ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
1,773 posts

Well, the entire lie of "didnt knew" is just pathetic. i was in poland and in germany, and the death camps and the concentration camps are so close to cities and villages, that the "didnt knew" is just a lame pathetic lie.
the Allied knew as well, but some of them didnt had the manpower and some of them didnt took it seriosly, Concentrate more about defeating teh Nazies then in rescuing the jews.

part two - caster was not a Liar! the fact is that he Promised to a nazie commander to testify in his favor for letting 6k jews to escape hungaria into Israel. my grandfather was one of them. not aa liar, a honest man.

adn part three - the Israeli solider are not a barbarian who shoot Journalists and kids for fun, and ther are no tank raids on villages. its only happend in lebanon, in the war. not on daily bases. and again, for killing a Journalists you go to jail and Descending rank to zero.
ofcours ther are some problmes, and maybe the solider who shot the Journalists did escaped any punishment, but that just a problem, not the norm.

all teh Israel haters are beliving that i, who gonna recruit next year, is a african militia man or a nazi. i dont. thuse "evil soliders" are my friends and family!
afcours that some of them are racist and hate the arabs {just like ther are in any otehr country and armie}.
we, Israel, are a normal country, who want to live in peace with our Neighbors. i want to travel to gaza and damescus. but ther goal is not to Compromise, is to destroy us. we cant let it happen. its our only home.

so pleases, please stop post the crap of "Israeli raid village and kill everyone" and "israel killing everyone in gaza everyday". its just a lie of a Hypocrite media with a straight line of view on the events.

1,143 posts

the Allied knew as well, but some of them didnt had the manpower and some of them didnt took it seriosly, Concentrate more about defeating teh Nazies then in rescuing the jews.

Allied intelligence had some idea, they didn't take it all that seriously, as it was so unbelievable.

we cant let it happen. its our only home.

It's funny, in a sick sort of way, because that is probably exactly what Palestinians were thinking when Israel was being formed.
1,773 posts

Even funnier cause ther were no palestinians. they were syrian, some badauians and some jurdanian. and even then, jodran was created in 1940+-, also syria and lebanon, so ther were no &quotalestinians". also, they got syria, saudi-arabia, north africa, even Iran and Iraq. and by religion, even more.
what the jews/Israelis got?

1,303 posts

danielo not to be offensive, but you repeat yourself in every post you make. And all the arguments you made, is already answered. Not only is your arguments answered, but they have no prove. Your arguments are solely made of opinion.

what the jews/Israelis got?

They had the entire world. There was jews almost everywhere. Even now there is millions of jews in USA.
5,129 posts

They had the entire world.

there never were much jews in sybiria and east asia right?

as for the topic:
israel is just another country now. ever1 refers to that part of the world as israel.

so it doesn't realy mater what it once was realy.
country's come and go. and what happend in israel is just a example how it can happen.
it's not like tibet was done in a fair way either.
1,826 posts

Even funnier cause ther were no palestinians. they were syrian, some badauians and some jurdanian. and even then, jodran was created in 1940+-, also syria and lebanon, so ther were no &quotalestinians". also, they got syria, saudi-arabia, north africa, even Iran and Iraq. and by religion, even more.
what the jews/Israelis got?

bottom line is
there were people in that area b4 jews
So, call them baddu or jordanians or whatever
but they were there
got syria, saudi-arabia, north africa, even Iran and Iraq. and by religion, even more.
what the jews/Israelis got?

Yes they do have but those countries are not their home
U took over their homes and now stop making up BS excuses
1,627 posts

there never were much jews in sybiria and east asia right?

Or in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, the U.A.E, etc...

it's not like tibet was done in a fair way either.


bottom line is
there were people in that area b4 jews
So, call them baddu or jordanians or whatever
but they were there

Well, if you're going to accept that they were from X country, than shouldn't they move to said country? Because technically it was their country of origin...
1,826 posts

Well, if you're going to accept that they were from X country, than shouldn't they move to said country? Because technically it was their country of origin...

They were of those ethnic back grounds but they were living there
for centuries.
Being spanish and being from spain is a little different.
same goes here
5,129 posts

Or in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, the U.A.E,

sure they have been there in the early days of judaism. it origions are from that area right?

bottom line is
there were people in that area b4 jews
So, call them baddu or jordanians or whatever
but they were there

if we are going to give back the land to it's original owners then only 2 or 3 countrys in the world will be left over. all the rest would be countrys we have never heared of or only in the books.
but we could even go furter back in time and no1 owned anything. then we are befor the time where the 1st guy placed a fence and told every1 els that he owned everything whitin that fence.

and then what? no countrys? no laws? no new roads or anything els the gov. does for the country?

countrys come and go. and there are enoufg examples of that in recent history. israel is just 1 of them.
1,143 posts

I totally agree with you partydevil, countries come and go, that is inevitable. Israel is unique however, in how it was formed. That of course doesn't mean if we see injustice happening we should let it go, if we see national identity being threatened today we need to stop it.

But it has already happened in Israel, to suggest that Israelis need to be sent back to wherever their country of origin in Europe was would be reckless and irresponsible, not to mention completely unfeasible. Israel shouldn't have become a country, but it has, we need to deal with that.

The reason I debate is because some people think it SHOULD have ben formed, which I disagree with, that is simply an argument over the past, a debate for the sake of debate if you will.

But the other, more serious point, is what Israel often does today, acting in ways towards Palestinians that are completely unjustifiable (IMO). Also, lastly, what we do with the Palestinians in the West bank and Gaza, who desperately need to be taken out of the limbo they are in, take out of Israeli occupation and given their own nation.

1,143 posts

Or in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, the U.A.E,

sure they have been there in the early days of judaism. it origions are from that area right?

The origins of Christianity are there as well, they aren't demanding their own country there.
5,129 posts

if we see national identity being threatened today we need to stop it.

why didn't you stop tibet? or do you only stop those that you can beat?

The reason I debate is because some people think it SHOULD have ben formed, which I disagree with, that is simply an argument over the past, a debate for the sake of debate if you will.

i can agree whit that. but i think those people who are still against it and say it should be returned are just hopeless helpless and useless. (i havn't realy readed the topic so i dunno who that are around here, and i don't care either anyway.)

But the other, more serious point, is what Israel often does today, acting in ways towards Palestinians that are completely unjustifiable (IMO). Also, lastly, what we do with the Palestinians in the West bank and Gaza, who desperately need to be taken out of the limbo they are in, take out of Israeli occupation and given their own nation.

i gave up on that topic years ago and i don't read the israel news anymore.
in my opinion they are all doomed. there needs to be another big war there sometime to fight it out and hopefully they are done after that. the dutch - spanish war also toke 80 years. and now we are friends again. just give it some time.
5,129 posts

The origins of Christianity are there as well, they aren't demanding their own country there.

it wasn't ment as a argument that they should have demanded the country. it actualy is unrelated to anything els i said. because that is about where the jews have been in the world. and not where they are right now.
1,303 posts

so it doesn't realy mater what it once was realy.
country's come and go. and what happend in israel is just a example how it can happen.

The problem is, that there is a big conflict there. And people cant just stand by and ignore everything.
danielo and zakyman is good example of how israelis view arabs. They keep saying that arabs/Palestinians are some violence people that wish nothing but destruction of Israel, and Israelis are nothing but good people who want to negotiate for peace.
1,303 posts

if we are going to give back the land to it's original owners then only 2 or 3 countrys in the world will be left over. all the rest would be countrys we have never heared of or only in the books.

We are not talking about thousand years, we are talking about now and when Israel was formed.
And there is different in what was okay for thousand years ago, and what is okay now.
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