ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

181 47903
1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
1,627 posts

You have also tendency of posting ignorant statements just like you posted on previous page
You are like the guy who is convinced that romeo is girl and after reading whole story still says "Romeo was a girl"

How do you even pull this analogy out of your head? And you're one to talk. If I recall (which I do), you professed that Hamas killing Israeli civilians was an okay thing! I have never made any statement as to equate this ridiculousness! Stop attacking me, and attack my arguments.
1,826 posts

Please, refresh my memory.

You go find them yourselves
I think I have made my point clear so I am no more debating on this until someone new appears here (As zaky have been going in circles over and over)
197 posts

I take it Zaky is Jewish and very pro Israel?

1,627 posts

You go find them yourselves

I'm sorry. I did not realize that the burden of proof was upon the accused. My mistake.

I think I have made my point clear so I am no more debating on this until someone new appears here (As zaky have been going in circles over and over)

I'm sorry to hear that. Truly I am.

Now that punisher has left the building, sproos, would you like to continue a more...civilized discussion as we used to have?
197 posts

Do you believe that the Jewish people have the right to all of Israel? Or do you think they and the Muslims/Arabs can share it as brothers under the same God and people of the Book?

1,627 posts

Do you believe that the Jewish people have the right to all of Israel? Or do you think they and the Muslims/Arabs can share it as brothers under the same God and people of the Book?

Define all of Israel. I believe that the Jewish people have a right to the land they currently hold, yes, and if the Arabs/Muslims were willing to make peace, than yes, we could share it.
197 posts

Define all of Israel.

I guess just the nation of Israel itself, the land the government. Especially Jerusalem

the Arabs/Muslims were willing to make peace, than yes, we could share it.

Do you think it is the Muslims that have to make the step to make peace? Did they start the "war"?
I have never really had the opinions of a Jewish person on this, only just Christians so Im just curious is all.
1,627 posts

I have never really had the opinions of a Jewish person on this, only just Christians so Im just curious is all.

When I say the "Muslims" need to make peace, I am not speaking from the standpoint that all muslims want to destroy Israel. Instead, I mean that the radical clerics need to accept that Israel is there to stay, and the must accept its Jewish identity.

Did they start the "war"?

No, the Muslims did not start any war, it was the Arab nations and their governments who did that.

I guess just the nation of Israel itself, the land the government. Especially Jerusalem

Jerusalem is Israel's capital. It cannot be split. It is the most important city in Israel, and is the #1 holiest sight in all of Judaism. Compared to #3 in Islam, I feel that Judaism has more of a claim to it.
197 posts

Both sides make sense to me for different reasons.
Which is why I think they should share and get along. But the world doesn't work that way does it haha

408 posts

No one can say who is right and wrong in this conflict it is just too complicated and has been going on for over fifty years and some aspects before then, they are both as bad as each other.

Furthermore, you shouldn't really pick a sidefor the following reasons:
It is not right to support another country in a conflict if the reason is that the country they are against is of a particular race (one reason for America's support of Israel was that Palestine is a Muslim country).
As a country, you will never know the full story, one side maybe lying to get you on their side and you could ignore what could be more truthful from the other.
The Israel/Palestine conflict is not a just war by the fact that they kill civilians, peaceful options haven't been considered, there isn't reasonable chance of success (it has been going on for fifty years and is most likely going to end in a stale mate and, for the country that struck first, it wasn't to redress a wrong suffered.
War is wrong and we shouldn't encourage it
If you support a country, they will think what they are doing is right and carry the war further.
By giving Israel money, America is just as responsible for the killing of children as Israel is.
Even though I am an Atheist I can say

We are all equal in the eyes of God
I believe some people forget what the Bible actually says about equality, America is a Christian country, surely if you believe in God; you believe that we are all equal and then no country is more important than the other and that you shouldn't hold one in favour of the other.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

America is a Christian country, surely if you believe in God; you believe that we are all equal and then no country is more important than the other and that you shouldn't hold one in favour of the other.

My foot. That's all I have to say about the American Christian government caring about all countries equally.
1,773 posts

Well, that was an egocentric say. only the christian belive in that? the bible is of the christian, and we, the pagans, have our dark rituals who say to kill everyone?

last time i saw, the crusades and the holocust was dont by christian. peoples do horrible things no matter in waht they belive.

and - ther can be peace.
if we both nagotiate, it more peoples will realy want it like me, and in the other side, uf ther will be a strong movement of the Israeli arabs, we can live togheter in harnony, as we did in most of the History, when we lived in the ootman empire regions and other places {while we got raided by christians, &quotogroms"}. we can. the only real fight is not arabs VS Israelis. its east against west. its modern against old.
its what we belive in, freedome for all, against what the religios fanatics belive - slavery to the leaders, racist-Chauvinists rules. and its not only arabs-Israelis, its also against europe, against USA adn the rest {yea, the mighty canada too}. and ther are religios fanatics in Israel too. and in europe.

its easy to live togheter when ther are no problems. its hard when ther is an economical diseaster, when peoples start to fear. and by how i see it, the world is starting to fear.

408 posts

Are you watching leaders of Israel and Palestine? ^ read that.

Your people have spoken, stop this pointless blood shed.

1,773 posts

i wish i was a majority brit. im not so sure as i used to be.
like any other conflict, its start to dig roots. peopels are just say "ahh, all the muslims are thiefs and terrorist who will kill everyone else in sight" and "these jews know only how to steal! lands, money...". understand? its steretotipes, but dengeruse.
whenever i take care of small childerens, and i hear tham "wow look at the coca-cola blowing! it could be funny to do it to an arabic dude" i get pissed-off, and give them a speech about equality and freedome. but when ther are a suicide bomb, every one came to me and say "what you gonna say now? why dont you attack them like you attack the settelers and liberman?!".
its not easy to be a liberal. its much more easy to be &quotatriot". to say "yea! attack Iran! eveyone who against it are chickens!" {as you can understand, im against it [for now...]}.

i am patriotic just like them, maybe even more. but i am like jeremaia, talking against war with rome, when everyone already sharping ther swords {just i am gonna recruit next year}.

408 posts

You sir are an inspiration for us all, if only there were more people like you. I've seen videos on you-tube presenting hatred to certain countries, if only there were more which promoted equality and a happy, peaceful Earth.

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