friends why.
all i say is, that the claim that we, the Israelis, are a barbarian tribe who raid the poor defendless democratic hippies palestinians is a lie. because all of the peoles who say "you are evil", are peoples who feel sorry for the "weak" and start to feel Sympathy for him, like USA felt to the taliban in ther fight against the CCCP {russia}.
they didnt care what they realy belive in, or what ther goals after it, just the feeling that "yeay! the weak one win!". so again, when Israel was the weak one, and the mighty eygept and syria and every other arabic nation threat to destroy us and kill us, you Sympathy us. but now? now you prefer the other side, and start to belive to the lies of ther propoganda. ther is no hunger in Gazza. ther is no lack of medicen. we supply them everything they need, and they are "big boys", who can take care of themeselve.
and with terrorist organizations, its "give a finger and they will take the entire hand" - Israeli soliders who guard the passes from gazza to Israel found in a daily bases wepones in ambulances, bombs in buss and "dirty" money {from Iran} in old ladies bags. i know, not all of gazza soppurt hamas, and i know that they cant just revolt against them, but you understand what i say?
hamas wont bring democracy and freedome to the middle-east.
Israel will. we defended Jurdan against syria, not hamas.
we let everyone freedome, unless to gaza {who shot rocket at us [and we didnt "blockade" them befor they started, only after]} and judea and shomron {againe, same as gaza}.

that we didnt stole ther land. like in any otehr civil war, ther are winners and ther are lossers. like in Lybia, ther are a large group, who preferd kadafi, who is now get lynched and killed. yes, the "shiny happy peoples" who just wnated democracy and freedom, will becaume another Iran in the bad case, and just will break up in a better one.
we are not illeagal, like USA is not, we wanted a place to live. we get into Israel, leagel or not {and sorry, but i think that runnig away from the nazies is a better choise than saing "but its against the law!". they didnt had any otehr choises, and the british did it because they didnt wanted the arabs to get mad}, built thet place from nearly nothing, created a modern state who creat the future technoligy, agriculture get better thanks to us, and helping every country in need in any Disaster with skilled crews who come to the rescue, doing as much as they can.
so yes, ther were some mistakes and wrong deeds, but it happen to every country. its not make us illeagal! we are here to stay, ther is no doubt for that. but will you stop questioning that? we dont kill arabs on a daily base, as i said befor. people who doing it are in jail. JAIL! in gaza they make them hero, here they are put to 30 years behind bars.

5,129 posts

it is the only place I can think of where a massive totally foreign population has entered into a country and taken it over, displacing much of the native population.

well i can give you 1.
the USA ofcours
1,773 posts

Dear sprooschicken, ill explaine in dots -

"recognise a Palestinian state"-uf they will accept to recognise us as "Israel" adn as a jewish scountry, no problems. now they just want is to us run to the sea and dissapear {not all of them, afcours, but the fanatic leadership}.

concede some land- again, they want it all. maybe they will accept 1948 for now, but they will still have demands after it. its not a fight between 2 lawyers, even if we will say "ok, we won but here you go, take whatever you want", who can give me his word that in the next 10 years ther will be not a sibgle fanatic grooup/country, that will say "everything!" and attack us, but now with undefendebele borders? can we trust every muslim/arab/europian hypocraits?
we gave hamas gaza for truce. we got rockets. we let the west bank some Autonomy, we got terrorist in Tel-aviv. which bring me to-

destroy the segregation wall-
what you think- 'Israeli-"we will build a wall so we dont have to see the filthy arabs".
what realy is: after it was built, poof! like magic, no more suicide bombers. no more guns all over the west bank {yes, the poor democratic peoples of jenin had guns, not only flowers!}. no more drugs dealer bring heroin troughout lebanon. its like saying "chineise, destroy the wall! let the mongolian freedome!". its just talking of a man who never been in Israel, dont know what tiny it is, and dont know both sides.

and for the final sentense, ill make it short- "give them money".
yea, we need to pay for them for stoping the terror? why we are the side that need to give up all the time? why we need to give synai, to give the golan, give give give, so they will have?

what i want is a fair peace, not a surrender. we are not germany, no no. we wont eat crap for you europeans and USAians Hypocrites {not all of you, the hypocrites in you}, who want to say "awwww, the poor natives got what they want! happy ending!".

and i guese that stabbing peoples, shoothing rockets amnd mortars on borders towns and killing families dosnt make it worst. they just fight for freedome this way! they revenge us for giving them electricity with low price! for giving them water! we transfer them the taxes money from the west bank, and they hide in these black money from Iran to buy toys for ther kids right?

cut the crap, they are big boys, they dont need us or you to do them everything! they can stop and start talking, but most of the time they prefer the fighting. they are religios fanatics, how can hey be leaders in peace? they want a big victory, not peace. they want to kill me, and after it take over the world! they are not freedome warriors! they are religios fantaics! {not all of them afcours, but the fanatics are the strong group now}.

i want peace, and i am willing to &quotay" for it. but not as you say "give them everything and in return they will stop". because its not kindergarden here. its not "give me the cake and i will give you my train", its more like a little kid who keep kicking a bigger kid saying "give me the cake!". then, when the big one hit him back, he run to his teacher {UN}, who say "give him the cake, and stop hiting him!". the big kid can kick the little one *** {and as i heared in a comment,

canada can do it too/USA/england
. 1-bring it on. Israel as one of the best armies in the world, and even that the Experienced and mighty army of the great canada can make a nice challenge, i guese that the IDF can win.}. we can kill them all in a matter of minutes. but we dont. we dont do them holocost, we dont shoot them at "fire at will". we just dont. we try to stop the madness, to get peace. but they are groups who just want to see the world burning. its ther speicelty.
1,303 posts

firstly, i didt spoke about Thousands of years ago' i spoke about 60 or 70 years ago.

Firstly please read what other is writing. Dear danielo, this wasn't written to you.

and secondely, i am a left-winger "in real life". i dont say the arabs are bad peoples, and i dont say that we, the israelis, dont do mistakes too.

I couldnt care less about what wing you are. I judge you, by what you write.
I could quote you and show you how hateful you are towards arabs, but I will be just ignored by you, like you ignored all my other posts.

ut its harder and harder to explaine to my more right-winger friends why.

explain what?

because all of the peoles who say "you are evil", are peoples who feel sorry for the "weak" and start to feel Sympathy for him, like USA felt to the taliban in ther fight against the CCCP {russia}.
they didnt care what they realy belive in, or what ther goals after it, just the feeling that "yeay! the weak one win!".

That Afghanistan situation is totally different from this, and it seems you know nothing about it.
The taliban didnt exist in that time. The reason why USA supported afghans was not because they felt sorry for them, but because they wanted to win the cold war.
As soon the russian left Afghanistan, USA lost interest in afghans. They didnt care about them in the first place. The afghans was simple a pawn in the game.

when Israel was the weak one, and the mighty eygept and syria and every other arabic nation threat to destroy us and kill us, you Sympathy us. but now?

Back in time we didnt know you guys will turn into a racist country, who treat arabs like animals.

I dont have time to quote all of your comments. I have read it and it seems you just write out of nowhere.

From your second posts it seems you just hate Arabs and they are nothing but animals. Not only the arabs, but all muslims.

All I can say to you right now is this.
Israelis have taken the Palestinian land, and they are the biggest military power in the middle east. They have made the laws, and then imposed them on others. If US, Britain, Netherlands or any other country was a occupied territory, then they would accept any form of defense. And the Palestinians have also every right to fight with any necessary means.

Danielo it funny how Europe, USA and muslims have helped Jews in the past. And now see what thanks they get from you.

Here is some video about, how your muslim enemy helps jews.

You so called muslim enemy help jews in World War 2
1,627 posts

Back in time we didnt know you guys will turn into a racist country, who treat arabs like animals.

Yes, because Israel clearly treats Arabs, who have the right to hold office, vote, own land, and be a normal, everyday citizen, like animals.

Try again.

I dont have time to quote all of your comments. I have read it and it seems you just write out of nowhere.

Yes, danielo, please apologize for not having English be your native tongue, not having good sentence structure in this language, and for attempting to partake in a conversation about your home country. How dare you.

Israelis have taken the Palestinian land, and they are the biggest military power in the middle east.

That sorta happens when you haven't had peace in 64 years...again, I stand by my adage, "If the Arabs lay down their arms, there will be no more war, if Israel lays down her arms, there will be no more Israel."

Here is some video about, how your muslim enemy helps jews.

Careful now, don't become a punisher...Israel does not equal world Jewry, and Jewry does not equal Israel.

You so called muslim enemy help jews in World War 2

Non comparable, again. See above.
1,826 posts

That sorta happens when you haven't had peace in 64 years...again, I stand by my adage, "If the Arabs lay down their arms, there will be no more war, if Israel lays down her arms, there will be no more Israel."

And I stand by my opinion i.e
"If Israel does not stop its atrocities then they should keep themselves ready for Rockets"
1,627 posts

"If Israel does not stop its atrocities then they should keep themselves ready for Rockets"

Name any "atrocities" which would continue if there were not rockets? Oh just want all the land.
1,143 posts

Danielo, you make some good points from what I see. But I can't understand/ be bothered to decipher half of what you have typed. Could you use better structure and grammar please?

Oh just want all the land.

Don't be an flamer zakyman, you're better than that...

Israel does not equal world Jewry, and Jewry does not equal Israel.

I see what you're saying. But isn't the whole point that there were/are no Jewish states, and that's why Israel needed to be formed?
197 posts


1,627 posts

I see what you're saying. But isn't the whole point that there were/are no Jewish states, and that's why Israel needed to be formed?

Well, yes, however any actions of Israel does not represent the views of Judaism as a whole, just as, say, Bernie Madoff does not represent Israel. What Israel does, and what Judaism is are completely separate entities, however they are still connected. Basically, what DSM was doing, was saying, "Hey, look, these Muslims aren't bad, they are helping Jews!" When in fact, Judaism and Israel are completely separate in this regard.

Don't be an flamer zakyman, you're better than that...

I apologize. It's just that punisher has a..."history" of making outrageous statements, and at times I am deceived into replying likewise.
1,826 posts

Name any "atrocities" which would continue if there were not rockets? Oh just want all the land.

I think I have given enough arguments already so refer to them(both on this article and b4
Says who?
1,826 posts

I apologize. It's just that punisher has a..."history" of making outrageous statements, and at times I am deceived into replying likewise.

You have also tendency of posting ignorant statements just like you posted on previous page
You are like the guy who is convinced that romeo is girl and after reading whole story still says "Romeo was a girl"
1,627 posts

I think I have given enough arguments already so refer to them(both on this article and b4

Please, refresh my memory.
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